English Language Development Objectives Grades 9-12
English Language Development Standards: Grades 9-12
/ Language Arts StandardsELD Standard 1: Listening
ELD Goal 1.1: Listening Comprehension / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 1.1.1 / Follow Oral Directions / No objectives at this grade level.
B / Follow simple one-step oral directions.
AB / Follow simple two-step oral directions.
I / Follow simple multi-step oral directions.
EF/F / Follow multi-step oral directions.
ELD 1.1.2 / Understand Social and Academic Conversations / 9-12.Spch.6.1.3
Draw conclusions about the ideas under discussion and support those conclusions with convincing evidence.
B / Demonstrate comprehension of simple social conversations on familiar topics with contextual support.
AB / Demonstrate comprehension of simple social and academic conversations on familiar topics with contextual support.
I / Draw conclusions from social conversations and simple academic discussions on mostly familiar, concrete topics.
EF / Draw conclusions from academic discussions on mostly concrete topics.
F / Draw conclusions from academic discussions on concrete and abstract topics.
ELD Standard 1: Listening
ELD Goal 1.1: Listening Comprehension / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 1.1.3 / Understand Main Idea of Information Presented Orally / 9-12.Spch.6.1.4
Evaluate the clarity, quality, effectiveness, and general coherence of a speaker’s important points, arguments, evidence, organization of ideas, delivery, choice of words, and use of language.
B / Identify literal concepts in simple information presented orally with visual support.
AB / Briefly describe the main idea and a few supporting details in simple information presented orally with visual support.
I / Evaluate the general coherence of information presented orally with visual support.
EF / Evaluate the general coherence and effectiveness of a speaker’s important points and some evidence.
F / Evaluate the general coherence and effectiveness of a speaker’s important points, evidence, and organization of ideas.
ELD Standard 2: Speaking
ELD Goal 2.1: Speaking Applications / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 2.1.1 / Ask and Answer Questions / 9-12.Spch.6.1.2
Summarize a speaker’s purpose and point of view and ask questions concerning the speaker’s content, delivery, and attitude toward the subject.
B / Ask simple questions to clarify a speaker’s briefly stated opinion about a basic, familiar topic.
AB / Ask simple questions to determine a speaker’s point of view about a basic topic.
I / Ask questions to elicit information about a speaker’s content and determine the speaker’s point of view on the subject.
EF/F / Summarize a speaker’s point of view and ask questions about the speaker’s content and attitude toward the subject.
F / Summarize a speaker’s point of view and ask specific questions about the speaker’s content and attitude toward the subject.
ELD Standard 2: Speaking
ELD Goal 2.1: Speaking Applications / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 2.1.2 / Communicate Information Orally / No objectives at this grade level.
B / Express basic needs, feelings, and information on familiar topics using simple sentences.
AB / Express needs, feelings, and information on some newly presented topics using more detailed sentences.
I / Paraphrase oral information on new topics presented with visual support.
EF/F / Summarize major ideas and supporting details.
ELD 2.1.3 / Organize Oral Presentations / 9-12.Spch.6.2.1
Choose appropriate techniques for developing the introduction and conclusion in a speech, including the use of literary quotations, anecdotes, and references to authoritative sources.
B / Complete a graphic organizer or label a series of illustrations on an experience or familiar topic using simple sentences.
AB / Complete a graphic organizer that introduces a familiar topic and includes a quotation or reference, using sentence frames.
I / Organize simple oral presentations with an introduction and conclusion, including literary quotations or references to authoritative sources, using key sentence starters.
EF / Organize oral presentations with an introduction and conclusion, including literary quotations, anecdotes, and references to authoritative sources.
F / Organize oral presentations with an introduction and conclusion, including literary quotations, anecdotes, and references to authoritative sources; use expanded word choice and sentence structure.
ELD Standard 2: Speaking
ELD Goal 2.1: Speaking Applications / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 2.1.4 / Deliver Oral Presentations / 9-12.Spch.6.2.7
Deliver narrative presentations that narrate a sequence of events and communicate their significance to the audience.
Deliver expository presentations that provide evidence in support of a thesis. Include related claims and include information on all relevant perspectives.
B / Retell experiences in response to prompts using simple sentences.
AB / Deliver brief narrative and informative oral presentations on familiar topics using some detailed sentences, with some prompting.
I / Deliver brief narrative and expository presentations that maintain a focus on a sequence of events or thesis, including some significant points and detailed sentences.
EF / Deliver narrative and expository presentations that maintain a focus on a sequence of events or thesis, and include information on significant points.
F / Deliver narrative presentations that narrate a sequence of events and communicate their significance; deliver
expository presentations that state a thesis, and include information on different perspectives.
ELD Standard 3: Reading
ELD Goal 3.1: Reading Process / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 3.1.1 / Use Text Features to Understand Information / 9.LA.1.2.1 Analyze the structure and format of various informational documents. / 10.LA.1.2.1 Analyze the structure and format of various informational documents. / 11.LA.1.2.1
Identify the features and the rhetorical devices of a variety of literature and informational documents. / 12.LA.1.2.1
Identify the features and the rhetorical devices of a variety of literature and informational documents.
B / Identify basic text features in informational text.
AB / Use basic text features in informational texts to locate a few key points.
I / Use text features and basic organizational structures in informational text at independent reading level to locate and describe key points.
EF / Use text features and organizational structures in informational text near grade level to locate and describe key points.
F / Use text features and organizational structures in informational text at grade level to locate and explain key points.
ELD Standard 3: Reading
ELD Goal 3.1: Reading Process / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 3.1.2 / Use Graphic Features to Support Understanding of Text / No objectives at this grade level.
B / Identify familiar graphic features (e.g., diagrams, maps) in informational text at independent reading level.
AB / Use familiar graphic features in informational text at independent reading level to locate a few key points.
I / Use graphic features in informational text at independent reading level to describe key points.
EF / Interpret graphic features of text near grade level.
F / Interpret graphic features of text at grade level.
ELD 3.1.3 / Decode Words Using Phonological Awareness Skills / No objectives at this grade level.
B / Identify first, middle, and last sounds in a single-syllable word; match vowel and consonant sounds to all letters.
AB / Use word patterns and/or word families to decode words.
I / Use knowledge of vowel digraphs, diphthongs, and r-controlled letter-sound associations to read new words.
EF/F / Apply knowledge of letter-sound associations to decode regular words and recognize irregular words.
ELD Standard 3: Reading
ELD Goal 3.1: Reading Process / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 3.1.4 / Decode and Determine Meaning of Words Using Knowledge of Word Parts / 9.LA.1.8.1 Use knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes to analyze the origin and meaning of unknown words. / 10.LA.1.8.1 Apply knowledge of roots and word parts to draw inferences about new words. / 11.LA.1.8.1 Apply knowledge of roots and word parts to draw inferences about new words. / 12.LA.1.8.1 Apply knowledge of roots and word parts to draw inferences about new words.
B / Decode and determine the meaning of words using knowledge of common base words and a few simple prefixes and suffixes.
AB / Decode and determine the meaning of words using knowledge of common roots, prefixes, and suffixes at independent reading level.
I / Determine meaning of words using knowledge of common root words and word parts in text at independent reading level.
EF / Determine meaning of words using knowledge of root words and word parts in near grade-level text.
F / Determine meaning of words using knowledge of root words and word parts in grade-level text.
ELD 3.1.5 / Use Context to Determine Meaning of Words / 9.LA.1.8.2 Use context analysis to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. / 10.LA.1.8.2
Use context analysis to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words. / 11.LA.1.8.2 Use context analysis to determine the meanings of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words from American literature. / 12.LA.1.8.2
Use context analysis to determine the meanings of unfamiliar and multiple-meaning words in literature representing various English speaking cultures and periods.
B / Identify the meaning of familiar words.
AB / Identify the meaning of some unfamiliar words using context in text at independent reading level.
I / Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words and words with multiple meanings using context in text at independent reading level.
EF / Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words and words with multiple meanings using context in near grade-level text.
F / Determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and words with multiple meanings using context in grade-level text.
ELD Standard 3: Reading
ELD Goal 3.2: Reading Comprehension / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 3.2.1 / Follow Written Directions / No objectives at this grade level.
B / Follow simple one- and two-step written directions.
AB / Follow simple multi-step written directions.
I / Follow multi-step written directions.
EF/F / Follow written procedures in informational text and identify the main purpose.
ELD 3.2.2 / Describe Main Idea in Text / 9.LA.2.2.1 Identify the thesis, evidence, and argument in informational texts (e.g., newspaper editorials and campaign speeches).
Compare and contrast themes across works of prose, poetry, and drama. / 10.LA.2.2.1 Critique the logic of informational texts by examining the sequence of information and procedures.
Compare works that express a universal theme and provide evidence to support the views expressed in each work. / 11.LA.2.2.1 Analyze the relationships among theses and arguments in informational texts (e.g., newspaper editorials, promotional literature).
Analyze the ways in which the theme represents a view or comment on life, using textual evidence to support the claim. / 12.LA.2.2.1 Analyze the relationships among theses and arguments to evaluate claims made in informational texts (e.g., policy statements, campaign speeches).
Evaluate the ways in which the theme represents a view or comment on life, using textual evidence to support the claim.
B / Identify orally the main idea in brief, simple text with visuals.
AB / Identify the main idea and some supporting details in brief text with visuals using expanded sentences.
I / Identify a theme or thesis and supporting evidence in text at independent reading level.
EF / Critique a universal theme or a thesis in near grade-level texts and provide supporting evidence from each work.
F / Analyze a universal theme or a thesis and arguments in grade-level texts.
ELD Standard 3: Reading
ELD Goal 3.2: Reading Comprehension / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 3.2.3 / Make Inferences and Draw Conclusions Based on Text / 9.LA.2.1.1 Synthesize the content from several sources on a single issue; paraphrase ideas to demonstrate compre-hension. / 10.LA.2.1.1 Synthesize the content from several sources on a single issue; compare and contrast ideas to demonstrate compre-hension. / 11.LA.2.1.1 Compare and contrast similar themes or topics by authors from different time periods or cultures to explain how the historical or cultural context shapes each author’s point of view. / 12.LA.2.1.1 Compare and contrast similar themes or topics by authors from different time periods or cultures to explain how the historical or cultural context shapes each author’s point of view.
B / Draw conclusions from brief, simple texts with visuals on a familiar topic.
AB / Draw conclusions from several brief, simple texts with visuals.
I / Synthesize content from several sources on a single issue and identify similar themes in texts at independent reading level.
EF / Compare and contrast ideas and themes from several sources in near grade-level texts.
F / Compare and contrast ideas and themes in grade-level texts and explain how the historical or cultural context influenced each author’s point of view.
ELD 3.2.4 / Analyze Characters, Settings, and Plots / 9.LA.2.3.2 Determine characters’ traits by what the characters say about themselves in narration, dialogue, and soliloquy. / 10.LA.2.3.2 Analyze characters’ traits by what the characters say about themselves in narration, dialogue, and soliloquy. / 11.LA.2.3.2 Analyze how voice and the choice of a narrator affect characteri-zation. / 12.LA.2.3.2 Evaluate how voice and the choice of a narrator affect characteri-zation and the tone, plot, and credibility of a text.
B / Identify orally the main characters and basic sequence of events in simple stories read aloud with visuals.
AB / Describe the main characters, setting, and sequence of events in simple stories with visuals.
I / Analyze basic aspects of characters in stories at independent reading level.
EF / Analyze characterization, choice of narrator, and plot in near grade-level text.
F / Analyze characterization, plot, choice of narrator, and credibility in grade-level text.
ELD Standard 4: Writing
ELD Goal 4.1: Writing Process / Grade 9 / Grade 10 / Grade 11 / Grade 12
ELD 4.1.1 / Plan, Write, Revise, and Edit a Draft / 9.LA.3.1.3 Apply organizational strategies to plan writing.
9.LA.3.1.4 Match format to purpose and audience.
9.LA.3.2.1 Use the ideas generated and organized through prewriting to write a draft.
9.LA.3.3.1 Revise draft for meaning, clarity, and effective organization.
9.LA.3.4.2 Edit for correct punctuation, spelling, grammar, and usage errors. / 10.LA.3.1.3 Apply organizational strategies to plan writing.