Trocaire College

OIT Network & Infrastructure Services

The IT Network Department is responsible for installing, maintaining, and upgrading the computer network infrastructure of the college. This is a fairly large and complex network, supporting nearly 500 (need correction/s) computers at the main campus and satellite branches located in Transit and Seneca. In addition to the physical infrastructure, the Network staff also manages the servers required to administrate such a network, including - File Servers, Print Servers, Application Virtualization Servers, DHCP Servers and DNS servers. The staff monitors the network for network health, service disruptions as well as violations in network use policy. It also implements and maintains firewalls to increase the security of the entire network from harm and assists college management in setting computer security policies.

The following services are client facing and will be part of the overall network and infrastructure MSP contract.

Exchange Online

All email communications internally or externally are centrally managed on Trocaire College Microsoft Exchange servers. These servers mainly provide space for each user’s mailbox, as well as additional mail routing configurations and security settings.

Active Directory & Exchange Outlook Network Services FAQ's

Active Directory (AD)

Active Directory at its most basic level provides a database of computer names, usernames, and encrypted passwords. Network devices and services to use AD as a method of authenticating users before providing them with the appropriate level of access. On a more complex level AD can be leveraged with other server-level software such as Group Policy Management to apply a large variety of settings and configurations to user accounts and computers.

What is my H: Drive?

Every full time faculty and staff member has what is called the "H: Drive", also known as a home drive or home folder. This is space allotted to you on the Trocaire College AD Network for you to store business related files and documents. Anytime you login to a Microsoft AD Windows-based computer, your personal H: Drive will automatically be available for you to access.

What is the S: Drive?

Every full time faculty and staff member has what is called the "S: Drive", also known as the common drive, shared drive or shared folders. There are departmental common folders designated as [Department]-Common" which everyone in that department group has access to these shared files and Global Shares which only the people specified or requested has access to these files allowing for secured file sharing, these are designated as GS-[shared name].

To make data sharing easier and more cohesive, all shared folders will be on the S: Drive along with the common folders, [department]-Common and global shares GS-[share name].

This is space allotted to you on the Trocaire College AD Network for you to share business related files and documents with your department or groups throughout the college. Anytime you login to a MS AD Window-based computer, the S: Drive will automatically be available for you to access.


Microsoft Outlook/ Trocaire College Webmail

The supported methods for receiving or transmitting Trocaire College emails are using Microsoft Outlook software, using the Trocaire College Webmail portal located at , and/or using the native email client located on most mobile devices.

The myTrocaire email account ( provides faculty and staff with an “unlimited storage” mailbox, and students & alumni with a 75MB mailbox. In addition it provides calendaring, collaboration, blogging, photo sharing, event planning, instant messaging tools and much more!

Spam Filtering

In addition to some of the basic security features built-in to Microsoft Exchange, Trocaire College also utilizes an off-premise spam filter hosted by Trend Micro for additional email security. This appliance inspects all incoming and outgoing email. It does not see any email sent internally within the organization. The spam filter includes features such as multiple layers of spam detection/inspection, allowed senders list (whitelist), blocked sender list (blacklist), as well as a few additional email security settings.

Network Security

Do you have a question about IT security at Trocaire College? with your question, and we'll answer it.


Computer security is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized use of your computer or our computer resources. Prevention measures help you to stop unauthorized users (also known as “intruders”) from accessing any part of your computer system. Detection helps you to determine whether or not someone attempted to break into your system, if they were successful, and what they may have done.

We use computers for everything from banking and investing to shopping and communicating with others through email or chat programs. Although you may not consider your communications “top secret,” you probably do not want strangers reading your email, using your computer to attack other systems, sending forged email from your computer, or examining personal information stored on your computer.

The resources and articles either on this site, or linked to by this site, will allow you to do your part in keeping our systems from being compromised, or used in an inappropriate manner.

Latest Microsoft Alerts:RSS feed

Latest from BugTRAQ:RSS feed
Latest from CERT-US:RSS feed


Because of the increase in security awareness everywhere it has been determined that Trocaire faculty; staff and students are required to change their network password every 180 days. There is a certain complexity to the password that you pick to make sure it is a secure password and not easily guessed by others. Here is what will be required:

·  All passwords are required to meet the “strong password” definition.

·  Passwords must be at least eight characters in length.

·  Passwords must consist of a combination of three (3) of the following four (4) categories: Upper case letters, Lower case letters, Numerals and special characters.

·  Passwords cannot contain a dictionary word.

·  Passwords cannot contain all or part of your user id.

·  Passwords cannot match any of your five previous passwords.

Rules of the Road

Access to Information Resources
All personnel (faculty, staff, and students) must acquire a user id and pass word before accessing Trocaire College information resources. This access is approved by representatives of the information resource owner and processed through the Office of Information Technology. This access is reviewed at least annually to ensure that it is still valid. When the access is no longer valid, the Office of Information Technology terminates it.

Access to Confidential/Sensitive Information
Access to confidential and sensitive information is restricted to individuals who are authorized by owners on a strict "need to know" basis. Owners of confidential and /or sensitive information are responsible for classifying the data. Resources containing this information should be clearly marked. Managers should be aware of which personnel are in positions of special trust.

Use of Trocaire College Information Resources
Trocaire College information resources provided to faculty, staff, and students are owned by Trocaire College and are to be used for College related activities only. Resources are not to be used for commercial purposes and/or personal financial gain or for any other non-university-related activities. When off-site Trocaire College terminals are used to access University information resources, their operation must be only for university business. At no time should Trocaire College information resources be used to disrupt, damage, degrade, or obstruct systems/networks. University resources should not be used to gain unauthorized access to systems, subvert restrictions associated with computer accounts, or obtain additional resources. Users are responsible for their own individual accounts and should never make them available to others. User IDs and passwords exist for account protection and should not be compromised.

Email should be considered the same as printed communication and should meet the same standards of taste, professionalism, accuracy and legality that are expected in printed communication. Fraudulent, harassing, threatening or libelous messages should not be transmitted and personal or sensitive information about individuals should not be posted without their consent. Junk mail (e.g. random mail, chain letters, etc.) is unacceptable. All messages must correctly identify the sender. Ifyouare being harassed via email, immediately notify the Office of Information Technology. It is not the intent of the University to monitor email in the absence of policy or law violations. Emailissubject to disclosure to third parties under the Florida Sunshine Law or through subpoena or other processes.

Copyrighted material includes, but is not limited to, software, audio recordings, video recordings, photographs and written material. Copyright policy can be complex and fairly confusing but the following general guidelines apply to Trocaire College:

Software licensed to the college may be copied only if explicitly authorized by the software developer.

Copying software licensed to the College onto apersonalhome computer must be expressly authorized in the license agreement.

Multiple use over a network must also be specifically authorized in the license agreement.

Users must have permission to access, copy, or transport data maintained by other University users.

Faculty, staff, and students may not use unlicensed or unauthorized copies of software on University-owned computers.

Please refer to theTrocaire College IT policiesfor more information.

Wireless Access Coverage

Wireless network access is currently present throughout the entire campus.

Remote Access –Citrix SSL VPN

The purpose of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) is to provide a secure connection when connecting the Trocaire College network from off-campus. If you're connecting from off-campus, you must first be fully connected to the Internet via your ISP first. For setup information see the “Accessing Citrix Xenapp from Off Campus” PDF. Xenapp can provide you access to various pieces of software as well as your server storage folders (such as the H: or S: drive).

Network Access

The network access policy for Trocaire College is based on a best practice principle known as “principle of least privilege”. This is a method of limiting access for each user to allow the minimal network access that is needed for the user to accomplish their work. The US Department of Defense developed this principle in the 1970s. It was developed as a method and ideology of minimizing the systems damage and maximizing data integrity in the event of a security breach. This practice has become common in most computer networks in the world today. Each user’s network access is granted based on their AD user credentials provided by Trocaire College. Attached to those credentials are a set of background rules that help to accomplish the principle of least privilege practice.

Telephony Services

Handsets & Speakerphone
All offices and classrooms are fitted with at least 1 IP telephone. The phones support internal as well as external calling. The calls can be made use the handset attached to the phone or can be made utilizing the speakerphone option for hands-free or group conversations.

Wall Mounts
In some situations a wall mount may be requested for an office or classroom phone. The IT department can provide these if a reasonable request is made for one.

Emergency Notification System (ENS)
Trocaire College has implemented an ENS system. In the event of a campus closing or emergency situation Trocaire College will utilize this tool to broadcast appropriate notifications. Notifications will be simultaneously sent to staff, faculty, and students via their preferred means of communication on record in the ENS system. This can be text messaging (SMS), e-mail, and messages to cell or home phones.

Each user with an extension will be provided with a voicemail as well. The first time an user logs into their extensions voicemail they will be asked to setup a new PIN number. This PIN number provides a means of securing each users voicemail messages so they can only be heard by that user.

Secure Messaging
Trocaire currently provides Secure Messaging from the phone system. This means that in addition to receiving a voicemail on your phone, you can also receive a copy of that voicemail in your email inbox automatically. The email will be received with an audio file attachment that can be listened to using the native audio software on your computer.

Automated Phone System

Robin and I have been on a call list to change the outgoing automated message from the main switchboard in the event of a weather closure or other event.

Process flow:

·  Trocaire Administration determines the need to close a building

·  Trocaire Administration reaches out to Facilities, PR and Andy. If Andy is unavailable, they contact Robin.

·  Robin or I record a new outgoing message and upload it to the “Closed” Auto Attendant.

·  Robin or I replace the original outgoing message once normal operating hours are restored.

One change you can make to this process would be to have Administration call the Help Desk on call cell phone. This way, you can be assured that someone from IT will answer.

I would also ask Robin to put together a training document for the process of creating and uploading recordings, so that you have deeper coverage.

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