Presque Isle County Road Commission


January 6, 2014

The regular meeting of the Board of Road Commissioners for Presque Isle County was held at the Road Commission office at 657 South Bradley, Rogers City, Michigan. Chairman Thomas Catalano called the meeting to order at 8:39 a.m.

Board Members Present: Ronald Bischer, Thomas Catalano, Charles Rhode

Also Present: Supt/Mgr. Gerald Smigelski, Clerk Anne Wirgau

Visitors: Daniel Novak - AIS/Deere Equipment, Gary Piper – Alta Equipment


Motion by Bischer (Rhode) to accept the minutes from the December 30, 2013 meeting.

Ayes: All

Accounts Payable:

Motion by Rhode (Bischer) to approve the accounts payable in the amount of $19,025.38.

Ayes: Catalano, Rhode, Bischer

Supt./Mgr Report:

·  The Alpena News reported on Presque Isle County snowfall and winter budget in Saturday’s edition

·  Reminder of MTA Meeting Tuesday, January 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bearinger Township Hall

·  Supt./Mgr will be attending Task Force meeting Friday, January 10, 2014.

Unfinished Business:

Supt./Mgr reported that Dale Kerbyson was in to pick up the FOIA information requested.

New Business:

Motion was made by Bischer (Rhode) to acknowledge, Thomas Catalano as a duly appointed Road Commissioner and as owner of Catalano Forest Products Inc. and Forest Management Systems Inc. and the Road Commission does desire to continue business as usual with all the above.

Ayes: Bischer, Catalano, Rhode

Motion was made by Rhode (Catalano) to acknowledge, Ronald Bischer as a duly appointed Road Commissioner and as owner of Bischer Survey Inc. and the Road Commission does desire to continue business as usual with all the above.

Ayes: Catalano, Bischer, Rhode

The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Bischer and supported by Commissioner Catalano:.


Resolution pertaining to the operation of snowmobiles and registered unlicensed ORV's on the County Road System as follows:

1. Snowmobiles and registered unlicensed ORV's may not be operated on the traveled portion of any county road except as noted in paragraph # 2.

2.   Snowmobiles and registered unlicensed ORV's may be operated on the right of way or shoulder when no unobstructed way exists on the right of way of all “county” roads in the county road system.

3.   These rules are pursuant to Act No. 381, P.A. of 1972, effective January 10, 1973.

Ayes: Bischer, Catalano

Nays: Rhode

Discussion was held regarding snowmobile trespassing with the Board noting that adoption of the Snowmobile/ORV resolution does not authorize snowmobiles to drive upon and access private property without permission from the property owner.

A motion was made by Bischer (Rhode) authorizing expenses for the Clerk and Payroll Clerk to attend the Northern Clerk’s meeting in West Branch on Tuesday, January 28, 2014.

Ayes: Catalano, Bischer, Rhode

A motion was made by Bischer (Rhode) to advertise for a mechanic with applications being excepted until Friday, February 14, 2014.

Ayes: Catalano, Rhode, Bischer

9:00 a.m. – Bid Opening for Motor Grader:

A motion was made by Rhode (Bischer) to accept all bids with Supt./Mgr to review the bids and make a recommendation for bid award at the next meeting.

Ayes: Catalano, Rhode, Bischer

The next meeting dates for the Board of Road Commissioners will be on Monday, January 20, 2014 at 8:30 a.m. and Monday, February 3, 2014 at 8:30 a.m.

There being no further business it was moved by Rhode (Bischer) to adjourn the meeting at 9:36 a.m.

Ayes: All