3rd to 4th edition conversion instructions

We have often received requests from older players on how to convert their 3rd edition games to the new GALACTICT STARFIRE edition. We have found that the reason is that these players have started either ISF or ISF+SM#2 games, and don’t want to restart their game. Understandable!

At first we didn’t think this would be an easy thing to accomplish (if it was possible at all), but in the process of determining this we discovered that it might not be so difficult if you will accept the conversion changes. While the full flavor of GALACTIC STARFIRE can only be obtained through starting a campaign fresh with the new rules, we have found that the older players can enjoy the benefits of cleaner rules and better balance by going through this conversion.

While doing the conversion, there are a number of major areas to cover. These areas will be covered in two separate sections: ISF+SM#2 campaigns and ISF campaigns. Please only use the section that applies to your type of campaign.


Regardless of the campaign type rules, remember to review all house rules for validity and/or inclusion in a GALACTIC STARFIRE campaign.

INCOME [Section L]

First, the race’s base Tech Level converts directly to EL in GSF.

Second, each SM#2 PU converts to 1+EL/10 PU. In other words, 1500 EL3 SM#2 PU convert to 1950 EL 3 GSF PU. Excess population above a world’s maximum is lost. IU converts on a 1 for 1 basis. Do not be surprised if the income amount is slightly lower (this is expected).

TECHNOLOGY [Section N and Appendix 1]

The technologies do not convert directly to GSF; however, this really isn’t a big problem. Likely you have been doing EL R&D during the old campaign.

First,just take the number of points generated to date and convert them into RP (for those using turns, each turn toward completion equals 10 RP).

Second, open those trees/branches for which you have completed R&D on any technology in them. The base SL of all trees and branches is 1 less than your current EL. Furthermore, all technology systems (development projects) with an SL lower than your EL are developed and deployable on your redesigned ships. This may cause some tree/branch SLs to be well above your EL and you get to keep that bonus.

EXCEPTIONS: Shield, Armor, Engine, and Science Instrument SL is equal to the race’s EL as is the SL of developed equipment. These particular systems tend to consistently get a lot of focus by player R&D efforts and thus are generally higher that other systems. In addition, if no weapon tree is equal to or greater than the new EL, increase (1) Weapon Tree (and developed systems) to equal the EL.

OPTIONAL: In progress R&D development projects convert to an SL project in the same tree or branch of the next SL from the one determined above. Again either 1 RP per pt or 10 RP per turn is gained toward completion.

EXAMPLE: You may be EL 3 but you developed the P during the old campaign. You would then have the Fp branch at SL 6 (the minimum to get a primary beam). You would have the Fpa available. Note: that Fp branch opens at SL 6 and thus the F tree would also have to be at SL 6. However, if you have not developed F (TL4), then the nearest F item (Fb) would not yet be available since it is at or above your EL.

EXAMPLE 2: (something about fighters and such)

{Remember to add examples from the first few conversions}

{If no examples are present, please send your examples for inclusion here to help other Starfire players}

THE FLEET [Section H, M, and Appendix 1]

The next major area to adjust is the fleet. The easiest method is to cash all the ships in for their regular cost to build, then buy a new fleet with the cash. However, the SM should consider some or all of the following restrictions:

1) The top three hull sizes are restricted to having no more units of each class than you started with (For example, if you start with 6 CAs in your fleet, then 6 CAs is the maximum you can have in the new fleet).

2) No more than an additional 5% MC can be spent on a particular class (if your CAs had 3000 MC in them to start, then you can not spend more than 3150 MC on your new CAs).

3) A ship’s new systems can not exceed the TL of the old ship (if F was your highest system on the old ship, you can not install “?b” on that ship (and drastically improving its performance)).

4) The fleet wide number of either SY or MS can not increase, nor decrease. And they must go on the same hull as before, if feasible.

5) Each individual fleet should not purchase a new fleet of more value than the old fleet. (For example, if your Alpha Fleet had 9700 MC worth of ships, it could only spend 9700 MC to build a new fleet).

Please remember that these restrictions are not required. Only #1 is recommended. Extra restrictions make for a bit more realism in the resulting fleet but the SM or players may not consider the extra work worth it; it is entirely up to you.

So, first, cash in your fleet and re-purchase your navy.

Second, SS, PDC, Carriers, Freighters, and bases should all convert into their own funds that can only be used to build those types of items. Fighters and Gunboats also convert on a MC for MC basis. Small craft money can be added to the fleet, fighter, or gunboat funds. See below for Mines, IDEW, and SBMHAWKS.

Third, “in-progress” builds remain in-progress, with the same amount of HS completed, and the hull conversion adding or removing MC from the appropriate fleet fund (ship, SS, PDC, BS).

MINES, IDEW, and SBMHAWKS [Section D9 and Appendix 1]

These items are converted to cash and an equal cost of AP (any type) are placed near the locations the mines or IDEW were. SBMHAWK replacement AP are placed on the homeworld ready for deployment.


Crews are taken off of ships but only crews with a grade greater than BG are remember as a crew for that class of unit (I.e. BG+1 CA crew, BG+2 CV crew). After units are rebuilt, match the crews with units that most closely represent the original unit they were on.


A Graded Admiral (BG or better only) can be traded in for a random graded leader with the same base grade. Roll 1d10 on the following table:

1-4 Grade Admiral (Roll for special abilities – 10% chance)

5-6 Grade General (Roll for special abilities – 10% chance)

7-8 Grade Governor (Roll for special abilities – 10% chance)

9-0 Grade Diplomat (Roll for special abilities – 10% chance)

FACILITIES [section M7 and N3]

First, ICC and Training facilities (pilot and gunboat) do not change. Each player receives the following:

Second, SA on Home World equal to the normal Imperial Capital facility limit (usually 4).

Third, RDS on Home World equal to double the normal Imperial Capital facility limit (usually 8).

Last, each race may receive additional R&D facilities. These equal EL-2 and may be of either type and may be placed in any system within the normal limits of [N3.03].


First, if a network of communication buoys exist, replace them on a per system basis (Do not convert to cash and try to buy AP. Just replace them with the minimum units necessary to do the job.)

Second, at each WP through which the ICN travels, replace a unit with (CC) with a similar unit. Replace a DSB-ncd with one BS0 H(CC)Qa and (CC) becomes developed if not already.

Third, place at any planet that does not inherent-long range communication (LEL races which you are friendly with), an AP-c if available.

SURVEY [section R]

Survey Points and such can convert directly, even in progress surveys.


The Star systems remain the same. Warp Points have massive size adjustments and either convert based on the following table, or are rolled randomly anew. Connections remain the same regardless. Closed WPs should be one openness type higher than the race on the closed end can detect with its current science instruments. Otherwise, WP openness can be determined randomly within the restrictions listed in [W2.08.4].

WP Size New Type

500+ F

400-499 E

300-399 D

200-299 C

121-199 B

1-120 A

TREATIES [Section T3]

Military Treaties convert to Defensive Military Treaties. Trade Treaties convert to Limited Trade Treaties. Combo treaties convert the same way. All other treaties have a matching treaty state in GSF. Remember to update Trade treaty values for the new incomes.


GSF and SM#2 use the same basic political rules. Just check the modifiers to see if there are any differences and continue rolling as the players make offers or communication attempts.

NOTE: Since treaty violation penalties didn’t change, each race gets to keep theirs.


Conquered races without defined treaties become conquered races (Peace Phase). Those with treaties become either Slave or Subject races depending on Space Master’s feeling and the amount of time they have been conquered (18 turns+ is Subject).

PCFs vs GSF Ground Combat [Section V]

Convert PCFs on a MC per MC basis to invasion Qv and H. All PCF invasions in the combat stage are considered to be in the Invasion Phase.


NPRs convert as above but they must roll for policy states again [Y13-Y16].


First, racial stats and HI will remain the same as will planet HIs.

Second, NPR government types will remain the same although some modifiers changed. If a government type longer exists, choose a government of the same general nature racial stat wise.