FROM: NGA Reston / OMSF (Mr. Mike Riley)
TO: FLIP Coordinating Committee (FCC) Membership
SUBJECT: FCC04-2 Meeting Minutes
DATE: 19-20 October 2004
PLACE: Arsenal Credit Union Conference Room, Arnold, MO
Chairman (Navy Member)
Mr. Joe Messina / CNO / d 288-3473 / mailto:
Air Force Member
Lt Col Dan Pixley / HQ AFFSA XOIA / d857-2118 /
Army Member
Mr. Walt Perron / USAASA/ATAS-AI / d 656-4410 /
Executive Secretary/NGA Reston DFF Representative
Mr. Mike Riley / NGA OMSF / d 570-7293 /
Participants (Random Order)
Mr. Bob Jensen / NGA PVA / d 693-4646 /
Mr. Kevin Bettis / DLA / d 695-1548 /
Mr. Rick Funkhouser / AFFSA / d 857-6721 /
Mr. Larry Glick / NGA PVA / d 693-4984 /
Mr. John Ingram / NGA PVA / d 693-4646 /
Mr. Jerry Leicht / NGA PVA / d 693-4636 /
Ssgt James Tadlock / DLA / d 695-6500 /
Mr. Larry Wiseman / AFFSA XOIP / d 857-2208 /
Lt Col Greg Clark / AMC STANEVAL / 618-229-3631 /
Mr. Matt Rush / AMC A36A / 618-229-3677 /
Mr. Craig Booth / NGA EDMGA / 314-260-5025 /
Mr. Craig Johnson / NGA PVAH / 314-263-4636 /
Ms. Kelly Waymire / NGA PVAH/ 314-263-4636 /
LTC Dave Long / USAASA ATAS-AI / d 314-373-8709 /
Mr. Jeff Struyk / NGA PVAI / 314-263-4272 /
Mr. John Thomas / NGA EDGMA / 314-260-5025 /
For Security convenience, the meeting was held at the Arsenal Credit Union facility at Arnold, MO. The FCC Chairman (Mr. Joe Messina) opened the meeting at 0900; AFFSA Representative explained the installation’s layout and the facilities available.
Briefing: 01-1
Subject: Airfield Survey and Stereo Airfield Collection Update
Initiated by: Mr. Tom Bowes
Summary: The AI funding had been substantially cut to a point where only 250 to 300 of the original 992 airfields would be surveyed. The biggest program cuts were centered on photogrammetric work years, which are used to compile surveyed information (18.6 work years down to 4.6 wkyrs). NGA has committed to approximately 200 airfields, leaving a delta of only 50-100 uncommitted airfields remaining. The group agreed to conduct a Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM), 12 June 01, at the AFFSA Conference Room, Andrews AFB to further discusses the implication and customer options. NGA/PCO (Mike Riley) will coordinate the TEM and send a message to the services clarifying NGAs position. During the TEM, AFFSA adjusted the survey priority negating the need for a message. 03-1: Mr. Bowes announced the FY03 Funding Cut to the program and work on the program is coming to a grinding halt. NGA will continue to process contracted surveys currently in work, but will not process any addition data sets until funding has been restored. Also, NGA STL stated they were drafting a memo officially announcing the status of the AI effort. 03-2:NGA POR and PVA metwiththeFCCmembersandtheirrepresentativeson26and27Augusttodiscussstreamliningtheproductionprocess. NGA recommendedminimizinggroundsurveysandmaximizing photogrammetric solutions.Duringameeting,AFFSAagreedtosetupadditionalmeetingstodefineandreadjustthesurveyrequirement. NGA PVA announcedthattheywouldsoonbebriefing NGA P / Mr.Coughlinontheirrecommendedchangestotheprocesswiththeintentofimplementshortlyafter. NGA POR recommendsthat PVA validateanyrecommendationswithFCCmembersbeforebriefingtoMr.Coughlin.04-1: NGA reorganized the AI process since the last meeting by separating the process into two separate departments. PVA is responsible for providing photogrammetric data and PTRG is responsible for Geodetic Survey data. PVA will continue to work on the original list of over 970 airfields. PTRG requested a new survey requirements list from the services with submission through their appropriate service Functional Managers. Air Force and Navy has submitted lists, but submission of Army list is uncertain as of this date. 04-2: NGA PVA commented that the SAC program had some funding shortfalls for FY05, but did not elaborate on its impact to customer support. Mr. Eric Werner / 314-263-4777 / “” was identified as the POC for conventional surveys.
Action: FCC members agreed to work this issue up through their chain of command determining mission impacts and their agency course of action. Tom Bowes was tasked to provide POCs who deal with the POMing process to FCC. 04-1: PVA and PTRG continue to work on survey requirements as prioritized by the service functional managers. 04-2: No change
(Note: The Priority/Criticality for completing this item can be found in “SECTION 11” of this document.)
Status: Open
a. The European Theater Working Group met attheWeinheim, GE on 9-10 June. Pertinent agenda items have been added as FCC agenda items. The next meeting is scheduled for 8-9 Dec 04at the Weinheim, GE.
b. Pacific Theater Working Group met at Hickam AFB on 18-19 Feb 04. Pertinent agenda items have been added as FCC agenda items. Next meeting scheduled TBD, expect 12-13 Jan 05.
c. C&SA Theater Working Group met in Key West, FL on3-4 Feb 04. Pertinent agenda items have been added as FCC agenda items. The next meeting will be held Feb 05 in Key West, FL.
04-2: No outstanding issues to warrant a meeting.
04-1: The last meeting was held 5-7 October 04, Ft Walton Beach, FL. Pertinent issues were identified and have been submitted for FCC discussion. The Next DWG meeting will be held three weeks prior to the FCC meeting at an undetermined location.
7. U.S. Government Forum Reports:
a. SAE G-10:
04-1: SAE G-10 had not met since last FCC. SAE-G-10 is working on the final draft of the ARD Electronic Display of Aeronautical Information. The next topic for the G-10 is to update the ARD on aeronautical symbols to include electronic symbols. 04-2: NGA OMS/PVA representatives attended 24-27 August 04 meeting. They reported that the committee will request FAA to establish symbology standards for Navigation Systems Certification and will also petition ICAO to establish similar symbols standard.
b. Government Air Charting Forum Report (ACF):
04-2: ACF IAP group met 25 October 04 and Charting group met 27-28 October 04. Next Meeting scheduled for May 05 at NACO Silver Springs Facility.
Item / Status / AF / Army / Navy / PVA / OMSF / TitlePART 1: IACC REPORT
RD 520 / Open / X / Charting of Compulsory Reporting WaypointsRD 528 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / Waypoints
RD 540 / Open / X / Broadcast Stations
RD555 / Open / X / Planview Leader Lines in Legend
RD562 / Open / X / Depicting Taxiways on Airport Sketches
RD564 / Open / X / Paired VHF Frequencies With TACAN Channels
RD567 / Open / X / RVR Table
RD568 / Open / X / Charting Unverified Airports on Sectionals
RD569 / Open / X / Charting Notes on Airport Diagrams
RD570 / Open / X / Depiction of the Class B Airspace Name
RD571 / Open / X / Supplement Alaska Table of Contents
RD572 / Open / X / Mountain Pass Graphic
RD573 / Open / X / Availability of ASR/PAR on TPP Charts
RD574 / Open / X / Non-Towered Communication Data on Airport Diagrams
RD575 / Open / X / NOTAM Definition on Chart Legends
RD576 / Open / X / TPP Legend Decision Height
96-01-06 / Open / X / X / Volpe Format for Instrument Approach charts00-02-02 / Open / X / NAVAID Use Limitations Code
00-02-11 / Open / X / X / VFR Arr/Dep Books on CD/Web
01-02-18 / Open / X / RNP & RVSM information in AP & GP
01-02-22 / Open / X / NACO IAP Procedures on DAFIF/Web
02-01-03 / Open / X / Changing PAA chart cycle
02-01-27 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / Eliminating U.S. DoD IAP and IFR Supplement Publications
02-02-01 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / (Jeppesen) Atlantic Orientation Charts
02-02-07 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / DAFIF Terminator Paths (Leg Coding)
03-01-09 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / Long-Term DAFIF Viability
03-02-02 / Open / X / Add SID/STAR Identifier Code to DoD Terminal Procedures
03-02-07 / Open / X / X / X / X / X /
FLIP on Disk Media (CD or DVD) with Browser Function
03-02-10 / Open / X / X / Changes to NGA PS/1FA/009 and 091 Product Production Specifications03-02-12 / Open / X / X / Spot Elevation Data
03-02-20 / Open / X / X /
Acquisition of U.S. Low Enroute Charts
04-01-01 / Open / X / Airport Operating Hours04-01-02 / Open / X / Runway Bearing Strength
04-01-08 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / Rescale ENAME Enroute Charts (Co-Production)
04-01-09 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / Removal of Extended Panels (Co-Production)
04-01-10 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / ENAME Enroute Charts Re-schema (Co-Production)
04-01-11 / Open / X / X / Elimination of AP-1A, 2A, 3A, 4A paper publication
04-01-12 / Open / X / Reduce Distribution of all Textual FLIP Products
04-01-15 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / Digital FLIP Data
04-01-16 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / Restricted Public Access
04-01-18 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / SMGCS Charts
04-01-21 / Open / X / Timeliness of FLIP products
04-01-24 / Open / X / Enroute Supplement Section C Cruising Altitude Entries (TFMWG-E 02-1-12)
04-01-28 / Open / X / X / X / Crisis Support Instrument Procedures
04-01-29 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / MTR Charts
04-01-30 / Open / X / Route and Restriction Information from EuroControl
04-02-01 / Open / X / X / X / X / X / DAFIF Effective Date/Time (04-01-01 DWG)04-02-02 / Open / X / Heliport Length/Width Changes (04-02-06 DWG)
04-02-03 / Open / X / MLS Glide Slope (03-02-13 DWG)
04-02-04 / Open / X / Boundary and SUAS Shape Attribute (04-02-01 DWG)
04-02-07 / Open / X / GP- DAFIF/Digital Product Error Reporting Process
04-02-08 / Open / X / U.S. HIGH H-12
04-02-09 / Open / X / X / X / X / Tasks for processing TERMINAL Instrument Procedures (FTIP)
04-02-10 / Open / X / DAFIF depiction of floor of controlled airspace is incorrect and misleading (04-02-14 DWG)
04-02-11 / Open / Area Planning Document Reformatting (TFMWG-E 99-02-03)
04-02-12 / Open / X / X / General Planning Document Reformatting
04-02-13 / Open / X / RNAV Loose-Leaf Procedures in DAFIF
RD546 / Closed / Communication Frequencies Operating less than Continuous
RD548 / Closed / Charting of NRS Waypoints on IFR Enroute High Altitude Charts.
RD 551 / Closed / NOTAM Definition on Enroute Chart Legends
RD553 / Withdrawn / Procedures Not in NFD
RD554 / Closed / Flyover Symbology
RD556 / Closed / ASR Symbol on Visual Charts
RD557 / Closed / RNAV Holding Pattern Leg Lengths
RD558 / Closed / Airport Identifiers on WACs
RD559 / Closed / ISO Statement on TPP
RD560 / Closed / High Altitude-Enroute Flight Advisory Service (HA-EFAS) Frequencies
RD561 / Closed / Next Fix/Navaid Data on U.S Enroute High Charts
RD563 / Closed / U.S. Terminal Procedures Publication Area of Coverage Graphic
00-01-25 / Closed / ENAME & EEA Chart Realignment
00-01-26 / Closed / Addition of ICAO to airport data block on IFR Enroute Charts.
01-02-15 / Closed / Runway Slope
02-01-09 / Closed / Waypoint Publication
02-01-16 / Closed / Terminal Procedures Flag for Terrain Impacted Airports
02-01-21 / Closed / Airport/Heliport Communication
02-01-29 / Closed / DAFIF Edition 8
02-02-03 / Closed / Create New FIR and UIR Sector Symbols
02-02-14 / Closed / Depiction of CDR (Conditional Routes) on DoD Enroute Charts
03-01-01 / Closed / Publishing SIDs Without a Departure Route Description
03-01-07 / Closed / Non-Standard International Boundary Symbols
03-02-01 / Closed /
Depict CNF's on Terminal Procedures
03-02-09 / Closed /Identifying Amended Web Based IAPs
03-02-16 / Closed / DAFIF on DVD (02-2-12 DWG)03-02-17 / Closed / ICAO REGION DATASET 0 (03-2-01 DWG)
03-02-18 / Closed / ICAO IDENTS/3-LETTER IDENT (03-2-02 DWG)
04-01-04 / Closed / Closed Data Box Depiction
04-01-05 / Closed / Boundary text Order
04-01-06 / Closed / ATS Bypass Symbol
04-01-07 / Closed / Compass Rose Removal
04-01-14 / Withdrawn / Global Reach FLIP
04-01-19 / Closed / Amendments for RADAR, TAKE-OFF-OBSTACLE SIDS, etc.
04-01-23 / Closed / MTR Mnemonic Names (DWG 04-1-02)
04-01-25 / Closed / Effective Time for New DOD FLIP Editions (TFMWG-E 02-2-04)
04-01-26 / Closed / PAA BACKLOG
04-01-27 / Closed / Format Change to Communication Section IFR SUPP
04-02-05 / Closed / DoD/NGA Contractions, Abbreviations & Acronyms (TFMWG-E 04-1-03)
04-02-06 / Withdrawn / NGA PS/1FA/009 and 091 Product Production Specifications
The Inter-agency Aeronautical Coordinating Committee (IACC) is a congressional mandated committee instituted to promote aeronautical chart standardization and minimize product redundancy. Requirement Documents (RD) are recommendations generated through the Government Aeronautical Charting Forum (ACF), which is the US Government (FAA) customer forum with participants from FAA, DoD/NGA and several civil aviation organizations such as the Airline Pilots Association, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Federal Express, American Airlines, etc.,
Once approved by the ACF members, RDs are submitted to the IACC for approval. Approval from the Federal Aviation Administration, Nation Aeronautical Charting Office (NACO) and the Department of Defense is required for implementation into US Government FLIP Product Specifications and NGA represents DoD in the IACC as the authoritative signature.
The FCC has three opinions when considering an RD: 1) “Concur”, which approves the requirement for FAA and NGA implementation, 2) “Concur with Exception”, which authorizes FAA/NACO to include the recommendation into the FAA product, but does not require NGA to implement because the FCC did not consider it essential to support the DoD foreign mission requirement, and 3) “Non-Concur”, which blocks implementation into US and DoD Products.
RD520: Charting of Compulsory Reporting Waypoints
Background: The traditional way to indicate a compulsory reporting requirement is to use a filled in triangle. The ACF’s RNAV Transition Working Group has discussed this issue over several meetings and concluded that putting a triangle inside of a waypoint indicates that there is a fix co-located at that point, thereby causing confusion for a non RNAV equipped pilot. The pilot may believe that they can identify that point by ground based NAVAIDs, when in fact; the only way to identify the point is through a database. Additionally, placing a triangle in the middle of a waypoint symbol means that you have to have the overall symbol much larger electronically to retain the look of the symbol. Because symbol ‘resolution’ on paper is much better than on an electronic display, what is an easily recognizable symbol on paper may be ambiguous and difficult to differentiate from a similar symbol in an electronic display, with all its pixel limitations.
Requirement: Chart compulsory reporting waypoints with the center of the waypoint completely filled in.
Comment: Affects US and DoD products.
Action: FCC Non-concurred. FCC elected to use the ICAO depiction of Compulsory Waypoint (e.g., display triangle within waypoint; filled in triangle =compulsory; open triangle=non-compulsory). DoD Flight Standards representatives will attend RNAV Working Group to express DoD depiction preference. 02-1: Correct depiction still under OCP WG and RNAV WG consideration, but compromise looks promising at this time. The services, in an effort to standardize, agreed to accept whatever FAA/ICAO determines as acceptable. 02-3: MPOCs Staffing. 03-1: No change. 03-2:nochange.04-1: IACC members directed MPOC to investigate alternate proposal, which can be accepted by DoD and General Aviation. MPOC Staffing. 04-2: NGA stated that they would be depicting RNAV waypoints in accordance with guidance established by FCC during 01-2 meeting.
Status: Open
RD528: Waypoints
BACKGROUND: The RNAV Transition Working Group (TWG) has identified several issues that will affect the charting of waypoints. The RNAV TWG recommended that offshore waypoints, created to replace offshore reporting points, be charted with coordinates; this in addition to the name and four-pointed star. Coordinates are necessary only for navigation computers without an on-board database. IACC RD 491states that waypoints are charted only with the four-pointed star and assigned five-letter name; it does not allow the charting of coordinates. This proposed RD would modify that policy by allowing the charting of coordinates only on offshore waypoints that are not constructed with radials/bearings/DMEs from ground-based NAVAIDs. Offshore reporting points are currently charted with coordinates and some are constructed with radials/bearings/DM Es from ground-based NAVAIDs. Reporting points constructed accordingly will generally not be converted to waypoints.
The RNAV TWG also recommended that when waypoints are created as part of the airway description, the airway line should be broken for the waypoint symbol and leg mileages on either side of the waypoint should be depicted, but that no course, track, or heading data should be shown.
REQUIREMENT: Waypoints created due to the conversion of offshore reporting points will have coordinates charted, in addition to the four-pointed star symbol and assigned five-letter name. Waypoints created for use over land will continue to be charted only with the four-pointed star and assigned five-letter name. Waypoints created, as part of an airway description will have the airway line broken for the waypoint symbol, with leg mileages shown on the airway either side of the waypoint.
Comment: Affects US and DoD products.
Action:FCC will survey service units to validate or reject adding coordinates on Oceanic Routes. 02-3: MPOC Staffing. 03-1: FCC concurred with adding coordinates to Off Shore Waypoints. MPOC Staffing. 03-2:FAA/ATPandtheAISWGareaddressingthisissueforresolution.Nochange.04-1: No Change. 04-2: NACO rewrote the RD to incorporate the DoD recommendation. MPOC recommends FCC approval.
Status: Open
RD 536 Reinstate – U.S. and Alaska High and Low Enroute Charts Re-schema (also in the status table).
RD540: Broadcast Stations
BACKGROUND: Broadcast stations are depicted on TACs, Sectionals, WACs and Helicopter Route charts. Unless specifically requested by appropriate authority, a station has to meet stringent criteria to be charted, e.g., areas where adequate navaids are lacking, operating in the 500-900Khz band, 1000w output power and, operating 14 hours a day. While the specific location of the transmitting antenna is to be charted with a symbol, very few antenna locations are designated and only the data box with the frequency and call sign are charted in the general vicinity. Cross-checking the information in the DOF, which contains FCC data, many times results in erroneous frequencies and call letters. Pilots have commented that the usefulness of broadcast stations for navigation is non-existent to extremely limited, but that you can listen to ball games, music, talk shows, etc. Entertainment is not a charting factor. Data on visual charts should assist the pilot in navigation or situational awareness; charting broadcast stations does neither.
REQUIREMENT: Delete the requirement to show Broadcast stations, except when specifically requested by proper authority.
Delete IACC 2, Ch III, and Para 9.c. (8)(a) and (b) and replace with: Commercial broadcast stations shall be shown when specifically requested by proper authority.
Delete IACC 3, Ch III, and Para 10.c. (7)(a) and (b) and replace with: Commercial broadcast stations shall be shown when specifically requested by proper authority.
Change IACC 15, Ch III, Para 9.c. (6)(a) to read: Commercial broadcast stations shall be shown when specifically requested by proper authority.
Action: FCC concurred. MPOC Staffing. 3-2: DoD and NACO concurred. ATA staffing. 04-1: No change. 04-2: No Change.
Status: Open.
RD555: Planview Leader Lines in Legend
BACKGROUND: The leader lines to named intersections shown in the planviews of TPPs have a striking similarity to the Glide Slope Intercept leader line in the profile. The difference between the two is that the Glide Slope Intercept leader line has an ‘arrowhead’ on the end of it and the planview leader lines do not. When looking at the planview, this minor difference is sometimes not discerned and a named point is mistaken for a Glide Slope Intercept point.
REQUIREMENT: Add to IACC 4, Appendix D, Planview Symbols, Reporting Point/Fixes section, a new planview leader line icon into the existing ARC/DME/RNAV fix point. The planview leader line will point to the vertical fix line and be labeled ‘AUSTIN INT’.