Information Sheet from Bon Air Baptist Church

Southwest Virginia Mission Trip

Partner:Virginia Baptist Mission Board Southwest Virginia Partnership

Location: Nickelsville, VA with missionaries Tony/Jan Johnson -

276.479.3333; 276.479.3336 (Verizon towers only in area) house phone available.

Housing: NickelsvilleManor - Multiple bunk beds in rooms with private ½ bath; $15/night. Bring sheets, pillow, toiletries and clothing for Sunday worship (casual).

Paperwork: VBMB Forms*

Meals: Meals will be served on site. Grocery shopping is done in Abingdon en route. Dinnerwill be atTeddy’s Restaurant, which is a local establishment in walking distance from Nickelsville Manor.

Cost: $300for entire week if riding van from Richmond and back. If takingown transport, calculate pay according to guidelines below:

$15per night per person for bed

$10 per day per person for breakfast & lunch

$7per night per person for dinner meal at Teddy’s Restaurant

$10per day per person contribution for van ride to & from work site for “own transport” folks. This will help with van expenses.

*Please submit payments(checks payable to Bon Air Baptist Church) and paperwork prior to mission tripto Judy Whitehurst in the church office (272-1475). All trip expenses including gas, food, etc. will be paid from these collected team funds. Volunteers are responsible for meals en route, snacks and any touring expenses.


  • Safety glasses and work gloves
  • Phone and phone charger
  • Medicines
  • Camera
  • Spending cash for snacks & souvenirs
  • Bible – Jeanette and Janie will lead in daily devotions and others may volunteer
  • Any allergies to pollen or bee stings - bring meds with you. General medical kit will be available.
  • Laundry can be done on site for free.
  • Job Descriptions- Will be known prior to leaving and Steve Marshall will call each of you. Small hand tools may be requested. You will probably be assigned to build a ramp, paint or do small repairs on a trailer home.
  • It is highly recommended that your tetanus shot be up to date.

(revised 3/7/14

* This information is needed prior to the mission trip.

NOTE: The van cost is calculated given 8 passengers – approximately $1,100. Do not let finances stop you from serving. Need help? Speak with your Associate Pastor for Glocal Missions.