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Heartland Healthy Neighborhoods

c/o Community Resources Council


For Immediate Release

Heartland Healthy Neighborhoods, a coalition of Topeka and Shawnee County citizens and organizations, will host a Complete Street Pep Rally on Wednesday, June 24, at 6:30 p.m. at Landon Middle School. The purpose of the rally is to present the Complete Street concept to the public.

Complete Streets “are about a right of way of everyone out there traveling, walking or biking,” says Barbara McCann, the national movement coordinator. All users of all ages and abilities, she asserts, need to be able to move safely along and across a complete streets. And, McCann adds, “Safety is a huge reason.”

The rally culminates two days of community meetings lead by Michael Moule and Dom Nozzi, National Complete Streets Coalition.

Monday, June 22, elected officials of the county, city, school boards, have been invited to attend the Premier Complete Street presentation.

On Tuesday public, private and government representatives have been invited to a workshop centering on the Complete Streets concept and how it can be used effectively and efficiently within Shawnee County.

“We are looking at a policy for all of Shawnee County,” said Jim Ogle, Complete Street co-chair. “Many of our streets within Topeka and Shawnee County already fit the bill but we want to ensure that the ½ cent sales tax money and economic stimulus money make a difference in our transportation system.”

“I drive around the community and see people in wheelchairs on the side of the road because there are either no sidewalks or the sidewalks are incomplete; bicyclers share our roadways and fight for their safety; and, many of our children are not safe walking or biking to school or parks,” said Joe Hodgson, co-chair. “The concept makes for easier, friendly transportation and thus the safety of our community.”

A Federal Highways Administration safety review found that streets designed with sidewalks, raised medians, better bus stop placement, traffic-calming measures and treatments for disabled travelers improve pedestrian safety. Complete Streets address climate change and oil dependence and that Complete Streets foster strong communities.

“They play an important role in livable communities, where all people –regardless of age, ability or mode of transportation – feel safe and welcome on the roadways. A safe walking and bicycling environment is an essential part of improving public transportation and creating friendly, walkable communities.” Hodgson said.

Heartland Healthy Neighborhoods, with the support of AARP, Safest Capital City Coaltion and Heartland Visioning, are hosting the pep rally.

“The pep rally will give the public an opportunity to see how easy the complete street design is to incorporate. It is an exciting time for Topeka/Shawnee County,” Ogle said.

The public is encouraged to attend.