Web-Based Activity:

The 9/11/01 Attacks and the

War on Terror (10 Quiz Points)

Purpose of the Activity:

The purpose of this activity is simple: I want you to become more familiar with the 9/11 Attacks and Osama bin Laden, and to do so by going beyond what is provided to you in your textbook and note packets. My hope is that you will learn some new things that will help you to solidify your understanding of the fundamental concepts that are associated 9/11 and Osama bin Laden and, generally, the U.S.’ War on Terror.

The Task:

Access as many of the websites as you can (your choice). You will not be able to get to every site.

Required: (worth 10 quiz points – see rubric)

1) You must also complete the “History Frame” graphic organizer (a copy is attached at the end of this assignment) for the concept of “9/11 Attacks”.

Accessing the Sites:

Simply right click over each of the hyperlinks that are shown throughout this assignment and then choose the “open hyperlink” option in the drop-down window. If that does not work, then attempt to copy the hyperlink and then paste it in the address bar.

9-11 Attack and its Aftermath Resources

(videos, articles, etc.)

1) http://www.history.com/9-11-anniversary

- video clips and articles about the 9/11 attacks from the History Channel’s website (quite good)

recommended videos:

a) 9/11 Timeline Video (4:54) – very good overview


b) Building the Towers Video (4:10)


c) How the Towers Collapsed Video (4:33)


d) The Birth of Al Qaeda (3:07)


e) Time Lapse of WTC (World Trade Center) Rebirth (3:09)



f) World Trade Center Reborn


2) http://video.pbs.org/video/2098506487

- a short video clip showing people’s response to how they believe the U.S. has changed since 9/11

3) http://www.hippocampus.org/History%20%26%20Government;jsessionid=04BFEC24BD11F4E9121D76A06AF4F61F

- On the left side of the page find where it has the label “Presentations”.

- Find in that section where it lists “Dallas Learning Solutions Collection“.

- Click “US History Since 1877”.

- In the middle of the page you will see a list of topics appear. Look towards the end of the list and you

will see that the last 3 topics are identified as follows:

- “9/11 and Its Aftermath”;

- “The War on Terror, including the U.S. Invasion of Iraq”;

- “The Greatest Risk: Developments Since 9-11”.

- Watch the various presentations.

“The War on Terror”

Resources: (videos, articles, etc.)

4) http://www.cfr.org/interactives/GG_Monitor/dashboard-deep.html#/Terrorism/Overview%20Video/?cid=ppc-Google-9/11_Ten_Years_On-9/11_Ten_Years_On

- a video clip (8 minutes long) about that overall War on Terror that the U.S. has engaged in since

shortly after 9/11

5) http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-421&p=war+on+terror&vid=1241781501993&dt=1315255020&l=150&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts2.mm.bing.net%2Fvideos%2Fthumbnail.aspx%3Fq%3D1241781501993%26id%3D907d5ecf3dcaecd666f2cc0e801a3f38%26bid%3DaUz3OtBNIgL3Jg%26bn%3DThumb%26url%3Dhttp%253a%252f%252fwww.reuters.com%252fnews%252fvideo%253fvideoId%253d221040718&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reuters.com%2Fnews%2Fvideo%3FvideoId%3D221040718&tit=U.S.+%26quot%3BWar+on+Terror%26quot%3B+evolving+a+decade+after+9%2F11&sigr=11jhdniop&newfp=1

- You will need to wait for about 30 seconds until a commercial is over so that you can view a

video summary about the U.S.’ war on terror (2 min., 30 seconds)

6) http://video.pbs.org/video/2113026648

- You will need to wait for about 30 seconds until a commercial is over so that you can view a

video about how safe we are from terrorist attacks 10 years after 9/11 (11 min., 28 sec.)

7) https://sites.google.com/a/northgwinnett.com/apush/Home/unit14-1974-to-the-present

- Go to the PowerPoint listed toward the bottom. It is labeled as:


- Open the document and look only at slides 11-13.

Osama Bin Laden – biography and death

8) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RP9YcycDpmU

“CNN: Osama bin Laden’s Death, From All Angles”

- a video clip of a collection of CNN news reports about the recent killing of Osama bin Laden

9) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THLcqxgka0k&feature=relmfu

“Inside the Raid That Killed Bin Laden”

- a clip from CNN about how Osama bin Laden was killed

10) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNYmK19-d0U&feature=pyv&ad=8953910821&kw=bin%20laden%20died

“President Obama on the Death of Osama bin Laden”

- a video clip showing the President’s late-night address to the American people about the

killing of Osama bin Laden

11) http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/world/2011/05/02/mann.bin.laden.obit.cnn?iref=videosearch

- a video from CNN that describes how Osama bin Laden went from the son of a billionaire to an

international terrorist