What to do if my data does not sync between devices?
← Cloud Sync
Execute the following steps on all your devices:
- Update SafeInCloud app to the latest version on all your devices.
- Go to the Cloud Sync settings and select None on all your devices.
- If you cannot login (wrong password error), enter any password 3 times and choose to Delete the local data.
4.Move the cloud database file to some safe place else:
Where is the cloud database located?
← Cloud Sync
The cloud database location depends on a cloud:
Google Drive
File location: /SafeInCloud.db
Web address:
File location: /Apps/Safe In Cloud/SafeInCloud.db
Web address:
File location: /Apps/SafeInCloud Password Manager/SafeInCloud.db
Web address:
5.Make sure that you have the same SafeInCloud password on all your devices.
6.Select your cloud in the Cloud Sync settings and authenticate again. Configure the same cloud account on all your devices.
7.Finally, check the status of the last sync at the Cloud Sync settings page.