Hamilton Elementary School

Supply Lists 2017-2018


3 boxes of 24 count crayons 1 large box of tissues

1 4-pack thin, fine tip dry erase markers 3 packs of white 3x5 index cards

3 plastic folders (red, yellow, green) 2 marble composition book

1 box of gallon size Zipper bags 1 box band-aids (Latex free, design free

1 box of sandwich size zipper bags 1, 1-1/2 inch 3-ring binder, Clearvue, black

12 small glue sticks

Inexpensive headphones

First Grade

2 boxes of sharpened pencils 3 Composition Notebooks

1-box tissues 2 packs dry erase markers, thin

8 large glue sticks 1 pair of safety scissors

1 boxes of 24 crayons Inexpensive headphones

1 set of colored pencils

1 2-pocket character folders (no brads)

1 box band-aids (latex free, design free)

Second Grade

2 boxes (24) sharpened pencils 1 box tissues

8 large glue sticks 3 boxes 24 count crayons

1 pack dry erase markers, thin 1 large pink eraser

1 box 12 colored pencils 1 heavy duty pencil bag

3 composition books 1 pair safety scissors

1 2-pocket character folder (no brads) Inexpensive Headphones

Band aids (Latex free, Design Free)

Girls Boys

Thin Markers Thick Markers

Index Cards Post-it (4 pack)

Gallon ziplock bags Sandwich ziplock bags

2-pocket folders (red, yellow) 2-pocket folders (blue, green)

Third Grade

24 #2 sharpened pencils 1 box of 12 colored pencils

1-box tissues 1 pair safety scissors

2 fine tip, low odor black dry erase markers 1 ruler, inch and centimeter

4 large glue sticks 2 Highlighters

1 heavy-duty pencil bag 1 pkg 3x3 sticky notes

1 large pink eraser Earbuds

1 box of 24 crayons (not larger)

5 composition books (red, green, blue, yellow, purple)

6 plastic two pocket folders (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)

1 box of zipper sandwich bags (boys=Gallon, Girls=Quart)

Fourth Grade

1 Box Tissues 1 Inch basic binder (no trapper keepers)

12 glue sticks 1 pair safety scissors

24 sharpened plain pencils 1 folder with pockets

4 spiral notebooks 2 composition books

1 set colored pencils or crayons 2 packs 3x3 sticky notes

1 black dry erase marker 1 highlighter

1 pack loose leaf paper 1 pack wet wipes (boys)

1 box sandwich quart or gallon (girls) Earbuds

Recorder: Soprano-Standard or Baroque fingering (Must purchase from a music store or online)

Fifth Grade

1 pack sharpened #2 pencils 2 packs loose leaf paper, wide-ruled

1, 7-slot accordion portfolio 8 pocket folders (no clasps)

1 box 24 colored pencils (no crayons or markers)

2 boxes tissues 2 glue sticks

1 ruler (wood, customary and metric ruled) 1 package red checking pencils

1 yellow highlighter 1 composition marble notebook

1 flash drive USB 1 5 subject notebook

2 black fine tip dry erase markers 1 package 3x3 sticky notes

1 box ziplock storage bags (boys=gallon girls=sandwich


Recorder: Soprano-Standard or Baroque fingering (Must purchase from a music store or online)