National Association of Presidential Assistants in Higher Education
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
July 31, 2014 and August 2, 2014
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Board of Directors Meeting
Offices of LeeSmith • Washington, DC
July 31, 2014 • 1:00 p.m.
PRESENT:Cynthia Buskey-Martin, Ken Butler, Kim Durr, Kathryn Enke, Monica Huffman, April Lee, Tony Mesa, Kelley Mills, Mark Lanier, Penny Perdue, Sydney Peterson, Theresa Singletary, Kai Swanson, Twila King Yoder
PRESENT:Linda Ryan
- Approval of Minutes
Chair Sydney Peterson called the meeting to order at 1:14 p.m. Each member of the Board introduced him- or herself, and the Directors welcomednew members to the Board.
The Chair asked if there were any changes to the minutes of the June 11 teleconference. Mr. Mark Lanier noted that he was on the call, but was listed as present at the meeting. Mr. ken Butler said he would correct the minutes.
Ms. Kim Durr moved to accept the minutes of the June 11, 2014, Board teleconference as amended. Ms. Monica Huffman seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
- Bylaws Amendments
Discussion ensued on changes to the Bylaws. Ms. Peterson, Mr. Butler, and Administrator Linda Ryan explained the changes that have been made to the Bylaws and answered questions from Directors. Ms. Peterson suggested that the Board wait until Saturday to ratify the Bylaws, in case further edits become necessary, based on upcoming Board discussions. Ms. Ryan asked Mr. Butler to prepare a summary of the changes for posting on the website. Mr. Butler said he would distribute a revised set of Bylaws to the Board in advance of Saturday’s meeting.
- Memo of Understanding
Ms. Peterson reported that the Corporation and the Administrator both signed the Administrator’s Memo of Understanding prior to July 1. Ms. Peterson asked if the Officers should meet to review the MOU. Ms. Ryan noted that there is no language in the MOU for the website work that she now regularly completes. She was asked to prepare and submit additional language for the MOU, and send it to the Board for comment.
- Membership Survey
Ms. Penny Purdue drew the Board’s attention to the draft survey, and informed the Board that answers to her listserv query for questions to be included in the survey fell into broad categories: baseline demographic data on who PA’s are; members’ expectations of the organization; members’ avenues of professional development; members’ portfolio of responsibilities; the NAPAHE Website, and professional organizations. Discussion followed, and the Board narrowed and streamlined the questions. Ms. Purdue said she would distribute a revised set of questions to the Board in advance of Saturday’s meeting.
- Committee Structure Discussion
Ms. Peterson asked which committees arein need of more members. Discussion followed, and several members were added to Committees.
- Sponsorship Committee
As Mr. Tony Mesa would not be able to attend Saturday’s meeting, Ms. Peterson asked him to give his report. Mr. Mesa stated that he has drafted a letter to Chancellors and Presidents regarding the conference and asking for sponsorships. One letter is to the Board Members’ institutions. It was suggested that the Committee wait until September to send letters, when offices know their budgets. The Board discussed the levels of sponsorships and the importance of being specific for what a $5,000 sponsorship affords the donor. Also, it will be important to specify to potential sponsors how broad our organization is in the types of institutions represented, and it was suggested that we include some demographic information on NAPAH and how far-reaching a sponsorship might be. Mr. Mesa stated that he has set a December 1, 2014, deadline for sponsorships for the 2015 Conference, and will stress to sponsors the deadline for receipt of advertising artwork. It was suggested that we add to the survey a question asking for companies used on our campuses that could be potential sponsors. Discussion followed on the website’s sponsor page on the website, and whether we shouldadd links to companies’ websites or add text about each company.
- Higher Ed Directory
Ms. Ryan informed the Board that she has purchased a digital copy of the Higher Ed Directory and it is now available for use by the Communications and Membership Committees, as well as any other Committee that might have use of it.
- Strategic Planning
Ms. Peterson stated that she is concerned that the Board has not addressed its strategic plan over past two years. We need to move forward with both short- and long-term goals. What do we want the planning process to look like? Ms. Peterson wants to leave this meeting with some goals, then discuss implementation. Projects like the membership survey, Bylaw revisions, professional development, newsletters, and conference calls should be on the table for these discussions. Ms. Peterson also asked what the Board could put in place to make transitions easier for new Board officers and members. No one has been in charge of these things, so nothing gets done, and there is not enough time for each new Chair to handle these matters. Discussion followed.
- Investment Committee
Mr. Lanier reported that we have realized returns of over $2000 on our initial investment of $50,000, which has grown to $52,091. In order to be responsible shepherds of our members’ funds, we have elected to take a conservative approach to our investments,utilizing a 60-40 split between equity and debt funds. Mr. Lanier noted that we need to set up the online viewing option so that he can see our statements; at present, only Dr. Blake Fry can see the online data.
- Treasurer Report
Mr. Kai Swanson reported that the organization is financially healthy. With surplus balances each year, Mr. Swanson asked if we need to be investing in our members by offeringnew or improved benefits to our members. It was stressed that we want to keep membership dues low, and not increase the conference registration fee. Ms. Purdue Penny asked if we could institute a lottery connected to the membership survey, the winner of which would be awardedone free conference registration. Other suggestions included offering anadditional conference grant; spendingfunds to offer a webinar to the membership;and the addition of a new feature at the conference.
The meeting was suspended at 4:30 p.m., with the intention to re-convene on Saturday morning, August 2.
The Board then reconvened on Saturday, August 2, in the offices of Lee & Smith, Washington, DC.
PRESENT:Cynthia Buskey-Martin, Ken Butler, Kim Durr, Kathryn Enke, Heather Fehn, Monica Huffman, April Lee, Kelley Mills, Mark Lanier, Penny Perdue, Sydney Peterson, Theresa Singletary, Kai Swanson, Twila King Yoder
PRESENT:Linda Ryan
Chair Sydney Peterson called the meeting to order at 8:52 a.m.
- Committee Structure Discussion (cont’d)
It was noted that the terms of both Mr. Lanier and Mr. Swanson will end in March 2015; it is important that the Nominating Committee seek persons with financial expertise for next year’s slate of new members. Ms. Peterson noted that there is currently one vacant seat on the Board, and that we could fill that position before the March Annual meeting, if we feel it is important to find someone with the necessary financial expertise now.
Proposed Professional Development Committee
Mr. Butler noted that, per the Bylaws, professional development is currently the purview of the Membership Committee. He asked if we want to change that committee description or continue professional development activities under the purview of the Membership Committee. It was agreed to have the Membership Committee continue to be the committee that pursues professional development activities for the membership. Ms. Peterson urged Membership Committee Chair Cynthia Buskey-Martin to add members to the Committee, and Ms. Durr and Ms. Huffman volunteered to serve on the Committee to work with professional development.
Summer Meeting Schedule
Ms. Heather Fehn proposed that we structure the summer Board and conference meeting in such a way that we maximize our time and efficiency. It has been useful to combine a summer Conference Committee meeting in conjunction with the Board Meeting, and Ms. Fehn thinks there are other ways to make the summer meetings for efficient and cost-effective. For example, we could hold the summer meetings at a Board member’s institution to minimize or eliminate meeting room and food expenses. Or we could have the meeting in the same city as the conference will be the following year, so that we can combine the conference meeting and the site visit. Discussion followed. Ms. Peterson offered to host the summer meetings in 2015 at her institution in northern Utah.
- Officer and Committee Reports
- Chair-Elect
Ms. Huffman had no report, though she stated that she stands ready to assist in any way she can, so that she might learn how the various Committees function.
- Nominating Committee
In the absence of Chair Ijade Maxwell Rodriques, Mr. Butler gave a brief report. The Committee has review documents for the submission of the names of potential Board members, and has revised its timetable for the nomination process based on the new language proposed in the amendments to the Bylaws. Ms. Fehnsaid that the Committee should look at evaluation forms to gauge interest of the membership in joining the Board. Mr. Butler asked Ms. Fehn to send Ms. Maxwell Rodrigues the 2014 survey results for distribution to the Committee.
- Conference Committee
Ms. Fehn thanked Boardmembers for their work with the Conference Committee yesterday. She will update the work list and distribute to the Board and the Committee, then schedule another conference call in a few weeks to check on everyone’s progress. Mr. Lanier noted that we should develop a session that addresses student success and Ms. Fehn thought that we might approach the subject via student affairs offices. Discussion followed.
- Communications
Ms. Purdue called the Board’s attention to the revised survey (see Attachment #1). After a brief discussion, it was agreed that Ms. Purdue will work with Ms. Ryan to place the survey on the NAPAHE website and send an email to the membership alerting them both to the survey, and to the lottery for a free conference registration. Ms. Ryan noted that we will need to make it clear that the lottery winner would receive the conference registration as a reimbursement, as there is no way to comp registrations through the ACE website. Ms. Purdue then engaged the Board in a discussion of possible additional items for the NAPAHE website, such as blogs featuring short items by Board members and/or guest bloggers, with discussions flowing from the news items. Discussion followed.
Kai Swanson moved all survey completion enter into drawing for reimbursement of NAPAHE Conference Registration. Ms. April Lee seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously.
- Membership
Ms. Buskey-Martin stated that renewal letters have gone out for August membership renewals; September renewal letters will go out next week. Discussion ensued on the will of the Board to attempt to reinvigorate regional groups. Ms. Fehn expressed the opinion that, with the ease of communication today; regional groups might be of less importance to members. She suggested that we might offer regionallistservs rather than face-to-face meetings.
Ms. Ryan reported that we current have 547 members. A total of 28 complimentary memberships were offered following the 2014, conference, of which 7 converted to active membership.
Discussion returned to the subject of the perks of sponsorships on the NAPAHE website, which might include a quarter of free sponsorship on website for conference advertising. No decision was reached.
- Awards and Recognition
Ms. Twila Yoder said that, in addition to the Distinguished Service and Professional Achievement Awards, the Committee is also charged with awarding a conference grant to first-time attendees, as well as a conference grant from the Texas Chapter funds. Ms. Yoder noted that this will be the final year of the Texas grant fund, as that fund is nearly depleted. The NAPAHE awards criteria and lists of awardees appear on the website; Ms. Yoder noted that there has been a slight change in the criteria for professional achievement. Please send nominations for either award to Ms. Yoder at your earliest convenience. Ms. Purdue suggested that the Board send a press release of next year’s winners to higher education media outlets.
- Administrator’s Report
Ms. Ryan stated that, as her institution is engaged in a presidential search, she may eventually decide to retire from Drake University. If that happens, Ms. Ryan is willing and interested in continuing as NAPAHE’s Administrator.
- Bylaw Amendments(cont’d)
Discussion returned to the Bylaw Amendments (see Attachment #2). Mr. Butler asked if further amendments were needed. Hearing none, Ms. Peterson asked for a motion to ratify the amendments.
Ms. Kathryn Erbemoved to ratify the Bylaw amendments for distribution to the membership for approval. Mr. Lanier seconded the motion, which was approvedunanimously.
- Strategic Planning
After a discussion of the group formed at last summer’s meeting Ms. Peterson stated that the committee’swork has stalled; she will reach out to Ms. Huffman and Dr. Edward Summers for direction and notes from the committee’s meeting.
- Other
Ms. Yoder noted that at year’s conference, there are a large number of first-time attendees; however, that doesn’t seem to translate to a larger total conference attendance the following year. She wondered why first-timers don’t return? Discussion followed. Mr. Butler agreed to compile a list of attendees from as many conferences as we have on record, so that the Board might use the document to discern if first-timers simply don’t return, or if there are other factors at work.
- Adjournment
Ms. Peterson thanked everyone for three days of good work. The meeting was adjourned at 11:21 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ken Butler
NAPAHE Board Secretary