Regular Meeting June 12, 2012
Planning Commission Members present:
Phil Lampert Oonagh Wood
Mike Fleming Dean Johnson
Sheila Green
Planning Dept. Staff present: David Green, Lili Momeyer
Guests Present: Keith Anderson, Blair McCaskell, Mindy McCaskell, Jack Knust, Brian Boyer
Call to Order: Chairman Phil Lampert called the meeting to order at 5:02in the Commissioners’ Room of the Custer County Courthouse.
Approval of Agenda:
Changes to the Agenda: Staininger Access Review can be struck because of the Subdivision Policy Statement that was passed by the Commissioners on June 7, 2012.
Greenmoved to approve the agenda. Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Minutes
Johnsonmoved to approve the minutes of April 3, 2012. Green seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Permit, Petition and Plat Review:
1. Lots F1 and F2 of McDill Subdivision – Phase II – Plat of Lots F1 and F2, all of Lot F of McDill Subdivision – Phase II, containing a portion of Govt Lot 9 (Homestead of James Henderson) and a portion of Tract 1 of McDill Subdivision of Govt Lot 17 located in the SW4 of Section 1, and the NW4 of Section 2, all in T3S, T3E, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Applicants: Ilona and Thomas McDill, Sr.
Discussion: The owners are proposing to subdivide and split off 8 acres. The floodplain issues have been addressed and correction and have been made to the plat and not reviewed yet.
S. Green moved to approve the preliminary and final plat with the Planning Director’s recommendations and the corrections. Fleming seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Lampert asked to put CBJJ later in the agenda as the Boyer’s were not present.
2. McCaskell Variance - Tract 1 of Lot 2 of HES #457 in W2, Section 30, T4S, R3E, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Applicants: Blair and Mindy McCaskell.
Discussion: The building location is against the USFS. The power will be underground. The applicants are asking for a 10’ variance from the setback. Fleming asked if the driveway could be moved so a variance would not have to be granted. D. Green stated that this variance would have no impact on anyone else.
Wood moved to approve the variance. Fleming seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
3. CBJJ Subdivision - Plat of Tracts 1 through 31 (inclusive) and of Tract Pond of CBJJ Subdivision located in Gov’t Lots 3 and 4 of Section 7 and in Gov’t Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, W2NW4, NE4, SE4 Section 18, T6S, R4E, and the SE4 of Section 13, T6S, R3E, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Applicants: CBJJ, LLC
Discussion: D. Green stated that this plat is a little confusing as the Commission has been seeing it since 2008 and there have been changes. A large portion of the original CBJJ plat has been sold. In 2008 a condition was put on the plat regarding the roads and a bond was posted. Since then this is a new subdivision and the requirement of a 24’ road could be required again. The Highway Superintendant wants a 24’ wide road. It was determined that the roads would have to be brought up to county standards if the county was ever to take over the maintenance of the roads. Boyer stated they were under the number of houses for high density and their covenants only allow for one house per parcel. D. Green stated that Ordinance 2 allows for two houses per parcel. There was discussion about the road districts in that area combining into one district. The last time this plat was seen the Planning Commission wanted the roads brought up to county standards and the connection made to West Argyle Road.
Fleming moved to approve the preliminary plat with the Planning Director’s recommendations, the corrections, the roads are brought up to 24’ and the section line is developed to West Argyle Road.. Green seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
4. Cell Tower Modification – NE corner of Section 8, T3S, R8E, BHM, Custer County, South Dakota. Applicant: Matt Newsome/Design One.
Discussion: All AT&T and Verizon towers are replacing antennas. There are two missing pieces of information and Newsome is getting them to us. When they are received this will be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners.
C. Other Items
1. Ordinance 2, Land Use Ordinance discussion –D. Green presented the Ordinance 2 work in progress.
D. Adjourn
Holland moved to adjourn the meeting. S. Green seconded the motion. The meeting was declared adjourned by Lampert at 6:54 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
David Green
[Draft] Minutes, Page 1