This form, with standard data pre-entered, will initially be provided by the Faculty of Natural Sciences Graduate School Administration. The initial plan is to be discussed with the supervisory team and submitted to the Graduate School, normally within 3 months of registration. Thereafter the plan is to be maintained by the student, with changes to Research Objectives and Target dates agreed with the Lead Supervisorto be reviewed at least at Progress Report time, more often if appropriate. Please note that an up to date copy of this plan may be requested at any time by your supervisors and the PGR Director.
1.STUDENT DETAILS(Changes require FNS Postgraduate Committee approval)Student name
Student number
Research Institute
Lead Supervisor
Degree for which registered
Mode of attendance
Sources and extent of funding
Start date
Final date for submission
2.SUPERVISORY TEAM (to be approved by FNSPostgraduate Committee)
2.1Roles of Original Supervisory Team
Role / Name / Expertise and contribution
Lead Supervisor / *
Advisor (LSC)
*In addition to formal role of Lead Supervisor – see Code of Practice
2.2Changes to Supervisory Team(to be approved by FNSPostgraduate Committee)Role / Name / Date and reason for change
3.TIMETABLEInitial data to be entered by FNSGS Postgraduate Administration
3.1Formal Milestones
Target Date / Event / Actual date
Start date
Ethical approval sought (if applicable*)
Doctoral progression
Pre-submission review
Preferred submission date
Approval of Thesis title and Examiners
Maximum submission date
3.2Progress Reviews(where review is same time as doctoral progression it may be replaced by that process. Target dates set and grades ratified by FNSPostgraduate Committee)
Target Date / Progress Review / Actual date / Progress grade
6 months
12 months
18 months
24 months
30 months
36 months
42 months
48 months
3.3Requests for Leave Of Absence or Extension to Maximum TimeApplications to be submitted toFNSPostgraduate Committee using standard pro forma.This will change the final date for submission in 1.1 and 3.1. Consult FNS GS Administration in the first instance.
Date submitted / Nature and reason for request (brief outline) / Date approved
3.4Changes to Mode of AttendanceFT, PT, Continuation (CFT or CPT), LOA. Applications to change MOA to be submitted to FNSPostgraduate Committee using standard pro forma. University (RDC) approval required in some cases.This may change the final date for submission in 1.1 and 3.1 – consult FNS GS Administrationin the first instance.
New MOA / Previous MOA / Date of change / Reason for change (brief outline)
4.1 Analysis of Needs and Objectives(please see for useful information on identifying training needs. Also consult the Learning and Professional Development Centre website)
What do I need to learn to carry out my research? What do I want to be able to do or do better? What skills do I want to develop? How will I achieve these goals? Note that achievements are to be entered in 5.2 and 5.3, while Research Objectives and Targets are to be entered in section 6.
4.1a. Initial analysis of learning needs and skills development objectives. Categories A-D are as given in the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (
CategoryA. Knowledge and intellectual abilities, including research methodologies
B. Personal effectiveness
C. Research governance, organisation, management and funding
D. Engagement, influence and impact including communication and dissemination skills
E. Other learning/ training needs identified
Category / Learning needs, skills development objectives / How these needs and objectives will be met, including support and resources required
4.1b. Changes to analysis of learning needs and skills development objectives
Date / Learning needs, skills development objectives / How these needs and objectives will be met, including support and resources required
Students and Supervisors should be aware that the University sets minimum requirements (less exemptions, see 5.1) for the completion of Research Training and that these are detailed in the Code of Practice Section 2.2. For PhD students enrolled prior to August 1st 2013 these requirements are 40 modular credits prior to Progression, with a minimum total of 60 credits at thesis submission.PhD students enrolled on or after August 1st 2013 must complete a minimum of 200 hours training in personal development and employability skills (through accredited Keele modules (10 credits is equivalent to 100 hours), non-accredited courses in a variety of formats, or a mixture of both) plus any subject-specific requirements set by the Faculty or Research Centre (see 5.2)
5.1Research training and skills development prior to registration
Date / Details / Credit exemption (hours or credits), if applicable, given by FNS PG Committee
5.2Record of credit-bearing Modules completed (Give details in next section, 5.3)
Module code / Module title / G or S / Credits / Mark and grade
(Pass/Fail) / Date started / Date completed
Compulsory Modules(to be entered by FNS GS Administration)
Subject to FNSPG Committee approval these may vary within the Faculty depending on the research subject or area.
Optional (recommended) Modules
Other credit-bearing modules
5.3Details of research training and skills development completed (including transferable and employability skills, subject specific, external courses, non-credit bearing courses, accredited modules, dissemination, networking, seminars, meetings etc).
Module code (if applicable):Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
Module code (if applicable):
Module or course title, or activity:
Credits and/ or hours
Date / Details of skills acquired, activities undertaken, reflection on value of training etc
6.1Research targets and objectives to be achieved(in consultation with supervisory team)To be reviewedand updated regularly by both Student and Lead Supervisor, including at each Progress Review.
Target Date / Objective to be completed / Date completed
6.2Proposed Thesis chapters and progress with Thesis
Note that the pre-submission review after 30 months of study (FT PhD) includes a clear thesis plan and timetable for submission.
Target Date / Proposed Chapter (indicate if Draft or Final) / Date completed
7.RECORD of SUPERVISION MEETINGS(including remote supervision)
Date / People present / Key points and decisions made1