RIDE announces an opportunity for
Early Childhood Special Education Programs
to participate in the 2017-2018
Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education (IECSE) Technical Assistance Initiative
Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education services ensure that young children with disabilities are able to access and actively participate in general early childhood environments by embedding the necessary support, service, and intervention within the daily classroom activities.
RIDE is offering technical assistance to a small cohort of districts during the 2017-2018 school year. Participating teams of early childhood special education administrators, teachers and therapists, along with their general education partners, will receive at least one year of targeted and individualized technical assistance to bridge the gap between theory and practice and to support the implementation of quality inclusive practices.
School districts and general early childhood education partners who demonstrate a commitment to supporting young children with disabilities in high quality general early childhood settings are eligible to participate.
To participate, special education programs must:
· Demonstrate that the early childhood special education administrator/ECSE Coordinator has completed, is in the process of completing, or has registered to complete “The Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Service Delivery Model” 6 session professional development series
· Demonstrate that at least one early childhood special education teacher and at least one early childhood therapist have completed, are in the process of completing, or have registered to complete “The Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Service Delivery Model” 6 session professional development series
· Identify at least one general early childhood program (community-based or within the public school). * It is highly recommended that each program has received a BrightStars rating of at least a 3 and/or a 4 or above on the ECERS.
· Demonstrate that the early childhood special education administrator/ECSE Coordinator will participate in the monthly IECSE Community of Practice (CoP). Early childhood special education teachers and therapists are also welcome to attend.
· Ensure that members of the IECSE team (ECSE administrator, ECSE teacher(s) & therapist(s), EC education coordinator & EC teachers) are available to participate in monthly on-site TA activities (program based meetings, classroom visits, ICP reviews, creation and implementation of improvement plans to support children’s successful participation in the general education)
To participate, each general early childhood program must:
· Demonstrate that at least one general early childhood education coordinator/leader and one general early childhood teacher have completed, are in the process of completing, or have registered to complete the “Intro to the Itinerant Early Childhood Special Education Service Delivery Model (IECSE) for General EC Teachers” 2 session professional development opportunity
· Demonstrate that the general early childhood education coordinator/leader will participate in the monthly IECSE Community of Practice (CoP). General early childhood teachers are also welcome to attend.
· Demonstrate agreement to allow annual implementation of the Inclusive Classroom Practice (ICP) assessment within each participating general early childhood classroom
· Ensure that the EC education coordinator/leader & EC teacher(s) are available to participate in monthly on-site TA activities (program based meetings, classroom visits, ICP reviews, creation and implementation of improvement plans to support children’s successful participation in the general education)
Special education programs and partnering early childhood programs will receive:
· A baseline Inclusive Classroom Practice (ICP) assessment in each participating general early childhood classroom
· On-site technical assistance to assist the team in developing a program and/or classroom improvement plan that addresses next steps in implementing quality inclusive practices
· Ongoing training and technical assistance both individually and in clusters for at least 1 year to support program/classroom improvement efforts
If interested, please fill out the attached form and return it electronically to by June 30, 2017.
RI IECSE TA Participation Request
Please complete the following application if you are interested in receiving IECSE technical assistance through the RI Department of Education. Technical assistance will support your efforts to ensure that young children with disabilities are able to access and actively participate in general early childhood environments.
We are currently able to support a small number of districts in implementing the itinerant early childhood special education service delivery model. To participate in this technical assistance school districts are expected to partner with at least one general early childhood program such as a state-funded PreK or a Head Start, either within the public schools or within the community. In addition, districts are required to meet all of the criteria as outlined on the previous page.
Please complete the attached application by identifying the early childhood special education administrator/leader, at least one itinerant early childhood special education teacher and, at least one therapist. In addition, please identify the general early childhood program(s), along with the corresponding education coordinators, and general early childhood teachers who will actively participate in this initiative.
If you have further questions, please contact Ruth Gallucci at or 222-8947.
Section 1 (Required)
A. District:
B. Name of ECSE Administrator/EC Coordinator:
Role in District:
Office Location:
Contact Email: Phone:
Date completed the 5-Session IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
C. Name of IECSE Teacher:
Current Position:
Contact Email: Phone:
Experience Consulting in General EC Setting:
Date completed the 5-Session IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
D. Name of IECSE Therapist:
Current Position:
Contact Email: Phone:
Experience Consulting in General EC Setting:
Date completed the 5-Session IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
Section 2(Optional)
A. Name of Additional Spec. Educ. Participant (leaders, therapists etc.):
Current Position:
Contact Email: Phone:
Experience Consulting in General EC Setting:
Date completed the 5-Session IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
B. Name of Additional Spec. Educ. Participant (leaders, therapists etc.):
Current Position:
Contact Email: Phone:
Experience Consulting in General EC Setting:
Date completed the 5-Session IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
C. Name of Additional Spec. Educ. Participant (leaders, therapists etc.):
Current Position:
Contact Email: Phone:
Experience Consulting in General EC Setting:
Date completed the 5-Session IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
D. Name of Additional Spec. Educ. Participant (leaders, therapists etc.):
Current Position:
Contact Email: Phone:
Experience Consulting in General EC Setting:
Date completed the 5-Session IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
(This page may be copied as necessary to add additional service providers.)
Section 3 (Required)
A. General Early Childhood Program:
Program Location:
BrightStar Rating: Date of Rating:
* It is highly recommended that each community based program has received a BrightStars rating of at least a 3 and/or a 4 or above on the ECERS.
B. Name of General Early Childhood Education Coordinator:
Contact Email: Phone:
Date completed the 2-Session Intro to the IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
C. Name of General Early Childhood Teacher:
Contact Email: Phone:
Number of children with IEPs in current class:
Number of children above who only receive speech services:
Date completed the 2-Session Intro to the IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
D. Name of General Early Childhood Teacher (optional):
Contact Email: Phone:
Number of children with IEPs in current class:
Number of children above who only receive speech services:
Date completed the 2-Session Intro to the IECSE Service Delivery Model PD:
Or registered to participate in an upcoming PD beginning on:
Section 4 (Required)
Please describe your district’s current or past partnership with the general early childhood program, if any:
(This page may be copied as necessary to add additional general EC programs)
Section 5 (Required)
Please describe any factors which make your district a strong candidate for participation in the IECSE Technical Assistance Initiative:
Section 6 (Required)
I acknowledge and agree to the requirements as outlined on page 1 and request participation in the IECSE TA Initiative.
ECSE Administrator/EC Coordinator Signature: Date:
IECSE Teacher Signature: Date:
IECSE Therapist Signature: Date:
Additional Spec. Educ. Participant Signature: Date:
Additional Spec. Educ. Participant Signature: Date:
Additional Spec. Educ. Participant Signature: Date:
Additional Spec. Educ. Participant Signature: Date:
General EC Program #1:
General EC Education Coordinator Signature: Date:
General EC Education Teacher Signature: Date:
General EC Education Teacher Signature: Date:
General EC Education Teacher Signature: Date:
General EC Program #2 (Optional):
General EC Education Coordinator Signature: Date:
General EC Education Teacher Signature: Date:
General EC Education Teacher Signature: Date:
General EC Education Teacher Signature: Date:
Please e-mail the complete application to . Thank you