Spelling List 2.2

Spelling rules

-  difference between a blend and a digraph

-  identify and read a blend and segment up to 4 sounds in a closed syllable

Review of these rules…

- welded sounds: ang, ing, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk

-  definition of syllable

-  how to identify a closed syllable

- concept of base word and suffix

-  /z/ sound of ‘s’

-  read and spell three- sound words with suffix ‘s’

- double consonants ll, ss, ff

- /a/ sound when ll follows (all)

- digraphs (wh, ch, sh, th, ck)

- welded sounds ‘am’ ‘an’ ‘all’

WORDS (blends are underlined and digraphs are boxed)

sent drum must stash swish wept

must vest slush flag cost crab

Sight Words Practice these words weekly as well!

a be for he now the very what

and both has his of they want would

are do have I put to was you