

Topic (A-head) / Factual / Conceptual / Applied
Defining the Field / MultipleChoice / 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10-17, 19, 24, 27, 29 / 2, 21, 25, 26 / 5, 7, 9, 18, 20, 22, 23, 28
True/False / 1
ShortAnswer / 1, 2
Essay / 3 / 1, 2
Theories of Child Development / MultipleChoice / 33, 35-38, 40, 42, 44, 47-50, 52, 57, 61-63, 67-69, 74-77, 80-82, 85, 88-93, 95, 96, 98, 101 / 30, 32, 34, 41, 51, 53-55, 64, 70, 73, 78, 84, 86, 87, 97, 99, 102-104, 106 / 31, 39,, 43, 45, 46, 56, 58-60, 65, 66, 71, 72, 79, 83, 94, 100, 105
True/False / 2-4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12-14 / 5, 11 / 7
ShortAnswer / 3, 4, 6-8 / 5
Essay / 4 / 5 / 6
Research in Child Development / MultipleChoice / 107, 109, 117, 121, 124, 125 / 108, 110,, 111, 118, 119, 122, 126, 129, 131 / 112-116, 120, 123, 127, 128, 130, 132
True/False / 16 / 15, 17, 18
ShortAnswer / 9, 10
Essay / 8 / 7
Applications and Careers related to Children / MultipleChoice / 134, 135, 137-139, 142-144, 148 / 136, 140, 141, 146, 147, 149 / 133, 145
True/False / 19
ShortAnswer / 11

Chapter 1: Exploring Child Development

Chapter 1Exploring Child Development

1.1Multiple-Choice Questions

1.1-1) The field of study in which researchers from many disciplines work to describe and understand physical, cognitive, and social changes in children as they grow is called

A) psychology.

B) psychoanalysis.

C) child development.

D) socioemotional development.

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-1

Page Ref:2

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:C) child development.

1.1-2) Theories act as filters for identifying relevant information, observations, and relationships. This means that they

A) determine how far children can develop.

B) influence the kinds of questions that researchers ask about development.

C) help explain biases in thinking and acting.

D) shape the beliefs and values of each culture.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.2-1

Page Ref: 8

Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:B) influence the kinds of questions that researchers ask about development.Theories highlight important aspects of development and draw attention to specific influences.

1.1-3) What are the 3 primary facets or components of development?

A) physical, cognitive, and socioemotional

B) cognitive, socioemotional, and behavior genetics

C) socioemotional, behavior genetics, and cultural

D) physical, cognitive, and cultural

Difficulty: 1

Question ID:1.1-3

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:A) physical, cognitive, and socioemotional

1.1-4) Which of the following is an example of physical development?

A) communication and language

B) attachment to the primary caretaker

C) growth of the brain and nervous system

D) improvements in long-term memory

Difficulty: 1

Question ID:1.1-4

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:C) growth of the brain and nervous system

1.1-5) Shortly after birth, Terrell could not even hold his head up, but just a few months later, he can hold his head up and roll over from his back to his stomach. These advances in Terrell's muscle strength and coordination are examples of

A) physical development.

B) cognitive development.

C) socioemotional development.

D) child development.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID:1.1-5

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:A) physical development. Motor skill acquisition is an aspect of physical development.

1.1-6) Changes in how children think, remember, and communicate is called

A) physical development.

B) cognitive development.

C) socioemotional development.

D) child development.

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-6

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:B) cognitive development.

1.1-7) Francisco does well in school, and in particular, he enjoys math and science classes. Intellectual skills such as memory, problem solving, and logic that are practiced in classes such as these are part of ______development.

A) socioemotional

B) cultural

C) physical

D) cognitive

Difficulty: 1

Question ID:1.1-7

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:D) cognitive Cognitive development includes skills such as memory, problemsolving, and logic.

1.1-8) Socioemotional development is best described as how

A) children interact with other people.

B) children view themselves.

C) one society views children from a rent society.

D) society molds the emotions of children.

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-8

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer: A) children interact with other people.

1.1-9) Amy is going through a “lanky” period of development. This indicates that

A) she is thin due to malnutrition.

B) she is tall as she exercises a lot.

C) she has unusually long limbs.

D) her height gain outpaces her gains in weight and muscle mass.

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-9

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:D) her height gain outpaces her gains in weight and muscle mass.

1.1-10) An approach that considers development as an interaction of biological, social, and psychological factors is the

A) information-processing approach.

B) combinational approach.

C) biopsychosocial approach.

D) behavior genetics.

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-10

Page Ref: 4

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer: C) biopsychosocial approach.

1.1-11) According to the biopsychosocial approach, development is an interaction of the following factors:

A) biological, social, cultural.

B) biological, psychological, social.

C) biological, psychological, cultural.

D) social, cultural, emotional.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-11

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:B) biological, psychological, social.

1.1-12) This model was first developed as a way to better understand illness and wellness.

A) information-processing approach

B) combinational approach

C) biopsychosocial approach

D) behavior genetics

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-12

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:C) biopsychosocial approach

1.1-13) An approach to study connections between neurons in an intact brain is called:

A) connectionalism.

B) connectonics..

C) connectedness.

D) neuroconnectionism.

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-13

Page Ref: 5

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer: B) connectonics.

1.1-14) Connectomics is an approach that scientists use to visualize

A) connections between neurons.

B) biological connections between fraternal twins.

C) emotional connections between child and caretaker.

D) connections between genes.


Question ID: 1.1-14

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:A) connections between neurons.

1.1-15)Using the ______approach, neuroscientists are now able to identify and track changes in connections among neurons.

A) neurological

B) biological

C) connectivity

D) connectomics

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-15

Page Ref: 5

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:D) connectomics

1.1-16) Sociobiology is a subarea within

A) psychosocial theory.

B) the information-processing approach.

C) behavioral theories of child development.

D) ethology.

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-16

Page Ref: 15-16

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:D) ethology.

1.1-17) The study of the evolutionary development of social interactions among humans and among animals is called

A) behavior genetics.

B) imprinting.

C) sociobiology.

D) neuroscience.

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-17

Page Ref: 15-16

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:C) sociobiology.

1.1-18) Matthew was angry and punched Jacob because he wanted the toy truck that Jacob had. This is an example of ______development.

A) physical

B) cognitive

C) socioemotional

D) child

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-18

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:C) socioemotionalAggressive behavior is aspect of socioemotional development.

1.1-19) Nature refers to

A) interactive forces that impact development.

B) environmental forces that impact development.

C) cognitive forces that impact development.

D) biological forces that impact development.

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-19

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer: D) biological forces that impact development.

1.1-20) Like his father, Joshua has curly brown hair and brown eyes. These similarities between parent and child can be best explained by the influence of

A) culture.

B) language.

C) diet.

D) nature.

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-20

Page Ref: 4

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer: D) nature. Physical traits like eye color are determined by nature (i.e., biological influences).

1.1-21) Among the following, which is LEAST likely to be considered an aspect of "nurture"?

A) access to adequate nutrition and medical care

B) the influence of parents and other significant adults

C) genetic characteristics within a family

D) cultural background and history

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-21

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:C) genetic characteristics within a family Genetic influences are an aspect of nature.

1.1-22) Janice is studying the effects of diversity on child development. From what families should she draw her sample?

A) families with gay and lesbian parents

B) single-parent families

C) families with adopted children

D) all of the above

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-22

Page Ref: 6

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:D) all of the above

1.1-23) At school, and with his friends, Jose speaks English. While at home, he speaks Spanish with his parents and sister. Jose’s experiences with two languages illustrate the influence of ______on child development.

A) cognitive development

B) diversity and multiculturalism

C) genes

D) the microsystem

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-23

Page Ref: 6

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:B) diversity and multiculturalism Jose lives in a community that includes people of diverse ethnic and racial groups, cultural backgrounds, languages, etc.

1.1-24) Which of the following theorists thought that experience and learning, or nurture, determined what children would become?

A) John Watson

B) Jean Piaget

C) Sigmund Freud

D) Urie Bronfenbrenner

AnswerDifficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-24

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:A) John Watson

1.1-25) Research on how nature and nurture influence the development of IQ suggests that

A) nature has a larger impact than nurture.

B) nurture has a larger impact than nature.

C) both nature and nurture have an impact.

D) neither nature nor nurture hasan impact.

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-25

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:C) both nature and nurture have an impact. Evidence from adopted twins who are raised together versus apart indicates that both biology and environment have an influence on IQ.

1.1-26) Bouchard and McGue (1981) found that the IQs of identical twins are ______when the twins are raised together than when they are adopted and reared apart.

A) more similar

B) higher

C) lower

D) no different

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-26

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:A) more similar Being raised in different environments influences each twin’s IQ in a different way.

1.1-27) ______refers to a new emphasis in psychology on the study of happiness and positive development.

A) Information processing approach

B) Psychoanalytic theory

C) Positive psychology

D) Ethology

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-27

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:C) Positive psychology

1.1-28) Which of the following examples might be studied by a positive psychologist?

A) aggressive behavior in adolescence

B) sharing and cooperation in preschool children

C) depression in children with chronic illnesses

D) effects of brain damage on language development

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-28

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Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:B) sharing and cooperation in preschool childrenSharing and cooperation are positive behaviors that enrich or benefit others.

1.1-29) ______children are those who rise above adversity, such as illness, abuse, or poverty during their childhood and develop in positive ways.

A) Adaptive

B) Healthy

C) Successful

D) Resilient

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-29

Page Ref: 6

Topic:Defining the Field


Answer:D) Resilient

1.1-30) Theories do all of the following EXCEPT

A) organize a wide variety of varied facts in a coherent fashion.

B) allow future behavior to be predicted with some level of certainty.

C) encourage further exploration and discovery of new facts.

D) ignore historical contributions and focus on contemporary research.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-30

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:D) ignore historical contributions and focus on contemporary research. Over time, theories are carefully evaluated and revised. New theories are gradually adopted as they are shown to explain a wider range of behaviors.

1.1-31) Erica’s parents are concerned about her frequent tantrums. After consulting a parenting handbook, they decide to apply Skinner’s theory of positive reinforcement, by praising and rewarding her for good behavior. In particular, the theory allows them to predict that Erika

A) will sleep better at night.

B) will develop better language skills

C) will have fewer tantrums.

D) will improve her reading ability.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-31

Page Ref: 13

Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:A) will sleep better at night. Theories allow prediction of future behavior and events. By applying a theory, Erica’s parents can predict how it will influence her.

1.1-32) How do parents, teachers, counselors, and others who work with children benefit from theories?

A) Theories provide guidance in real-world situations.

B) Theories replace the need for hands-on training or experience.

C) Theories provide detailed solutions to specific problems.

D) Theories are correct because they have been tested and verified.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-32

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:A) Theories provide guidance in real-world situations. A theory provides a framework for guiding and shaping the development of children.

1.1-33) When a researcher wants to test a theory, she or he needs to create

A) another theory.

B) a hypotheses.

C) behavior genetics.

D) psychoanalytic theories.

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-33

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:B) a hypotheses.

1.1-34) An important difference between theories and hypotheses is that

A) theories do not allow prediction of future behavior and events.

B) hypotheses can be tested and directly verified.

C) theories are specific, while hypotheses are general.

D) theories are only valid during the historical period in which they were created.

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-34

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer: B) hypotheses can be tested and directly verified. By definition, theories cannot be directly verified. Rather, they are used to generate specific predictions (hypotheses) that can be tested.

1.1-35) Which of the following answers shows the correct order of the emergence of theories regarding child development?

A) psychoanalytic theory, cognitive theory, behavioral/social learning theory, neuropsychology

B) psychoanalytic theory, behavioral/social learning theory, neuropsychology, cognitive theory

C) psychoanalytic theory, behavioral/social learning theory, cognitive theory, neuropsychology

D) psychoanalytic theory, neuropsychology, cognitive theory, behavioral/social learning theory

Difficulty: 3

Question ID: 1.1-35

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:C) psychoanalytic theory, behavioral/social learning theory, cognitive theory, neuropsychology

1.1-36) Psychoanalytic theories are theories that focus on

A) the structure of personality.

B) observable environmental conditions.

C) biological explanations of development.

D) the interactions among systems and variables.

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-36

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:A) the structure of personality.

1.1-37) According to ______, the mind contains three basic components: the id, the ego, and the superego.

A) Freud

B) Watson

C) Piaget

D) Erikson

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-37

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:A) Freud

1.1-38) Psychoanalytic theory proposes that the ______is present at birth and is inherited from our evolutionary ancestors.

A) ego

B) conscious mind

C) superego

D) id

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-38

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer: D) id

1.1-39) Sarah knows that stealing her friend's homework is wrong. Sigmund Freud would say that this is due to the influence of Sarah's

A) id.

B) ego.

C) superego.

D) religious upbringing.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-39

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:C) superego. According to Freud, the superego represents the moral branch of personality and contains our ethical principles, ideals, and conscience.

1.1-40) Which branch of the personality is described as containing the subconscious, primitive sexual, and aggressive instincts?

A) id

B) ego

C) superego

D) none of the above

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-40

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:A) id

1.1-41) Critics of Freud have argued that his theory focuses too much on

A) the influence of the child’s environment.

B) developmental changes that occur during adulthood.

C) the unconscious mind and sexual impulses.

D) the coordination of sensorimotor schemes.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-41

Page Ref: 11

Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:C) the unconscious mind and sexual impulses. Freud’s theory was influenced by his patients’ difficulties and may not be an adequate explanation for normal development.

1.1-42) What is the correct order of the stages of psychosexual development?

A) oral, anal, latency, phallic, genital

B) oral, anal, genital, latency, phallic

C) genital, latency, phallic, anal, oral

D) oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 1.1-42

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:D) oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

1.1-43) Natasha is a 6-month-old who often plays with her toys by chewing on them and exploring them with her mouth.This type of behavior suggests she is in Freud’s ______stage of psychosexual development.

A) oral

B) anal

C) phallic

D) latency

Difficulty: 1

Question ID: 11.1-43

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:A) oral. During the oral stage, the infant’s mouth is an erogenous zone that is stimulated by sucking, biting, chewing, etc.

1.1-44) A fixation is

A) an occurrence in which the child acquires the superego of the same-sex parent.

B) an area of development that brings delayed gratification.

C) a place where development is blocked, and development becomes stuck at that level.

D) an occurrence in which the child acquires the superego of the opposite-sex parent.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-44

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:C) a place where development is blocked, and development becomes stuck at that level.

1.1-45) Three-year-old Tamika is transitioning from pull-up diapers to regular underwear. According to Freud, her current stage of psychosexual development is likely to be

A) oral.

B) anal.

C) phallic.

D) latency.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-45

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:B) anal. Bowel control (i.e., delay of gratification) is a major aspect of the anal stage.

1.1-46) Nine-year-old Timmy only wants to play with other boys because he thinks that girls are "gross." Which of the psychosexual stages is Timmy probably experiencing?

A) anal

B) latency

C) genital

D) phallic

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-46

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:B) latency. During the latency stage, sexual impulses and urges are repressed.

1.1-47) Assuming that fixation has not occurred, a teenager should be in which of Freud's five psychosexual stages?

A) oral

B) latency

C) phallic

D) genital

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-47

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:D) genital

1.1-48) Freud’s most controversial proposal involved a phenomenon called the Oedipus complex, which occurs during the

A) oral stage.

B) anal stage.

C) phallic stage.

D) latency stage.

Difficulty: 2

Question ID: 1.1-48

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Topic:Theories of Child Development


Answer:C) phallic stage.

1.1-49) According to Freud’s theory of psychosexual development, during the Oedipus complex, young children

A) seek oral gratification by sucking, biting, and babbling.

B) have unconscious sexual desires for their opposite-sex parent.