4th Grade Math Learning Guide(2013-14 school year)

Focus of Learning / Estimated Introductory Time (days) / Standards / Sub-Standards / Indicators / Essential
Learnings / Vocabulary / Instructional
for Learning / Assessments for Learning
Unit 1
Adding and Subtracting
Instruction and assessment Total:
12-15 days / (2-5) Adding Whole Numbers and Money
4-5 days 4.1.3.b
(2-6) Column Addition
4-5 days 4.1.3.b
(2-7) Subtracting Whole numbers and Money
4-5 days 4.1.3.b
4.1.3.f / MA 4.1
Number Sense
Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. / MA 4.1.3 Computation
Students will compute fluently and accurately using appropriate strategies and tools / MA 4.1.3.b
Add and subtract decimals to the hundredths place (e.g., money)
MA 4.1.3.f
Select and apply the appropriate method of computation when problem solving (e.g., models, mental computation, paper-pencil) / You can add numbers by adding ones, then tens, then hundreds, and then thousands.
You can add more than two numbers by adding one place at a time.
You can subtract numbers by subtracting ones, then tens, then hundreds, and then thousands. / NDE vocab link:

Decimal Point
Dollar Sign
Inverse Operations
Whole Number /
  • Manipulatives (blue kit)
  • Place Value Blocks
  • Hundred Chart
  • Math Minutes

(test prep)

(online Foresman book/resources)
Enter all 4 codes:

(great flipcharts)

(fun daily word problems)

(videos, poems, songs)
Pia Hansen math crates
U drive:
~Math 2013-14
~4th Grade
~NeSA practice test
~Assessed indicators
~Table of Specifications / Scott Foresman
(chapter 2)
Pearson Success Net
Teacher Observations
Unit 1 Assessment on U drive:
~MATH 2013-14
~4th Grade
~Common Assessments
Student Engagement/
Formative Assessment:
*I do it, We do it, Ya’ll do it, You do it”
*Thumbs up, down, wiggly: agree, disagree or not understand/ not sure
Focus of Learning / Estimated Introductory Time (days) / Standards / Sub-Standards / Indicators / Essential
Learnings / Vocabulary / Instructional
for Learning / Assessments for Learning
Unit 2
Place Value and Money
Instruction and assessment Total:
15-18 days / (1-1) Numbers in the Thousands
1-2 days 4.1.1.a, 4.1.3.f
(1-2) Understanding Greater Numbers
1-2 days 4.1.1.a, 4.1.3.f
(1-5) Comparing and Ordering Numbers
1-2 days 4.1.1.c
(1-6) Rounding Numbers
1-2 days 4.1.1.i / MA 4.1
Number Sense
Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. / MA 4.1.1
Number System
Students will represent and show relationships among positive rational numbers within the base-ten number system
MA 4.1.3 Computation
Students will compute fluently and accurately using appropriate strategies and tools / MA 4.1.1.a
Read and write numbers through the millions (e.g., 2,347,589 is the same as two million, three hundred forty seven thousand, five hundred eighty- nine)
MA 4.1.1.c
Compare and order whole numbers and decimals through the hundredths place
(for this unit, no decimals- also in unit 9)
MA 4.1.1.i
Round a whole number to millions
MA 4.1.3.f
Select and apply the appropriate method of computation when problem solving (e.g., models, mental computation, paper-pencil / There are many ways to represent a number.
Place Value can help you read and understand numbers in the millions.
Place Value can help you compare and order numbers.
Place Value can help you round numbers.
A dime is one-tenth of a dollar, and a penny is one-hundredth of a dollar.
A grid can be used to show tenths and hundredths. / NDE vocab link:

Base Ten
Decimal Point
Expanded Form
Standard Form
Whole Number
Word Form /
  • Manipulatives
  • Place Value Blocks
  • Place Value Chart
  • Money
  • Base-ten blocks
  • Grid paper

(test prep)

(online Foresman book)

(great flipcharts)

(fun daily word problems)

(videos, poems, songs)
Pia Hansen math crates
U drive:
~Math 2013-14
~4th Grade
~NeSA practice test
~Assessed indicators
~Table of Specifications / Scott Foresman
(chapter 1)
Pearson Success Net
Teacher Observations
Unit 2 Assessment on U drive:
~MATH 2013-14
~4th Grade
~Common Assessments
Student Engagement/
Formative Assessment:
*2-10 rule: ALL students say, write, do something in direct connection with the BIG idea every 2-10 minutes
*Paraphrasing: ask students to retell what they learned in their own words
Focus of Learning / Estimated Introductory Time (days) / Standards / Sub-Standards / Indicators / Essential
Learnings / Vocabulary / Instructional
for Learning / Assessments for Learning
Unit 3
**Make sure to use x, ∙, and ( ) to represent multiplication
Instruction and assessment Total:
25-30 days
Unit 3
Multiplication / (3-1) Meanings for Multiplication
1-2 days
(3-2) Patterns in multiplying by 0,1,2,5,9
1-2 days 4.3.3.c
(3-3) Using Known Facts to find unknown facts
1 day 4.3.2.a
(3-4) Multiplying by 10, 11, 12
1-2 days 4.1.3.c
(3-5) Make a Table
1-2 days 4.3.2.b
(5-1) Multiplying by Multiples of 10, 100, 1000
1-2 days 4.1.3.e
(5-2) Estimating Products
1-2 days 4.1.4.a
(5-5) Multiplying two-digit and one-digit numbers
2-3 days 4.1.3.c
(5-6) Multiplying three-digit and one-digit numbers
2-3 days 4.1.3.c
(5-7) Try, Check, Revise
1-2 days 4.1.3.f
(5-9) Multiplying Money
1-2 days 4.3.2.b
(5-10) Multiplying three Factors
1-2 days 4.3.3.c
(5-12) Problem solving Application
1-2 days 4.1.3.f
(6-1) Multiplying Multiples of Ten
1-2 days 4.1.3.e
(6-2) Estimating Products
1-2 days 4.1.4.a
(6-3) Using Arrays
1-2 days 4.3.2.a
(6-4) Make an Organized List
1 day 4.1.3.f
(6-5) Multiplying Two-Digit Numbers
2-3 days 4.1.3.c
(6-7) Choose a computation method
1-2 days 4.1.3.f
(6-8) Multiplying Money
1-2 days 4.3.2.b / MA 4.1
Number Sense
Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines.
MA 4.3 Algebra
Students will communicate algebraic concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics across disciplines / MA 4.1.3 Computation
Students will compute fluently and accurately using appropriate strategies and tools
MA 4.1.4 Estimation
Students will estimate and check reasonableness of answers using appropriate strategies and tools
MA 4.3.2 Modeling in Context
Students will create and use models to represent mathematical situations
MA 4.3.3 Procedures
Students will identify and apply properties of whole numbers to solve equations involving multiplication and division / MA 4.1.3.cMultiply two-digit whole numbers
MA 4.1.3e
Mentally compute multiplication and division involving powers of 10
MA 4.1.3.f
Select and apply the appropriate method of computation when problem solving (e.g., models, mental computation, paper-pencil)
MA 4.1.4.a
Estimate the three-digit product and the two-digit quotient of whole number multiplication and division and check the reasonableness
MA 4.3.2.a
Model situations that involve the multiplication of whole numbers using number lines and symbols
MA 4.3.2.b Describe and model quantitative change involving multiplication (e.g., money doubling
MA 4.3.3.c
Use symbolic representations of the commutative property of multiplication (e.g., 2*3=3*2) / When groups or rows are equal, you can multiply to find the total.
Patterns can help you remember multiplication facts.
You can use multiplication facts you know to help you find the products for other facts.
Patterns can help you remember multiplication facts.
Learning how and when to make a table can help you solve problems.
A pattern can help you multiply by numbers like 40, 300, or 8,000.
To estimate, use factors you can multiply mentally.
To find a product like 3x26, break it into simpler problems.
To find a product like 6x125, break apart 125 using place value.
The strategy Try, Check, and Revise can help you solve problems.
The steps for multiplying money are almost identical to the steps for multiplying whole numbers.
When you multiply 3 factors, you can use properties to save you time.
Understanding when to choose a particular operation can help you solve problems.
Basic Facts and place value can help you multiply numbers like 50 and 300.
To estimate, use factors you can multiply easily with mental math.
Learning how and when to make an organized list can help you solve problems.
To find a product like 17x25, break it into simpler problems.
To find a product like 18x245, break apart 18 and 245 using place value.
The steps for multiplying money are almost identical to the steps for multiplying whole numbers. / NDE vocab link:

Property of
Identity Property
Whole Number
Zero Property of
of Multiplication / Hundred Chart
Place Value Chart
Graph Paper

(test prep)

(online Foresman book)

(great flipcharts)

(fun daily word problems)

(videos, poems, songs)

(timed tests)
Pia Hansen math crates
U drive:
~Math 2013-14
~4th Grade
~NeSA practice test
~Assessed indicators
~Table of Specifications / Scott Foresman
(chapters 3, 5, 6)
Pearson Success Net
Teacher Observations
Unit 3 Assessment on U drive:
~MATH 2013-14
~4th Grade
~Common Assessments
*You are encouraged to give smaller quizzes throughout the chapter
Student Engagement/
Formative Assessment:
*Individual White Board (card stock inside plastic sleeve)- 80% correct means move on
*Response Cards: index with ‘yes’ on one side ‘no’ on other; red, yellow, green cards to show understanding
Focus of Learning / Estimated Introductory Time (days) / Standards / Sub-Standards / Indicators / Essential
Learnings / Vocabulary / Instructional
for Learning / Assessments for Learning
Unit 4
(Introduction to division. Unit 12 is more division concepts.)
Instruction and assessment Total:
15-20 days / (3-6) Meanings for division
1-2 days 4.1.2.a
(3-7) Relating Multiplication and division
1-2 days 4.1.3.a
(3-8) Division Facts
1-2 days 4.1.3.a
(3-9) Special Quotients
1-2 days 4.1.2.a
(3-10) Multiplication and division stories.
1-2 days 4.1.3.f
(3-11) Multiple-Step Problems
1-2 days 4.1.2.a
(7-13) Dividing by Multiples of 10
1-2 days 4.1.3.e / MA 4.1
Number Sense
Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines. / MA 4.1.2 Operations
Students will demonstrate the meaning of division with whole numbers
MA 4.1.3
Students will compute fluently and accurately using appropriate strategies and tools / MA 4.1.2.a
Use drawings, words, and symbols to explain the meaning of division (e.g., as repeated subtraction: Sarah has 24 candies. She put them into bags of 6 candies each. How many bags did Sarah use?) (e.g., as equal sharing: Paul has 24 candies. He wants to share them equally among his 6 friends. How many candies will each friend receive?)
(Use arrays to model division and to write a number sentence to represent arrays)
MA 4.1.3.a Compute whole number division facts 0-10 fluently
MA 4.1.3.eMentally compute multiplication and division involving powers of 10
MA 4.1.3.f
Select and apply the appropriate method of computation when problem solving (e.g., models, mental computation, paper-pencil) / Divide to find the number of equal groups and the number in each group.
Multiplication and division are related in the same ways that addition and subtraction are related.
Thinking about multiplication can help you divide.
Thinking about multiplication can help you divide with zero and one.
Multiplication and division describe real situations.
Identifying hidden questions helps you solve multiple-step problems.
There are different ways to estimate quotients. / NDE vocab link:

Divisibility Rules
Fact family
Inverse operations
Whole Number / Hundred Chart
Place Value Chart
Graph Paper

(test prep)

(online Foresman book)

(great flipcharts)

(fun daily word problems)

(videos, poems, songs)

(timed tests)

(long division practice)

(long division)

(long division)
Pia Hansen math crates
U drive:
~Math 2013-14
~4th Grade
~NeSA practice test
~Assessed indicators
~Table of Specifications
~Division Man / Scott Foresman
(chapters 3,7)
Pearson Success Net
Teacher Observations
Unit 4 Assessment on U drive:
~MATH 2013-14
~4th Grade
~Common Assessments
Student Engagement/
Formative Assessment:
*Stand up, Hand up, Shag- give classmates high 5 and share ideas w/as many as possible
*Hot Potato: Ask student question- if correct, they ask another student a question, if incorrect, they get a question they can answer correctly
Focus of Learning / Estimated Introductory Time (days) / Standards / Sub-Standards / Indicators / Essential
Learnings / Vocabulary / Instructional
for Learning / Assessments for Learning
Unit 5
Instruction and assessment Total:
8-10 days / (4-1) Telling Time
3-4 days 4.2.5.b
(4-2) Units of Time
1 day
(introduce, not 4th grade standard)
(4-3) Elapsed Time
3-4 days 4.2.5.c
(4-5) Calendars
1 day
(introduce, not a 4th grade standard) / MA 4.2 Geometric/
Students will communicate geometric concepts and measurement concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines / MA 4.2.5 Measurement
Students will apply appropriate procedures and tools to estimate and determine measurement using customary and metric units / MA 4.2.5.b
Identify time to the minute on an analog clock
MA 4.2.5.c
Solve problems involving elapsed time / Time can be shown and read in different ways.
Time can be measured in different units.
You can use time to tell how long something takes.
A calendar helps you keep track of days, weeks, and months. / NDE vocab link:

Analog clock
Digital clock
Elapsed Time
Second / Hundred Chart
Place Value Chart
Graph Paper

(test prep)

(online Foresman book)

(great flipcharts)

(fun daily word problems)

(videos, poems, songs)
Pia Hansen math crates
U drive:
~Math 2013-14
~4th Grade
~NeSA practice test
~Assessed indicators
~Table of Specifications
~I Have Who Has
elapsed time game / Scott Foresman
(chapter 4)
Pearson Success Net
Teacher Observations
Unit 5 Assessment on U drive:
~MATH 2013-14
~4th Grade
~Common Assessments
Student Engagement: Teachers should video the class- this is the best way to see if all students are engaged. When you’re teaching, it is hard to tell if everyone is engaged. Video tells a lot!
Focus of Learning / Estimated Introductory Time (days) / Standards / Sub-Standards / Indicators / Essential
Learnings / Vocabulary / Instructional
for Learning / Assessments for Learning
Unit 6
Data Analysis
Instruction and assessment Total:
10-18 days / (4-6) Pictographs
1-2 days 4.4.1.b
(4-7) Line Plots
2-3 days 4.4.1.a
(4-8) Bar Graphs
1-2 days 4.4.1.b
(4-9) Graphing Ordered Pairs
1-2 days 4.2.2.a
(4-10) Line Graphs
1-2 days 4.4.1.b
(4-12) Mean (Average) Median, Mode, Range
1-2 days 4.4.1.d
(4-13) Data From Surveys
1-2 days 4.4.1.b
(4-14) Misleading Graphs
1-2 days 4.4.1.c
(7-12) Finding Averages
1-2 days 4.4.1.e / MA 4.1
Number Sense
Students will communicate number sense concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines.
MA 4.2 Geometric/
Students will communicate geometric concepts and measurement concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines
MA 4.4Data Analysis/Probability
Students will communicate data analysis/probability concepts using multiple representations to reason, solve problems, and make connections within mathematics and across disciplines / MA 4.1.3
Students will compute fluently and accurately using appropriate strategies and tools
MA 4.2.2 Coordinate Geometry
Students will describe locations using coordinate geometry
MA 4.4.1Display and Analysis
Students will organize, display, compare, and interpret data
MA 4.4.2Predictions and Inferences
Students will construct predictions based on data / MA 4.1.3.f
Select and apply the appropriate method of computation when problem solving (e.g., models, mental computation, paper-pencil)
MA 4.2.2.aidentify the ordered pair of a plotted point in first quadrant by its location
MA 4.4.1.a Represent data using dot/line plots
MA 4.4.1.bCompare different representations of the same data
(**lots of this on NeSA)
MA 4.4.1.c
Interpret data and draw conclusions using dot/line plots
(do some examples with dot/line plot where x=2)
MA 4.4.1.d
Find the mode and range for a set of whole numbers
MA 4.4.1.e
Find the whole number mean for a set of whole numbers
MA 4.4.2.a
Make predictions based on data to answer questions from tables and bar graphs / Pictographs use pictures to display data.
A line plot displays data along a number line.
Data can be organized in bar graphs.
A coordinate grid helps you locate points.
Line graphs help you see changes in data over time.
You can summarize data by using median, mode, or range.
Taking a survey helps you find out information to solve a problem or answer a question.
The idea you get when you first look at a graph may not be correct.
An average tells what is typical of the numbers in a set of data. / NDE vocab link:

Bar Graph
Coordinate Grid
(Cartesian grid)
Line Graph
Line/Dot Plot
Mean (average)
Ordered Pair
Y-axis / Hundred Chart
Place Value Chart
Graph Paper (grid paper)

(test prep)

(online Foresman book)

(great flipcharts)

(fun daily word problems)

(videos, poems, songs)
Pia Hansen math crates
U drive:
~Math 2013-14
~4th Grade
~NeSA practice test
~Assessed indicators
~Table of Specifications / Scott Foresman
(chapters 4, 7)
Pearson Success Net
Teacher Observations
Unit 6 Assessment on U drive:
~MATH 2013-14
~4th Grade
~Common Assessments
Student Engagement:
Engagement is the Foundation: “Everyone does everything!”
*Instead of “Are there any questions?” have students share directions with partner
*Soccer, hockey, basketball: 2 teams, if their team gets answer correct, they move the ball or puck closer to goal; if wrong, they move it towards the other team’s goal
Focus of Learning / Estimated Introductory Time (days) / Standards / Sub-Standards / Indicators / Essential
Learnings / Vocabulary / Instructional
for Learning / Assessments for Learning
Unit 7
Geometric Concepts
Instruction and assessment Total:
9-13 days / (8-1) Relating Solids and Plane Figures
1-2 days 4.2.1.a, 4.2.4.a
(8-2) Polygons
1-2 days 4.2.1.a