Magistrala =the New Prague Boulevard
26.7. – 10.8. 2013
Open Stage
A Place for Spontaneous Action
Organizer: CCEA - Centre forCentralEuropeanArchitecture, o.s.
Join the transformation of the busiest intersection in Prague into a cultural scene!
In a few days the busy highway will host workshops, chess or foosball tournaments, fashion shows, dance and muic performances. A part of Prague’s Magistrala will become an open stage, a laboratory of spontaneous actions, coming thus closer to a real urban feeling. This new life should prove that the alternative exists!
CCEA has been working actively on the topic of the Prague Magistrala since 2010. Our aim is to support the transformation of the Magistrala into an environment where cars, pedestrians, cyclists and public transport can coexist, where trees grow, where there are benches to sit on, and where plenty of bars, restaurants, shops, galleries, and new important city buildings can be found. At first, we started discussion on the level of the City Hall, subsequently the negotiations moved to the level of individual districts, and in 2012, as the outcome of these debates, the ”Initiative for the Humanization of the Magistrala“ was created within the districts of Prague 2, 4 and 7. This year the discussion is moving to the public level via the Open Stage at the busiest spot of this North-South highway, at I. P. Pavlova. We are testing its new form!
„Open Stage I.P.Pavlova“ is a public happening with temporary installations, markets, bars and services. The space will be designed as a frinedly urban garden with furniture and stage for the artists. It will be open for public every day from 10am to 10pm with a cultural program, but also as a hang-out spot to just sit and relax, have a coffee, beer or sandwich. The public will be welcome to participate on the program, and also to just chill out there and enjoy.
The Open Stage will start by the artistic performance of Patrik Hábl, who will define its area by his large-scale Painting 300m2 – a background for the spontaneous action. To name only a few of more than 80 participants, we can mention DJ Lumiere (29.7.) or music ensamble Prague Modern (27.7.). There will be four movie nights by Aerofilms, design market Dyzajn na Ípaku and every day a flashmob action. Children are not forgotten in the program, they can play with artistic group Enfant Terrible or paint and draw at the workshops by Marie Vymazalová
The performances are free of charge for the public.
The public can participate actively by their performance or in the form of:
- debates
- comments and notes to the Book of Big Changes during the whole event
- the
- Flash mob– every day at 19 00
- email:
Special thanks are primarily due to all the participants, who have supported the project Magistrala = the New Prague Boulevard without claiming any fee.
The project is supported by the city of Prague
The project is under the auspices of RNDr. Tomáš Hudeček, Ph.D.,the mayor of the City of Prague
The project is under the auspices of Ing. arch. Václav Vondrášek,the vice-mayor of Prague 2
Media partners:
A2, Artmap, Archiweb, Earch,Era 21, Radio 1,Radio Wave
We also thank to the Office for Public Space - ÚRM Prague, the Italian Cultural Institute in Prague, the community and the Q Café for media support and networking.
tel 604847510
Igor Kovačević
tel 603810083
We focus on the contemporary city.
CCEA takes part in defining the Central European culture.
[Centre for Central European Architecture]
MOBA works on research, architecture and city visions.
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