OCEANSBOOK – 1Structure and Waves


OCEAN BOOK – 2Currents and Environmental Impacts


CH 14 OCEANS FOLDABLE – Lessons 1 & 2

The titles for each page are in BOLD.

Pg 1 – OCEANS (467) – label the 5 oceans, number them in order from largest to smallest, color each ocean a separate color, color the land green.


Pg 2 – FORMATION OF OCEANS (468) – divide the page into 3 sections, label the sections Condensation, Asteroids & Comets, and Tectonic Changes. Tell how each contributed to the oceans, draw and color a picture for each.

Condensation - Volcanoes erupted and sent water vapor into the atmosphere. As the Earth cooled, the vapor condensed into water, over millions of years

Asteroids & Comets – Icy asteroids and comets hit the Earth, melted, and added water to our planet.

Tectonic Changes – Over time, tectonic plates moved to form new oceans and let old oceans disappear. It is all one ocean.


Pg 3 – SEAWATER (469) – draw, label and color the circle graph of substances in seawater from pp 469. Include the 3 definitions on that page also.

Salinity – dissolved solids in water

Seawater – average salinity of 35 parts per thousand (ppt)

Brackish – fresh water mixed with seawater. Usually between 1-17 ppt.


Pg 4 & 5 – SEAFLOOR TOPOGRAPHY (470) – Pg 4 -color and label. Color the land green, the beach tan, the trench black, the center of the Mid-Ocean Ridge red, add a submarine canyon to the picture. Label the Volcanic Island.

Pg 5 – (470-471) – divide the page in half and then write out notes on Continental Margins, Abyssal Plains, Mid-ocean Ridges, Ocean Trenches, Deep Ocean Technology, and Seafloor Resources.

Continental Margins:

  • Continental shelf: shallow part nearest the shore
  • Continental slope: steep drop-off from shelf to deep ocean floor
  • Continental rise: at the base of the slope where sediments accumulate

Abyssal Plains: large flat bottom of the ocean, volcanoes rise from here and form islands

Mid-Ocean Ridges: where tectonic plates pull apart, lava erupts and cools, forming new sea floor

Ocean Trenches: form where ocean and continental plates collide. Deepest is Mariana Trench in the Pacific; about 11000 meters deep.

Deep Ocean Technology: scientists use subs and DSVs to explore. Some are remotely driven, some have robotic arms and cameras.

Seafloor Resources:

  • Energy: oil, natural gas, methane hydrates
  • Minerals: manganese nodules, gold, zinc


Pg 6 – ZONES AND LAYERS (472-473) – divide the page in half. On the left side write out a description of the 3 light zones. On the right side write out a description of temperature, salinity, and density relating to warm and cold water.

Surface Zone: 0-200 meters Shallow zone that receives the most sunlight. Most organisms that live here perform photosynthesis

Middle Zone: 200-1000 meters Only very faint blue-green light can go this deep. Subs usually are in this area.

Deep Zones: below 1000 meters Plants don’t grow here – no light. Most animals here make their own bioluminescent light.

Temperatures: The deeper you go, the colder it gets. Polar water stays fairly constant.

Salinity: Tropical and Temperate water is saltier than Polar. Warm water evaporation leaves more salt in the water.

Density: is related to Temp & salt. Cold water is denser than warm water. Salt water is denser than freshwater.

Pg 7 – WAVES (477-479) take about ¼ of the page and draw, label, and color the parts of a wave from page 477. Write a description of surface and tsunami waves.

Surface Waves:

caused by wind speed, time & distance. The faster, longer & farther the winds blow, the bigger the waves. Wave motion is circular. Waves “break” when the circular motion drags on the seafloor


tsu = harbor, name = wave

A large wave that forms when an ocean disturbance (earthquake, landslide, volcano) moves a large volume of water


Pg 8 – TIDES (480-481) – write a definition of tides. Divide the page in half for Spring and Neap tides. Write a definition and then draw, label and color a picture of spring and neap tides.


The periodic rise and fall of the ocean’s surface caused by the gravitational forces between the Earth, sun and moon.

Spring Tides – have the greatest ranges between high and low tides. Occur when a straight line is formed.

Neap Tides – have least range between the High and Low tides. Occur when a 90 angle is formed.