ON MONDAY 12th APRIL 2010 at 7pm

PRESENT:Cllr S Austin

Cllr N Dragon

Cllr Mrs J Glover

Cllr R Green

Cllr P Hartle

Cllr Mrs J Jenkins

Cllr Mrs R Marshallsay (Chairman)

Cllr Mrs D Reynolds

Cllr K Wollaston

and approximately 24 members of the public.

1.Public Speaking

Many residents spoke about parking issues :-

Representations were received from Mr David Churchill in respect of the verge parking to properties 25-41 East Street (his property 39 East Street).

Mrs Martha Reynolds produced paperwork in respect of her property and the verge parking to 29 East Street and to 31 East Street, a neighbouring property.

Mr Norman Sheasby spoke about the zig zag lines outside 25-27 East Street.

Mr Chris Evans requested an update on the verge parking to 90-124 East Street.

Mrs Sue Hamilton was worried about the parking outside her property, 33 East Street.

There was lengthy consultation about the above parking issues. Mrs Marshallsay said the Council would continue to try and resolve the problems and asked County Councillor Mike Lovell if he would speak to Mr Ackerman and Mr Westwood before the 1st May. He agreed to pass any information about the parking on to the Clerk.

Mr Steven Dring from Purbeck District Council addressed the Meeting about the need to consider the future of housing development in Corfe Castle as part of the District Councils strategy for the Isle of Purbeck. It is part of their Core Strategy “Planning Purbecks Future 2006-2026”. Currently there was no settlement extension planned for the village. Only infilling or the possibility of a rural exception site if there is a willing landowner. He identified various ways in which affordable housing can be provided for the village. There were questions for him and discussion about the options in the light of previous work the Parish Council has done in respect of housing sites. There is more consultation to come in June and July but the deadline for settlement extension consultation is the 13th May.

Mr David Churchill spoke about the bridge to a path (Right of Way) off West Street having a plank missing and the gates by the railway not latching.

Mrs Marshallsay said the Council would look into the matter.

Cllr Dragon suggested the double litter bin in the square should be on the Parish Council insurance as it was won in the Best Kept Village competition. Although the matter had been referred to Purbeck District Council it may be an item the Parish Council should be claiming for.

2.apologies for absence

Cllr Mrs H Cemm and Cllr G Windsor.

The Clerk was unable to attend through illness.

3.minutes of the Annual parish meeting held on 6th APRIL 2009

Confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a true record of those proceedings.

4.Chairmans report on the activities of the Parish Council

Mrs Marshallsay, the Chairman, gave a review of last year in terms of the Parish Council activities. She gave an overview of all the various projects and problems in which the Council involved itself. Councillors were thanked for the contributions they had made to the work accomplished during the year.

5.VICE Chairman’s report on the financial position

Councillor Rob Green, the Vice Chairman, gave a summary of the financial position of the Parish Council which emphasised how the Parish Precept has only been increased for the current year by 2.96%. The Parish Precept of £20,900 represents £27.55 per Band D property on the Council Tax. He outlined the reserves set aside for the various projects and the small additions made to them. In particular, the measures the Council has taken to keep expenditure in check.

The meeting closed at 8.40 pm
