Borough of Bellevue
Intern will create a policy recommendation based on field inspection, code documents, and independent research on how to improve blighted and abandoned properties within the Borough. The intern will create a database for blighted and abandoned building stock, digitize Code Enforcement Office records, and assist with property and cursory neighborhood inspections.
The intern will work with the Chief Code Enforcement Officer and code enforcement staff.
Butler Township
The intern will develop a plan and schedule for completing a Cartegraph Pavement and Infrastructure Management System (CPIMS) which captures the townships infrastructure inventory and its condition in electronic format. Captured information will be linked to the existing GIS system and used to create a 20 year capital improvement plan. This work will allow for targeted distribution of capital improvement funds and greatly enhance service provision within the community.
This opportunity will allow the intern to learn practical skills using a variety of electronic devices and technology platforms and provide valuable experience in infrastructure management. The Township Manager will supervise the intern.
Chartiers Township
The intern will update the Township’s comprehensive plan accounting for new commercial developments. The intern will solicit public participation and input in the planning process through a multi-pronged communications strategy. Should time permit, the intern will assist with developing a records management system. The Township Community Development Coordinator will supervise the intern.
City of Clairton
The intern will have two tasks. First, the intern will work with the City Manager and Solicitor to ensure all requirements are met regarding the sale of delinquent properties. Also, the intern will work with the City Manager and Code Enforcement Officer to create a list of all properties eligible for demolition and work to gain required demolition clearances. The intern will serve absentee landlords with Act 90 notices notifying the landlords of the impending demolition and their financial requirements to the city.
Clinton Township
The intern will create a personnel handbook by reviewing existing personnel policy documents, researching model handbooks, and reviewing job descriptions. The Township Secretary will oversee the intern.
Borough of Homestead
The intern will focus primarily on community development by identifying priority projects under the direction of the Borough Manager. From there, the intern will research and apply for grant funding for these projects. The intern will work on multi-municipal projects and grant applications with neighboring governments and councils of governments.
City of Johnstown
The intern will split their time between four projects. The intern will work with the Residential Development Officer to complete the necessary paperwork to remove any leans from development loans and file the paperwork with the appropriate court officer. This project will last approximately three weeks.
The intern will create a survey to determine the income of residents and execute survey in specific neighborhoods going door to door. This survey will be used to designate future funding for low to moderate income neighborhoods.
The intern will update a business district inventory completed in 2011. Assessment will include visual inspection, square footage calculations, owner confirmation, occupancy, and listing price. This survey will drive the review of ordinances and code enforcement within the district.
Lastly, the intern will work to digitize the City’s code department documentation. This project should take one week to complete. All duties will be supervised by the City’s Director of Community and Economic Development.
City of Aliquippa
Project encompasses a variety of activities and technical work involved with the administration and enforcement of local building and health and safety codes. The intern wil conduct inspections and perform investigations in response to complaints received and take corrective action as needed. Intern will assist Code Enforcement Officer with letter writing, citation filing, and indexing complaints.
Additionally, the intern will be responsible for preparing an inventory and analysis of vacant properties. Intern will recommend properties be included on demolition list or marketed for resale/redevelopment.
Outcomes will be measured by the number of resolved complaints as well as effective preparation of property reports. Intern will be supervised by both the Code Enforcement Officer and City Administrator.
Marshall Township Volunteer Fire Department
The intern will design and implement a technology-based platform to provide first responders with ‘en-route’ information about building access, construction method, and hazardous material information through laptops installed in emergency vehicles. The intern will work to customize the design of the platform, populate data fields, define settings, compile and enter existing data, gather additional data and design data collection forms, and establish procedures for accessing data. The intern will be supervised by the Fire Department President.
Township of Moon
The intern will work with the township communications department on public awareness regarding MS-4 and storm water impacts on the community. This includes public involvement and participation in public hearings regarding MS-4. The intern will also update and maintain an inventory of all storm water discharge outlets.
The intern will work on drafting a new storm water ordinance and create a project list for developments utilizing low impact development practices.
The intern will assist with activities of the planning commission and zoning hearing board and with the retention of township records.
The Assistant Township Manager will supervise the intern.
City of New Castle
The intern will work on digitizing important government documents dating back to the 1800’s. Also, the intern will work on creating a recycling incentive program through RecycleBank or similar program. The program uses carts and bar code technology to track household recycling volume. Also, the intern would encourage local businesses to participate in the program. The intern will report to the CFO.
Pittsburgh City Council District 3
The intern will serve as a Food Security Liaison within a community and act as a project coordinator between government, citizen groups, and nonprofit organizations working to establish a community farm stand. Duties include scheduling meetings, representing government interests at meetings, research, social media campaigns, and monitoring the vitality of the stand once it is established. The project intends to provide a neighborhood access to fresh fruits and vegetables to food insecure residents.
Washington County Transportation Authority
The intern will work with a county transportation authority in the development of a marketing plan to promote and increase public transportation usage under the supervision of the Authority’s Assistant Director. Intern will convene stakeholder meetings to identify underserved riders and public agencies. Part of the marketing plan includes updating and maintaining agency website and creating a photo database for future promotion efforts. Intern will assist with content for quarterly newsletter.
Borough of Braddock
The intern will create an accounts receivable tracking system to process and track delinquent customer accounts related to sewage bill collections. The ideal intern will possess organization, database, and financial analysis skills and be comfortable working with councils of governments, municipal authorities, residents, and council.
Borough of East McKeesport
The intern will update and rate approximately 100 identified vacant properties and work to define ownership, prepare a history of maintenance, and track costs to borough. The completion of this work will enable the borough to decide the fate of these properties. Also, the intern will work on researching and writing a vacant property ordinance. The intern will report to the Borough Manager.