Minutes, November 6, 2014
1. Call Meeting to Order
Vice-Chairman Don Thoes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Court Room of the Collin County Jack Hatchell Administration Building. The following members were present: Don Thoes, Roger Bolin, Bill Mills, Loretta Ellerbe, Buddy Dean, Z Marshall, Joe Helmberger, Todd Wintters, Bill Cox, Gerald Vokolek, Stan Sewell, and Mardy Brown. The following members were not present: Bill Moore, Shep Stahel, and Bracy Wilson. Collin County staff present: Clarence Daugherty, Tracy Homfeld and Teresa Nelson. Guests: none.
2. Public Comments
3. Approval of September 4, 2014, Minutes
Buddy made a motion to approve, second by Roger. Motion passed unanimously.
4. Indications of interest and/or nominations for 2015 vice-chair, for consideration and action at December meeting
Don asked the board of any interest for the vice-chair and Joe expressed he’d give it some consideration. The election of 2015 vice-chair will be conducted during next meeting.
5. Staff update of recent transportation activities
Clarence provided a briefing on the following:
a. US75 managed lanes – conclusion drawn by RTC and TxDOT to wait until legislative session to determine availability of funds;
b. Texas Transportation Commission met in Dallas in September. County Judge made a presentation expressing infrastructure demands in Collin County;
c. Blacklands Toll Road – Public meeting held by NCTCOG staff. Over 200 residents spoke at the meeting going long into the evening. The end result was the RTC declined to consider toll road in that area (east side of County). The Texas Turnpike Corporation (TTC) initiated the project. NCTCOG conducted their typical public interest process and concluded that a tollway was not appropriate at this time. We had not heard at the time of the meeting whether or not TTC will continue to pursue the project.
d. 2007 Discretionary Bond Funds – A total of $15 million was not earmarked for specific projects in the 2007 Bond Program, but was for use by the Commissioners Court. There is also some savings from other projects. The Court asked staff to send out call for projects to the cities and rank the nominated projects with a similar ranking system as was used for the RTR funds., However this was not addressed until after the Mobility Plan was adopted. The Court approved the recommended list at their October 20 meeting. The list of approved projects was provided to members of the Planning Board;
e. Various TxDOT projects;
f. Informed board members that legislature seems to be placing a high priority on transportation funding. There is an emphasis on eliminating the diversions from the Highway Fund (gas tax). There has been some mention of perhaps using part of the new car sales tax. Discussions will be held this next legislative session;
g. A ‘draft’ powerpoint presentation was shared that’s to be presented to Commissioners Court to begin discussions of strategic planning for transportation. A slide of the roads around Dallas County was used to demonstrate the comparison with roads in Collin County. Since the adoption of the Mobility Plan some members of the Commissioners Court have discussed the need to start planning strategically, looking first at the transportation system needed to support Collin County when it is built-out.
6. Distribution of progress reports for the projects funded via the Housing Project Finance Assistance Program
Don reminded the board about the efforts completed by the committee that recommended the recipients for the Housing Project Finance Assistance Program. Staff distributed progress reports from North Collin County Habitat for Humanity, The Samaritan Inn, Emily’s Place, and City House.
7. Future agenda items
§ Loretta expressed strong desire to conduct some meetings in Plano area
§ Presentation provided by TAPS
§ Subdivision Regulations for County
§ Presentation about TxDOT projects
§ December meeting to be held at Greek Isles in Plano
8. Announcements
9. Adjourn
Loretta made a motion to adjourn, second by Buddy. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.