/ AUTHORITYChief Stephen Walker
This general order specifies the functions and responsibilities of the Department in regards to the training of all employees in the areas of recruit training, inservice training, shift briefing/training, advanced training, specialized training and civilian training.
It is the policy of this Department to provide training fairly and equitably to all personnel.
Training is considered the foundation of all Department activities. Well-trained personnel are better prepared to act decisively and correctly in a broad spectrum of situations. Training also results in greater productivity and effectiveness.
All training will be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission.
The Department does not maintain a police training academy and will maintain mutual relationships with training academies in our region which include but are not limited to:
Prince George’s County Police Department
P.G. Chiefs Municipal Academy
Anne Arundel Police Department
Howard County Police Department
Southern Maryland Training Academy
Police and Correctional Training Commission
A. Training Goals
The Department's training goals will include the following:
1. Improve service to the community.
2. Enhance interaction between the police officer and the criminal justice system.
3. Educate the police officer in his/her role of exercising authority and discretion.
4. Improve productivity and effectiveness through knowledge.
5. Utilize the expertise of personnel within the Department and the criminal justice system to provide quality instruction.
6. Provide unity of purpose through common training.
B. The Chief or a designee will be responsible for coordinating the primary training needs of the Department, to include:
1. Planning, developing, implementing, revising and evaluating training programs.
2. Coordinate the notification to all employees of mandatory training sessions and available training opportunities.
3. Maintaining and updating training records to include: members in attendance, testing results, and certificate copies, if available. Training records will not be released to anyone outside of the Department without written approval of the Chief.
4. Ensuring that designated training sessions are attended.
5. Maintaining an active liaison with the local community college and/or any other institutions of higher learning to create and foster a cooperative educational partnership.
A. All newly appointed entry-level officer candidates must successfully complete an approved recruit academy training program prior to any routine assignment in any capacity in which the officer is allowed to carry a firearm or is in a position to make an arrest. (Entry of new recruits into academies may be based on a verbal agreement, followed by a letter of confirmation sent to the respective training academy.) This does not include the Field Training Program.
B. Entry-level candidates and advanced-entry (lateral) officers who have successfully completed all entry level training requirements, will be required to successfully complete the Field Training Program as outlined in General Order EPD603.1- “Field Training and Evaluation”.
C. All advanced-entry (lateral) officers must either have current MPTC certification or be eligible for certification with completion of comparative compliance training. (Entry into the training facility may be based on a verbal agreement, followed by a letter of confirmation sent to the respective training facility.) Advanced-entry (lateral) officers will be assigned to the Field Training Program, pending comparative compliance training, provided they have met the minimum firearms training standards.
D. The Chief’s designee will ensure that all new recruits are provided with an orientation handbook at the time the academy training begins by the agency running the academy. This orientation handbook should include:
1. A statement of the academy’s goals and responsibilities;
2. Organization and staffing;
3. Administrative procedures; and
4. Operating procedures.
D. The recruit training program will at a minimum include:
1. A curriculum based on jobrelatedness to the patrol officer function.
2. Use of evaluation techniques designed to measure competency in the required skills, knowledge and abilities expected of a patrol officer.
3. Minimum standards of the MPTC.
E. All recruits will be expected to comply with all regulations and orders issued by academy staff members.
F. All recruits will have access to the Town’s Employee Assistance Program for confidential counseling services.
G. All employees receiving training in an outside training academy will receive training regarding Departmental policies, procedures, rules, regulations, and Town Ordinances.
A. All sworn personnel will annually complete a minimum of 18-hours of inservice training as mandated by the MPTC. This training will incorporate the minimum Firearms Qualification mandate set by MPTC, as well as any other state mandated programs.
B. Inservice training topics will include topics which have been identified by the agency delivering the in-service training curriculum and approved by MPTC as pertinent to the maintenance of job assignment proficiency. Lesson plans for the training courses that officers receive should include:
1. A statement of performance and job-related objectives;
2. The content of the training and specification of the appropriate instructional techniques;
3. A process for approval of lesson plans; and
4. Identification of any tests used in the training program.
C. All employees scheduled to attend inservice training sessions will report to the designated location on the date and time scheduled. Employees will report to each inservice training session in appropriate attire for that session, as determined by the agency giving the training. If an officer is scheduled for or is issued a court summons for the day of in-service training they will contact their supervisor and schedule a make up date.
D. The Department will update records of employees following their participation in training programs to include date of training, types of training received, any certificates received, attendance, and test scores.
A. Shift briefing/training is designed to be brief in nature. These briefings will be held at a time and place to be determined by the supervisor and/or Chief when they deem it appropriate to hold the training. Shift briefing/training may include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
1. Review of General Orders
2. Criminal Law Updates
3. Officer Safety Topics
4. Investigative Techniques
5. Traffic Enforcement Techniques
6. Local, State, and Federal Law Changes
7. Uses of Discretion
8. Review of policies of other criminal justice
9. Major Incident Critique
10. Contingency Plans
11. Crime Prevention Programs
12. Crime Scene Processing
13. Report Writing Techniques
14. Other topics approved by the Chief or
his/her designee,
B. Shift briefing/training will be conducted by a supervisor or a designee if the subject matter is supported by written documentation such as revision of General Orders, standard operating procedures, or any other authorized written documents.
C. The development of shift briefing/ training will include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. Appropriate planning and scheduling for efficient and effective use of time and material coverage;
2. Identification of the techniques and methods used;
3. Documentation of personnel in attendance; and
4. Evaluation of the training.
D. All personnel attending shift briefing/training will utilize and be responsible for information received in the performance of their duties.
E. Supervisors will ensure that written documentation of shift briefing/training, indicating attendance, is completed and forwarded to the Chief.
A. Familiarization with the accreditation process is to be provided to employees as follows:
1. To all newly hired employees within a reasonable time after they begin employment.
2. To all employees during the self-assessment phase associated with achieving initial accreditation and each re-accreditation.
3. To all employees just prior to an on-site assessment associated with initial accreditation and each re-accreditation.
A. Advanced training is provided by the FBI National Academy, the Southern Police Institute, the Northwestern University Traffic Institute or other comparable institutions. This training is designed to improve the professional competence of officers who have demonstrated leadership abilities.
B. The Chief will approve the selection of any member who is chosen to attend any advanced training. The criteria used will be:
1. Meets the requirements of the advanced training institution.
2. Is in a supervisory, command or specialty assignment.
3. Demonstrates leadership abilities.
C. The Chief will make the determination whether an advanced training graduate maintains their current assignment upon graduation or is placed in another assignment.
D. The advanced training is designed to supplement and complement MPTC requirements for supervisory and administrative personnel. Advanced training may include, but is not limited to:
1. Management Theory;
2. Resource Utilization;
3. Conflict Management;
4. Organizational Models;
5. Supervisory Techniques;
6. Problem Solving Techniques;
7. Program Evaluation; or
8. Other topics approved by the Chief.
A. Specialized training provides the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities in addition to those received through basic entry-level recruit training or other inservice training programs. Specialized training may include, but is not limited to:
1. Management Training;
2. Supervisory Skills and Techniques;
3. Executive Development Training; or
4. Technical and specific training pertinent to a particular assignment (e.g., criminal investigations, background investigations, and so on).
B. Specialized training will be provided to members in the following areas prior to assignment:
1. Radar Operator
2. PBT Operator
C. When specialized training is required, specialized training will include the following:
1. Development or enhancement of the skills, knowledge and abilities particular to the area of specialization;
2. Management, administration, supervision, personnel policies and support services of the function or component; and
3. Supervised on-the-job training.
D. All outside training will require a written critique. Said critique shall be submitted to the Chief, via the chain of command, no later than ten calendar days upon the completion of the training. At a minimum, the following information will be included:
1. Type of training received;
2. Strength/weaknesses of the training as
perceived by the attending employee;
3. Job relatedness of the training; and
4. Recommendations and/or disapproval of the training. Should the Department send other employees? Any relevant materials received during the training that may facilitate future training programs may be included with the critique.
E. Nothing will prohibit the specialized training of members by supervisors or other qualified persons on a casebycase basis to increase job assignment proficiency.
F. An officer who is promoted to a supervisory position will receive job related training such as supervisors training, management training and the like either prior to the promotion or within one year of being promoted.
A. The need for remedial training may be identified by supervisors in the field or when an officer is attending other training such as firearms qualifications, defensive tactics training, etc. If remedial training can be provided informally, it should be done. Persistent deficiencies as well as deficiencies in the areas of weapons use, driving techniques and officer safety will be brought to the attention of the Chief. The Performance Evaluation System will be used to document performance of officers requiring formal remedial training.
A. Newly appointed civilian personnel shall receive the following Department information regarding:
1. The agency’s role, purpose, goals, policies, and procedures;
2. Working conditions and regulations; and
3. Responsibilities and rights of employees.
B. Individuals employed in civilian positions for which pre-service and in-service training is required will be afforded the training whenever possible.
A. The Chief or a designee shall post, to all employees, any training program which is MPTC approved that may benefit the Department. This will be done in writing and will be forwarded with the training course name, date of training, and brief overview of the training. All officers may apply for the training by submitting a memorandum, via chain of command, requesting the training.
1. The Chief or a designee shall notify approved officer(s) of their selection to attend the training.
2. The officer’s schedule will be adjusted by the Lieutenant to attend the training.
3. Upon completion of said training the officer will provide a written critique of the training as outlined in Section IX.D.1-4 of this general order.
B. If an officer/employee finds training and submits the training through their chain of command for approval/disapproval to attend, the Chief will approve or disapprove the request based on the following criteria:
1. Approval will be based on one or more of the following:
a. Value of training session;
b. Relevance of training to the needs of the
c. Cost of training/travel; and
d. Follow-up training requirements; and
2. Disapproval will be based on one or more of the following:
a. Lack of funds;
b. Same or similar session offered at a lesser
expense, i.e., local versus non-local;
c. Training identified as inadequate; and
d. Lack of substantive endorsement by supervisor.
End of Document