All students at Glen Ames have swimming two (Grade 8) or three (grade 7) times in a ten-day cycle. Throughout the year we will cover stroke improvement, water safety, survival skills, lifesaving, competitive swimming and canoeing. The swim program is taught according to the Canadian Red Cross, the Lifesaving Society and the Ontario Government Regulations. Each class consists of a 5-10 minute warm-up, a lesson, and free swim. Studentswill have 10 minutes to shower, get dressed and dry their hair.
Our expectation is that students participate and show effort to improve their skills, regardless of ability. Swimming accounts for 1/3 of their physical education mark. In the event of a periodic illness or injury students should bring a note from homeexcusing them from swimming that day. Students who are not participating in the in-pool activities will be given a written water-safety assignment to complete while on-deck. Extra help and make-up swims are available Monday mornings at 7:45a.m. Please help your child be prepared for pool class as participation is vital for success in the program. We will use your child’s agenda to notify you when your child does not participate in swim class. Please check the agenda regularly.
In order to participate fully in the program students should be prepared with a proper fitting bathing suit. Girls are required to wear a one piece bathing suit. We will do our best to accommodate religious and/or other requirements on an individual basis. Valuables should be left at home or in a student’s locker.
Throughout the year students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of aquatic special events as part of the regular swim program. Extra-curricular activities are also offered throughout the year.
Special Events:
Super Swim Meet
In late January or early February, the Super Swim Meet is an in-school event where students compete against their peers in fun swimming races, diving demonstrations and a relay against the teachers. Ribbons are handed out to competitors and the class with the most participation wins four free-swim periods.
Super Tread
Each class participates in an endurance event where students are challenged to complete 20 minutes of treading water. This is a great way for students to practice their survival skills in a safe environment.
Survival Swim (Clothes swim)
Every class will have the opportunity to see how it feels to swim with their clothes on. This class is designed to prepare students for an accidental fall into water. Students are asked to bring in old clothes to wear in the pool on that day.
The Brick
School-wide fun activity where students are timed to see how long they can hold a 10 lb brick using only their legs. The existing record is 3 hrs, 4 min and 25 seconds but for most students a few seconds is expected.
Canoe Trip
We teach a month-long canoe course in the pool which culminates in a day-long fieldtrip, canoeing through the lagoons at Centre Island.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Early Bird Swim
Early Bird swim is a way for students to make up for missed pool classes. It is also time for extra-help or just a free swim period. Early bird is held Monday mornings at 7:45 a.m.
Swim Team
Every student is encouraged to join the swim team in January. Practices are held Tuesday Mornings at 7:45 a.m. City-wide swim meets are held in the spring.
Bronze Medallion Classes
Bronze Medallion is a Lifesaving program that teaches water-safety and First Aid skills. Bronze Medallion is the first step to becoming a lifeguard. This is a great leadership opportunity for students who want to babysit or work at camps. Students must be 13 by the exam (March) or have their Bronze Star. Bronze Medallion is held Friday and Wednesday mornings.
We hope to provide a safe, well-rounded and stimulating program, preparing each student to perform at the best of their ability as well as instilling a lifetime love of the water.
If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact us at the school.
Aquatically Yours,
Peter Grimbly
Sarah Hendershott