Acceptable Use Guidelines for Social Media
Acting as representative of the Shelton School District, as a page Administrator/Moderator/Editor for your school building or organization you agree to the following:
-Agree to maintain professional, courteous and positive communications with students, parents and the community.
-Agree to protect student information and privacy.
- Do not publish, post or release information that is considered confidential or not public.
- Do not post pictures of students unless there is a photo release on file.
- Do not post about activities where students are away from the school while the activity is happening.
- Do not share student information.
- Do not post last names of students.
-Agree to not delete posts or comments without permission of the Shelton School District Communications Specialist.
-Agree to post regularly on social media platforms.
-Agree to ensure equity in post content.
-Agree to report all bullying to the Shelton School District Bullying Compliance Officer.
How to Post Regularly
- 3-5 times per week (minimum).
- Include images with posts.
- Respect brand, trademark, and copyright information.
- When posting images with text include ALL image text in the post.
- Ensure content is accurate (grammar, spelling) and informative, answering Who, What, When, Where and Why/How.
- Include excited, encouraging and congratulatory comments in post.
- Encourage engagement without using “Comment” “Like” or “Share”.
- Use building/district hashtags.
- Use event appropriate hashtags.
- Correct errors immediately.
- Respond in a positive manner to comments.
- Direct unhappy parents/community members to call the office/district and speak with office/district staff. Be sure to provide contact information when responding. Do not engage online beyond providing direction to contact the school.
- Post Short (1 minute or less) videos.
- Post building activities, updates.
- Create Building/Community Events and include the Shelton School District as Host.
- Seek approval of District Communications Specialist prior to sharing non district produced tips and educational content.
- Create photo albums of events; be sure to include event information in the album description.
- Seek permission from District Communications Specialist prior to doing a “Live” post.
- Respond to Private Messages promptly in a professional manner answering questions in a clear manner directing messenger to contact building staff, be sure to provide the building phone number in reply.
Cyberbullying will not be tolerated. Harassing, disrespecting, inflaming, denigrating, impersonating, outing, tricking, excluding, and cyberstalking are all examples of cyberbullying. Don’t be mean. Don’t send emails or post comments with the intent of scaring, hurting, or intimidating someone else.
Engaging in these behaviors, or any online activities intended to harm (physically or emotionally) another person, will result in severe disciplinary action and loss of privileges. In some cases, cyberbullying can be a crime. Remember that your activities are monitored and retained by others.
Administrator, Editor or Contributor
-Seek approval from District Communications Specialist prior to changing the Cover image for your Building Facebook page.
-Do not add Editors, Moderators or Event hosts to the Page you are representing without permission from the District Communications Specialist.
-Do not share personal views, on any subject, within a post.
-Page Administrators will monitor page activity regularly.
-On Building Facebook pages: District Level Page Administrators will post ALL District wide announcements such as delays, school closures and emergency announcements.
-District Communication Specialist reserves the right to review page performance on an annual basis to ensure regular and effective communications to the students, staff and community.
-The District Level Page Administrators reserves the right to edit and/or delete any post on a building Facebook page.
-The District Level Page Administrator reserves the right to alter and remove page privileges. Notification of loss of page privileges will be provided in writing prior to removal of privileges.
Violations of this Acceptable Use Policy
Violations of this policy may have disciplinary repercussions, including:
- Suspension or elimination of Page privileges
- Additional consequences determined by Administration.
I have read and understand this Acceptable Use Guidelines for Social Media and agree to the terms herein.
Printed Name______
January 2018