Board of Directors’ Minutes – March 18, 2010
Carrousel Travel Conference Room, Richfield, MN
Board Members:
Present: Shanna Ballsrud, Lorie Beerling, Kathy Casmer, Arek Dudek, Richard Ezrilov, Bill Fitzgerald, Sue Jerutis, Neal Kraemer, M. J. McKeon, Michele O’Brien, Dick Pedtke, Paul Thurmes
Absent: Richard Ansel, Bob Ezrilov, Sonia Ungerman
Quorum Present: Yes
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:30 p.m. by K. Casmer, Board President
Minutes: January 6, 2010 BoardMinutes -- N. Kraemer moved to accept the minutes, seconded by D. Pedtke and accepted by the Board. The Executive Committee Minutes of March 9th were also approved.
- Board Positions/Miscellaneous Board Information
New Foundation Board Member and Treasurer: Based on the March 9, 2010 Executive Committee unanimous vote to elect Bill Fitzgerald to the A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation Board (ABOHLF), K. Casmer requested ratification of the Executive Committee decision. Unanimous ratification was received from the Board of Directors who were present at this meeting and Bill was welcomed to the Board.
Assistant Treasurer Board Position: K. Casmer indicated that the Executive Committee recommended at the March 9 meeting that the Board appoint S. Ballsrud as Assistant Treasurer at the March 18, 2010 Board Meeting. Action: K. Casmer moved to elect S. Ballrud as Assistant Treasurer, seconded by mj McKeon and unanimously accepted by the Board.
Board Position Availability: In response to Courtney Golz’ interest in board membership, K. Casmer indicated that at the present time there are no board positions available at present.
Board Member Duties: Information from the Minnesota Council on Foundations was distributed to each board member. It covered 1) Governance, 2) Board Fiduciary Duties and 3) Transparency/Accountability In order to educate our Board, K. Casmer urged all board members to review these documents to keep current on responsibilities of being a board member. Action:
Board members to review the documents. Action: K. Casmer will work with the Board re training on board duties/responsibilities at our May 20th Board Meeting.
Electronic Voting: K. Casmer indicated that electronic voting should rarely be used because verbiage may be easily misinterpreted.
- Financial Reports – K. Casmer/B. Fitzgerald/Miscellaneous Financial Information
2009/2010 Financials - The 2009 and 2010 fr reports were reviewed. Action: S, Jerutis moved to accept the reports, B. Fitzgerald seconded, Board unanimously approved.
- Both Dick Pedtke and K. Casmer stated that we need to be able to Compare 2010 Budget vs. Actual and at our May 20th Board Meeting. Action: B. Fitzgerald will work on updating this information for review at our Thursday, May 20 Board Meeting.
Form 990 - The submission date to the IRS is May 15, 2010. K. Casmer informed the Board that Olsen Thieland CPAs prepared ABOHLF Form 990 for 2008 and asked that we use them for our 2009 filing since they are familiar with our Foundation. Neal Kraemer moved to accept this motion and D. Pedtke seconded and unanimous approval was received from the Board. Action: K. Casmer to work with the CPA’s to complete the submission.
ABOHLF Sunshine Fund: $225 was collected from a number of the Board Members present at this meeting. Action: mj McKeon will (1) Set up a separate saving account within her bank account to keep the funds (2) Will send a notice to those who did as yet contribute asking for their contribution at our May 20th Board Meeting.
- Vision/Mission
Request for Patient Support:The request that was received in February was discussed. It was agreed that this was an area that needed to be addressed. The reason that the foundation was unable to fund this request at the time was because it did not fit with our currently defined mission. It was suggested that we need to look at the ABOHLF Mission and update Promoting Community Involvement or add an additional bullet to our mission.
A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation Minutes
March 18, 2010
Page Two
- Vision/Mission (Cont’d)
Possible Angel Foundation Collaboration:On February 15th K. Casmer, S. Jerutis and mj McKeon (S. Ballsrud was unable to attend) met with Margie Sborov, Founder and Board President of the Angel Foundation (AF), to discuss the possibility of creating a fund within the AF for lung cancer patients only.
- M. Sborov confirmed that this is a definite option and they already have in place, breast and brain tumor funds. An individual can only request a grant every 24 months. The amount is normally between $500; $1,000 is available to breast cancer patients. The AF administers the fund at no charge to the donor.
- ABOHLF would be shown as a partner on their website and prominently mentioned in the letter sent to the recipient. M. O’Brien asked if the AF would consider a matching grant (e.g. if ABOHLF gave $500, would AF match the fund for the client?) Action: K. Casmer to follow up with M. Sborov re this possibility and report back to the Board.
- S. Ballsrud expressed her mother Judy Golz wishes to establish a fund to touch those who needed assistance and to facilitate it through the Angel Foundation. At present there is over $5,000 available for this cause. S. Ballsrud indicated that an annual fundraiser may be created and produced each year to maintain this fund. A dance-a-thon or concert are ideas being considered.
Plan to Review/Revise Vision & Mission Statements: Due to the above request for patient financial support and the strong possibility of similar requests, the Board of Directors will revisit our Mission with the idea of adjusting it to cover such requests at our Thursday, May 20th Board Meeting. K. Casmer explained that we must be clear on our mission so that we don’t mislead our donors. Action: ABOHLF Board
- Thoracic Nurses Conference – June 11, 2010: ABOHLF is working with this group headed by S. Kern of North Memorial Hospital. The event will be held at Fairview Hospital. Approximately 40-50 oncology nurses will attend this conference. The speakers will include physicians and other health professionals including the Minnesota Department of Health representatives.
We will be recognized on all their collateral print and have complimentary exhibit table at the event for distribution of our materials. Since they are not a non-profit organization, they required an organization such as ours to facilitate the flow of approximately 6 checks from sponsors of or to vendors of the event. Action: B. Fitzgerald/S. Ballsrud – Check Initiation and S. Jerutis/mj McKeon – Event Coordination.
- (1) GiveMN Involvement – D. Pedtke initiated our connection and C. Golz has now established
a password for ABOHLF so that we can view contributions made to our Foundation via GiveMN.
- (2) Charities Review Council – D. Pedtke commented that it is our financials must be current in order to remain in good standing with CRC. Dick spent a great deal of time and effort on this project and we do not want to lose a credible endorsement for our Foundation.
A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation Minutes
March 18, 2010
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- Updates
Website – S. Jerutis informed us that our improved website is up.
- To enhance the site, a blog is being created.
- The email address has been changed to . This email will be monitored by S. Ballrud and C, Golz. Action: S. Ballsrud/C. Golz.
- Members may now access Board Meeting Minutes at
Our Webmaster, Peter Ostrander, will continue to assist with our website for $10/month. Payment of $60 every six months will be paid to Mr. Ostrander. Action: S. Jerutis to provide invoice for payment twice a year.
2010 Lung Run/Walk (LR/W: S. Ballsrud/mj McKeon gave a brief overview of progress made by the 2010 Committee. Meetings are being held monthly and the frequency of the meetings will increase as we get closer to the event. Action: S. Ballsrud/mj McKeon plus Lung Run/Walk Committee
Lung Run/Walk Sponsors: Jerutis commented that we need our board members to evaluate their associates/colleagues for potential major sponsors for our Twin Cities Lung Walk/Run. Action: All Board Members
Radon Initiative– S. Jerutis reported that a Radon Tee is being sent through the USA to promote radon awareness. It will arrive in Minnesota on December 1, 2010. There will be events in which we participate in to raise the awareness re radon. Action: S. Jerutis to keep us updated.
Radon Contact for ABOHLF: S. Jerutis informed the Board that due to her increased involvement with the 2010 Lung Run that she would not be able to continue as our radon liaison with Andrew Gilbert of the Minnesota Department of Health. B. Fitzgerald suggested that Ron Ungerman, Sr. founder of Ungerman Construction, be contacted re taking on this role or designating someone from his organization to do so (possibly Ron, Jr.) Action: S. Jerutis to contact Ron, Sr. the week of March 29, 2010
2010 Joint Conference: ABOHLF’s is waiting to receive further information re our joint event in November with American Lung Association in Minnesota Action– mj McKeon/S. Jerutis to continue pressing for specifics on the event..
2009 Annual Report: K. Casmer and Dick Pedtke have completed the annual report. A copy was distributed to everyone at the meeting. More will be printed for future use.
Research Donation - LUNGevity: – In B. Ezrilov’s absence, Neal Kraemer reported that the Research Committee is recommending that ABOHLF continue funding the second year of Sreenath Sharma PhD of Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and Jeffrey Borgia, PhD of Rush University Medical Center, Chicago projects.. ABOHLF will donate $100,000 that will be matched by LUNGevity for a total of $200,000. Unanimously approved by the Board.
A. Dudek commented that we should check the length left on the above research projects prior to donating the total amount to them. Motion made by N. Kraemer to continue investigating this subject, A. Dudek seconded. The Board unanimously passed this recommendation.
Dr. Dudek offered to create a form for vetting possible research projects that might be accessible from the University of Minnesota and also Mayo Clinic. Action: A. Dudek
- Additional Subjects
Thank you to Courtney Golz: On behalf of the Board, K. Casmer expressed thanks to Courtney for her continued administrative support and specifically her assistance recording and depositing the many memorial donations received in the past month and also sending out the appropriate letters to those who donated funds in honor of loved ones. Courtney is keeping track of time spent on ABOHLF projects.
A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation Minutes
March 18, 2010
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Additional Subjects (Cont’d)_
ABOHLF Lung Foundation Donation Form: M. O’Brien asked if we had created a donation form to be available to potential donors. mj McKeon responded that she had begun creating it but had
not completed it. Action: mj to complete a draft form and email it to the Board Members for their review prior to the middle of April 2010
Teleconferencing: A discussion was held regarding the possibility of utilizing this form of communication in the future for board meetings, etc. Action: B. Fitzgerald to check into the feasibility of using this type of communication.
Memorials: K. Casmer commented that in some cases memorials that have been received are delegated to specific lung cancer causes such as research. In ABOHLF’s case, both Lise Kraemer and Mike Corcoran requested requested that donations made for them should go to research.
ABOHLF needs a process tol honor restricted requests. patient or their families. Action:B. Fitzgerald/S. BallsrudFinance
Refreshments – May 20, 2010: Action: S. Jerutis to bring treats/mj McKeon to bring water/paper products.
Thanks to Richard Ansel and Richard Ezrilov for providing refreshments for this meeting.
Flash (LifeTouch) Connection: Clarify ABOHLF/FLASH! 2010 Twin Cities Lung Walk/Run affiliation. Action: mj McKeon
2010 Future Board Meeting Dates/Times:
(Note Starting Time Is 3:30 PM)
- Thursday, May 20 — 3:30 to 5:30 PM
- Thursday, August 12 — 3:30 to 5:30 PM
- Thursday November 18 — 3:30 to 5:30 PM (Annual Meeting)
Meeting Location: Woodlake/Carrousel Conference Room
Located: First Floor by East doors near the parking ramp
6625 Lyndale Avenue South
Richfield, MN PH: 612/866-2503
Located in the M&I Bank Building
Parking: M&I Parking Ramp
One block east of 66th & Lyndale Avenue South
Meeting adjourned 5:15 pm
Respectfully Submitted: M. J. McKeon, Board Secretary - April 5, 2010