To: All Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay, on Tuesday 7th May, 2013 at 7.30 p.m. for the transaction of the business stated below.
Mrs. L.A. Martin Orchard House,
Clerk of the Council 90 Howard Cornish Road,
Marcham, Abingdon,
Tel: (01865) 391833 Oxon. OX13 6PU
1. Election of Chairman
2. Declarations of Interest
a) To receive declarations of interest from councillors on items on the agenda under consideration at this meeting.
b) To receive written requests for dispensations for disclosable pecuniary interests. c) To grant any requests for dispensation as appropriate
3. Election of Vice Chairman
4. Appointment of Planning Working Group (4)
5. Appointment of Oxfor dshire Association of Local Councils representative (1)
6. Appointment of Village Hall Management Committee representative (1)
7. Appointment of Public Transport representative (1)
8. Appointment of RWEnPower Liaison Committee representatives (2)
9. Appointment of FCC Liaison Committee representatives (2 councillors and/or 2 residents to a maximum of 3)
10. Appointment of Millennium Common Committee representative (1)
11. Appointment of Harwell Stakeholder Group representative (1)
12. Appointment of Culham Liaison Committee representative (1)
13. Appointment of Milton Park Liaison Committee representative (1)
14. Appointment of Western Villages Alliance Group representative (1)
15. Appointment of Police Neighbourhood Action Group representative (1)
16. Appointment of Damascus Advisory Committee representatives (2)
17. Appointment of Oxfordshire County Council Minerals an dWaste Stakeholder Froum Group representative (1)
18. Appointment of Parish Plan Steering Group representatives (2)
19. Appointment of Recreation Ground management working group representatives to meet with Football Club and Cricket Club (3)
20. Appointment of Landfill Site Working Party – Remit to consider issues relating to the landfill site.
21. Appointment of Technical Group representatives
22. Appointment of representative to Didcot Community Forum
23. Appointment of Cemetery Working Party – Remit to plan the next stage of the cemetery and to review cemetery fees.
24. Appointment of Review of Effectiveness of Internal Audit Working Party – Remit to review the effectiveness of the internal audit
25. Appointment of Reservoir Affected Parishes Group representative
26. Village Hall – Parish Council as Custodian Trustee. Appointment of representatives to meet with the village hall management committee on village hall matters
27. Appointment of Substitutes for members unable to attend committee/group meetings.
28. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies for absence.
29. Minutes of the meetings held on 2nd April, 2013
To approve the minutes as a correct record of the proceedings.
30. Matters arising from the Minutes of the meetings held on 2nd April, 2013
Footpath 27 – potholes
Research Sites Ltd – formerly Harwell has confirmed that they do not own the section of footpath 27 from Frilsham Street, but entered into easement agreements with the adjacent property owners to lay the pipe. Ownership of the “roadway” appears therefore to rest with the property owners.
Gas Works around village
The clerk has received further comments regarding the poor restoration following the gas pipe works. A meeting to check the areas has been requested with the County Council officer responsible for checking the restoration, and also a representative from Southern Gas Networks.
Sutton Courtenay Lane – repairs
The problems with potholes/depressions in the road have been reported to the County Council. They have confirmed that they are not in the programme for action as they are not considered a safety defect at this time.
Litter Pick
This would take place on Saturday 29th June from 10.00 a.m. commencing in the recreation ground.
31. Public Participation
An opportunity for the public to bring parish matters to the attention of the Council.
32. County Councillor
To note the election of a new County Councillor
33. District Councillor’s Report
To receive a report on District Council matters from Cllr. G. Duffield.
34. Matters raised by Councillors for information
35 Police Matters
36. Planning Applications
a) Decisions on previous applications
b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting
none received
c) Applications for consideration at the meeting
P13/V0694/FUL Creation of new pond, associated re-profiling of north education pond and deepening and additional of liner to newt pond. Creation of brash/wood piles
Environmental Study Centre, Sutton Courtenay Lane
P13/P0823/HH One and half storey side extension
93 Bradstocks Way
For: Mr. I. Maconochie
MW.0052/13. Application for a lawful development certificate for proposed importation of pulverised fuel ash other than from Didcot Power Station to Hanson’s rail sidings
Appleford Rail Sidings
For: Hanson Aggregates
P13/V0858/HH Single storey front side extension, proposed single storey rear side extension
Cedar Croft, High Street
For: Mrs. R. Munoz de Duckett
P13/V0401/0 Demolition of 44 Milton Road to create access, residential development of site for up to 70 dwellings, including vehicular access, pedestrian and cycle links, public open space, landscaping and drainage.
Land north of Milton Road (Amended details) – Available on the website of the Vale of White Horse District Council
For: Redrow Homes
d) Planning Correspondence
(i) Notification received that an appeal has been lodged against the refusal by the Vale of White Horse District Council to grant consent for 9 dwellings on land at Peewit Farm.
(ii) Planning Application – Demolition of 44 Milton Road, construction of 70 dwellings – Redrow Homes
To consider, at the request of agents for Redrow Homes, whether the Parish Council would be willing to take a transfer of the public open space in this development with a financial contribution towards maintenance of it.
37. RWEnPower Liaison Committee 8th April, 2013
To receive a report from Cllr. Hanks who attended this meeting.
38. Millennium Common Committee
a) To note the information regarding the establishment and operation of the site – circulated to members.
b) To note the debate regarding the future management of the area will take place on Thursday 9th May at 4.00 p.m. in FCC’s offices. This is the next ordinary meeting of the Common Committee. Council agreed to send several representatives to meet with the County Council.
39. Culham Plans for Future Development Exhibition 25th April, 2013
To receive a report from members who attended this exhibition
40. North East Didcot Housing Partnership Presentation 11th April, 2013
To receive a report from Cllr. Woodward who attend this exhibition
41. Vale of White Horse District Council – Local Plan 2029 Part One
To consider comments on the draft Local Plan 2029. This is available for viewing at
42. Vale of White Horse District Council – Community Governance Review
The District Council is undertaking a review of the Community Governance and is inviting the Parish Council to put forward any suggested changes to the local arrangements that it would like to see.
To consider any comments to the District Council.
43. Old Wallingford Way
a) To consider a letter from a parishioner regarding the potholes and state and condition of Old Wallingford Way to the Cemetery.
b) To consider flooding in Old Wallingford Way rendering the right of way impassable, and any Parish Council action.
44. Village Green – Car parking
a) To note the problem that some of the posts around the Green are missing, and cars and other vehicles are gaining access.
To consider Parish Council action.
b) The broken bench seat, reported at the last meeting, has had to be removed as it was beyond repair.
To consider Parish Council action and whether it is replaced.
45. Recreation Ground
a) To receive the report on the condition of the play equipment/recreation ground – weekly inspection by Council.
b) To appoint the play area inspection person for the next month.
46. Correspondence
a) Southern Oxfordshire Leader Fund - Final Event 7th June, 2013 Dorchester Abbey
Invitation to attend the final meeting regarding the success of the Southern Oxfordshire Leader Programme and the future funding available through Leader. An opportunity also to view some of the projects.
b) English Heritge – RWEnPower, Didcot Power Station
Confirmation that English Heritage has now completed its assessment of the power station and the Secretary of State has confirmed that it is her intention not to list the building.
c) Vale of White Horse District Council – Change of property address
Notification received that 9 Courtenay Close will in future be known as Willow House.
d) National Institute for Health Research
Open day – West Wing Atrium at the John Radcliffe Wednesday 15th May, 2013
between 12.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m.
47. Accounts
a) To approve receipts and payments account for the year ended 31st March 2013 b) To approve accounts for payment as per list circulated to members
48. Items for Sutton Courtenay News
To consider items for inclusion in Sutton Courtenay news
49. Date of Next Meeting.
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 4th June, 2013.
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