Texas History

Fort Burrows

1st Semester Review

Chapters 1 - 9

Chapter 1

  1. The Llano Estacado and the Edwards Plateau are landforms in which region?
  1. The Coastal Plain is set off from the western regions by a steep cliff called a(n) what?
  1. Which region has low and marshy land and includes the pine forests of the ‘Piney Woods’ ?
  1. Which region is known for Big Bend National Park ?
  1. Mountains, deserts, plateaus and plains are examples of ?
  1. Ranching takes place in an area with lots of what?
  1. The plants and animals that live in an area naturally are a result of what?
  1. What types of things define a people’s culture?
  1. Which region has rolling and hilly land with many mesas and buttes ?
  1. Geographers divide Texas into how many regions ?

Chapter 2

  1. How did climate allow the first humans to come to the Americas from Asia?
  1. From what Indian word did the name Texas originate ? and what tribe?
  1. These groups of Indians were of the ‘tallest’ of all Texas Indians. It is also believed that they practiced ‘ceremonial cannibalism’. Who were they ?
  1. Which tribe became expert horse riders, known as ‘warriors of the plains’, and were feared by other tribes?
  1. Which people traded well-made bows and pottery?
  1. Name three things the Comanches and Apaches used the buffalo for?
  1. What Group introduced the Indians to horses ?
  1. Which tribe lived in Northeast Texas ?

Chapter 3

  1. Identify the French empire in the Americas:
  1. List 3 things Cabeza de Vaca wrote about in his book:




  1. How did Cabeza de Vaca get to Texas:
  1. Identify Cortes:
  1. Identify Pizarro:
  1. Identify the Reconquista:
  1. Identify the Llano Estacado:
  1. List 3 goals of the Spanish in exploring the New World:




  1. How did Marcos de Niza contribute to the legend of the Seven Cities of Gold?
  1. Which expedition produced a useful map of the Texas coast?
  1. What happened to La Salle’s colony?

Chapter 4

  1. List 3 reasons why Native Americans came to missions:




  1. How did the U.S. and New Spain become neighbors?
  1. Define republic:
  1. List the filibusters from this chapter:
  1. Why were soldiers unhappy at the presidios?
  1. Define catechism:
  1. What was Los Adaes:
  1. Define pirate
  1. Define cede:
  1. Define presidio:
  1. Define peninsulares:
  1. When did Mexico win its independence?
  1. Identify the Neutral Ground Agreement:
  1. What kind of work did Native Americans perform on the missions?
  1. What happened to the 1stEast Texas mission?
  1. Define mission:

Chapter 5

  1. What happened to Austin’s grant when Mexico won independence?
  2. How did Mexico’s colonization laws attract settlers?
  1. What was the effect of Mexican independence on Texas?
  1. What is one reason many Mexicans did not want to colonize Texas?
  1. Identify Baron de Bastrop:
  1. Identify Pecan Point:
  1. What happened when Moses Austin went to San Antonio in 1820?
  1. How did FortSt. Louis threaten the Spanish claim to Texas?

Chapter 6

  1. List 3 parts of the Law of April 6, 1830:




  1. What did Mexico do about Texans who had slaves?
  1. What Mexican commander was sent by Santa Anna to break up the state government?
  1. What happened at Velasco?
  1. Why did the government of Mexico put a tax on goods imported into Texas from the U.S.?
  1. What did Santa Anna do in 1834?
  1. Identify the Convention of 1833:

Chapter 7

  1. Why did the Texans want to defend the Alamo?
  1. How were the American and Texas Revolutions the same?
  1. What was the effect of the massacre at Goliad?
  1. Why was the Texans’ capture of Goliad important?
  1. Identify the Runaway Scrape:
  1. Why is Gonzales called the “Lexington of the Texas Revolution”?
  1. Define Anglo.

Chapter 8

  1. What happened to Santa Anna after his capture?
  1. How did Houston know Santa Anna’s plans?
  1. Define renege:
  1. Define dictator:
  1. When did Cos and his men join Santa Anna’s army?
  1. What reasons did the Texas Declaration of Independence give for Texas to separate from Mexico?
  1. Define ratify:
  1. Define skirmish:
  1. What mistakes did Santa Anna make before San Jacinto?




  1. Why did Houston want the Convention of 1836 to focus on forming a government?
  1. What kind of assistance did the Texans get from the U.S.?
  1. List things Houston did before leading the Texas army:
  1. Identify Washington-on-the-Brazos:
  1. Define negotiate:

Chapter 9

  1. Why did the population of Texas grow during the Republic?
  1. How did Houston gain control of the army?
  1. How did the population of Texas change during the Republic?
  1. How did Houston solve the conflicts with Native Americans?
  1. Why did the U.S. not annex Texas in 1837?
  1. Why did Texas face serious financial problems?
  1. List 3 problems faced by ranchers:




  1. What caused renewed fighting between Texas and Mexico in 1842?
  1. What town became the capital of Texas under Lamar?
  1. List 3 problems in Houston’s 1st term:




1 of Semester I Review Chapter 3 thru 9