Dear Colleagues
July Tuition E-newsletter
Here is the latest informationaround tuition:
· Tuition Summer Event 29th and 30th June
We have just completed four successful tuition summer events. The event was attended by 140 delegates. Val McGregor from the DFE attended and shared the latest national messages. Other attendees included Terry Reynolds, Alison Fiala, Alan Jacobs and other advisers such as Barry Hawes and Nicola Pruden. Thank you to all those who were able to attend.
The theme for the event was developing practice and our new publication ‘One to One Tuition. Developing Practice: a reference tool for schools’ was launched. This is a tool for schools to ‘dip in and out’ of according to need, referring to the pertinent tuition themes that they need support with. The reference tool is based on Essex and National Data (quantitative and qualitative) as well as findings from 8 establishments across Essex (Primary, Secondary, CSS and Special).
Each school will receive two copies (each hard copy includes a CD rom). One for the headteacher and one for the tuition lead. All those involved in one to one – SIPs, Governors, Tutors should be made aware of it and how useful it can be.
The PowerPoints that were presented, as well as the findings from the discussions around pertinent tuition themes, will be emailed to schools next week. Val McGregor’s presentation is a useful resource to share with governors
DFE feedback: Val McGregor spoke very highly about the take up in Essex and was especially positive considering the size of our local authority (we have delivered over our DFE allocation as many schools are funding their own). Her main message is that we target the right student at the right time.
Val also released some powerful data regarding the impact of one to one tution which could be useful for schools/governing bodies who might be questioning its potential. “In early rollout, tutored pupils who entered KS2 below L2 were around twice as likely to go on to achieve a Level 4 than all pupils who entered KS2 below L2”
See (news page) for further details including Essex data to date (impact data page).
· Registration System ‘Essex one to one tracker’:
Target tracker and the tuition team, have created a new system, solely for Essex, to increase the efficiency of the registration system both for schools and the local authority. Schools will have a checklist to follow which will link in the DFE tuition site. Schools are still required to use both the DfE and Essex system but no longer have to add duplicate data. The system will also include opportunities for analysis around the tuition information both for schools and the LA. The system was explained briefly at the summer event. Schools will be sent their password and guidance materials (including video tutorial) to support the use of the new registration system over the next few weeks. This system will be operational from August 1st as many schools are interested in using some of their new allocation for holiday tuition.
Please note: the funding for next year will be released as soon as schools enter a start date. As for this year there will be a deadline for schools to register their places by and any surplus will be re-distributed.
· Themed and Initial Tutor training sessions:
Please see attached fliers for the last Tutor training sessions for this academic year. There is an initial tutor training session 7th July in the afternoon only in Colchester. Lead Tutors are supporting the delivery of the Initial Tutor Training. We also have an ICT themed tutor training session this month on the 13th July again at Colchester Please contact Cara Lucas to book on these events – (dates for the year attached)
· Tuition Lead Network meetings –
The last of the tuition network meetings took place recently for secondary school: as for the primary school meetings the focus was on quality assurance. Best practices were shared and the Local Authorities QA process was scrutinised. Schools are looking forward to the audit tool that we are currently designing for schools to help them monitor the tuition process. The LA are also updating the current QA proforma that has been used this year.
· Data: See below for deadlines for schools to submit their data to us. We would also like schools to submit any SATs data for year 6 of pupils that have had tuition this year so we can look at the sustainability of impact across Essex. This information will be shared with you through the website.
Schools’4th January
1st March
19th April
14th June
12th July
and SATS data
Please remember to return all the post tuition information. It is important we receive this so that we can put historic tuition information into our new registration system to support you next year with the pupil selection process.
· Lead tutors: As a result of being successfully incorporated into the Initial Tutor Training the lead tutors will be taking a more prominent role in the training sessions next year. They will be running the face to face Initial Tutor Training sessions. To add capacity to this we are also putting together an virtual route attached to our website.
· Other tutor training: as well as initial tutor training there will also be a menu of themed training available. This will target the breadth of experience our tutors have as well as the levels of the pupils involved. There will be themes such as Learning to Learn (thinking skills), APP (linking in Pupil Progress meetings), AFL, Maths and English
· Website –the site will be updated over the next few months. New resources will be added (Virtual Tutor Training and our new ‘One to One Tuition. Developing Practice: a reference tool for schools’)
· Essex Tutor Pool- Details of any training and experience will be added to the tutors that are listed on our tutor pool.
· Tutor recruitment: Agencies are increasingly aware of the need schools will have next year for one to one tutors. Essex has a list of agencies with the quality mark. The attached flyer also has names of contacts who have a particularly clear understanding of the requirements of the one to one programme.
Ongoing reminders:
DCSF database ( – guidance attached. Once you have started tuition it is VITAL that you register them straight away and keep the system updated. (Password same as your school census/S2S/Key to Success). Remember to keep this updated and press ‘confirm’. The start dates are crucial’. You need to register with the ECC so that funding can be released to you. The ECC registration form is attached along with a tuition checklist to help you go through the process.
N.B If you are entering information on to the DCSF site that is different to what you submitted to us on your ECC registration form please notify us so that we can allow access of this information on to the site - for example the choice of subject. We have to put your registration information on to the site before you acknowledge start and completion details.
Thank you to all the schools that have returned their questionnaires
Please remember to carry out the questionnaires pre and post the tuition period (These documents can be found on the website and are attached). This information will
be used by us, as well as the DCSF, to measure the impact of tuition in Essex. Please return questionnaires to Cara Lucas, Essex County Council, SIEY SCF, PO BOX 47,
E2 County Hall, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 6WN.
Thank you for all your support with tuition.