7th Grade Social Studies Class Syllabus

World History and Geography

Ms. Gonzalez

Phone: 714-435-3700 / 310-486-9351 Email:

Course Description:

Who said history was just his story? The truth is history is actually our stories… stories of facts, people, places, events, developments, struggles, changes, growth, accomplishments, perseverance, brilliance, conflict, unity, risings, and fallings…all of which make up our history.

This year in Social Studies we will be studying Ancient World History using a textbook entitled Medieval and Early Modern Times. Prentice Hall. During each unit we will be building skills in the following areas: history, geography, citizenship, study and research skills, thinking skills, reading and writing skills.

7th Grade World History will include the following units:

Ø Geography

Ø Ancient Rome

Ø Ancient Arabia

Ø Ancient America/Empires and Cultures of Americas

Ø Cultures in Medieval Europe/Renaissance

Ø Scientific Revolution/ Enlightenment/ Reformation

Ø European Expansion

Ø China

Ø Africa

Materials Needed for Class

ü A three ring binder (1/2”-1”) with loose-leaf paper, 5-dividers

ü 2-Pencils for everyday use/

ü 1-Pen (blue or black ink only)

ü Notebook: 70 page college rule spiral (just for this class)

ü Colored pencils or crayons (no markers)/ruler

ü Glue Stick

ü Backpack

Social Studies Notebook (Binder)

· All students are required to keep their Class Syllabus/class rules in the front of their binder

· All students are required to keep an updated Progress Report in their binder and record their grades. Parents will be required to sign their progress reports.

· All students are required to keep classroom handouts, tests, quizzes, assignments and dated notes in their binders & notebook.

· Make sure that these materials are brought everyday, because random checks will be made in which students will be given credit for having them.

Parental Confirmation of Syllabus Review
Student Name_______________________

Please read with your child, sign and place in the front of their social studies notebook.

Parent Signature ____________________________________________

Phone Numbers Home _____________________ Work _____________________

Parent Email Address _______________________________________________________

Student Signature __________________________________

Grading Policy

Each marking period grades will be determined using a combination of the following assessments. These assessments are weighted and parents can keep an update of their student’s grades on the internet using “Aeries System”

· Tests (Summative Assessments) & Quizzes (Formative Assessments)

*Tests will be given at the end of each unit/chapter. These will be announced in advance and a study guide will be provided.

*Quizzes will be given throughout the chapter. They can be announced or unannounced.

*All tests/quizzes will be kept in the classroom, but their grades will be reported on the progress report on the second page of the Social Studies Notebook.

· Homework/Classwork

*Students will not have homework every night. When homework is assigned, the following guidelines are followed:

-All homework assignments are due the day after they are assigned, unless otherwise noted.

-Homework should be neat and may be done on a computer. Incomplete Homework will not be accepted.

· Projects – (May be Formative or Summative depending on the project)

*Projects will be assigned during each unit/chapter. The projects will be assigned either independently/team/or pairs. Students will be given specific directions, rubrics, and due dates for each project.

· Attendance/Class Participation/Behavior

*Attendance Policy:

-Students are responsible for all missed work.

-If a student is out for one or two days, please pick up assignments when you return to class. It is the students’ responsibility to seek out these assignments.

-Students are expected to make up their work in the same amount of time that was given to other students.

-When a student returns to class, it is their responsibility to hand in any outstanding homework.

-When students are absent the day of a test, they must see me for a make-up

· Percentages

All grades will be calculated, then entered into Aeries on a percentage basis and report card grades will be determined as follows:

Grading Scale:

90%-100% A

80%-89% B

70%-79% C

60%-69% D

59% and below F

I look forward to working with both you and your child to ensure a successful year.


Ms. Gonzalez