Port of Ridgefield

Regular Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2008

Present:Joe MelroyBruce Wiseman Scott Fraser

Brent Grening Bill ElingMichael WilliamsWonder Baldwin Lee Wells Scott Hughes Jeanette Ludka Laurie Olin Gary Adkins

Allene WodaegeDavid MorganRoy Garrison

Bill KennedyGladys DorrietGus Hamon

Don GriswoldEdward BlodgettGail Alexander

Peggy QuallFrank KarbenMarie Stephenson

David StandalKen KochCourtney Sherwood

John Babcock

Applicants:Scott Hughes Pat JeffriesJohn Dingethal


Chair Bruce Wiseman called the Port of Ridgefield Commission meeting to order at the hour of 6:00 p.m.


Chair Wiseman led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Commissioner Joe Melroy reviewed the minutes of the November 26, 2008 regular meeting and made the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Chair Bruce Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


Chair Wiseman stated the public should comment now, the commission will not take public comments during the interview process.


Process Overview: Brent Grening explained the interview process. The initial applicants are: Gary Adkins, Scott Hughes, John Dingethal and Pat Jeffries. Brent stated Gary Adkins has withdrawn his name as a potential candidate separately. He stated the candidates will be asked a series of questions by the Port commission one at a time. The remaining two candidates will step out of the room during this time. Brent stated the commission may or may not take action at tonight’s meeting.

Public Comment – Commission Vacancy Only

David Standal stated in his opinion, John Dingethal would be an asset to the Port of Ridgefield commission. He stated he and John served as members on the Ridgefield Planning Commission and City Council. He commented on John’s expertise as he served on these committees and how his talent and expertise in his opinion would be a benefit to the Port of Ridgefield.

Roy Garrison acknowledged the three candidates that have applied for the position. He stated he was pleased with the consistent process performed by the commission.

Marie Stephenson expressed her appreciation to the Port for conducting an open meeting during the interview process.

Commissioner Melroy stated he values the public’s input.

Allene Woodaege encouraged the commission to continue to use wisdom in selecting a new commissioner.

Commissioner Melroy stated the Port commission has worked well together for many years.

Don Griswold stated in his opinion, the philosophy of the Port of Ridgefield should reflect .the comments from the public.

Gladys Doriet and Gus Hamon stated they are advocates for John Dingathal.


Executive Session, Personnel: Chair Wiseman suspended the regular meeting to meet in Executive Session at 7:02 p.m.

Commission Deliberation: Chair Wiseman reconvened the regular meeting at 7:23 p.m. He stated the commission will make a decision and announce the Port of Ridgefield third Commissioner at the meeting on Wednesday, December 17th.

Chair Wiseman will meet with each of the candidates before the next Port meeting. He asked the port staff to contact John Dingethal (who left earlier to attend a prior commitment) regarding dates he is available to meet.

Allene asked what happens if a candidate is not chosen. Bill Eling answered the Clark County Commissioners will make the decision if a tie occurs.


Brent stated the Port of Ridgefield is requesting funds for the I-5 SR 501 Interchange and Railroad Overpass Projects from the federal stimulus package. The estimated amount is $1.5 million for the Railroad Overpass Project and $10 million for the Interchange Project.

Commissioner Melroy stated he plans to lobby to the legislators in Washington D. C. for the I-5 Interchange at the Ridgefield Junction..

Brent announced the PNWA Portland/Vancouver Regional Meeting will be held on February 13, 2009 from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Port of Portland.


Payments of Bills: The payment of the bills were completed by Jeanette Ludka, reviewed and approved by Commissioner Melroy. Commissioner Melroy made a motion to approve the payment of the bills for the month of December. Chairman Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried to pay the bills. Jeanette stated that the Port has paid $415,347.96 in invoices and payroll since the last Commission approval of the bills. Commissioner Melroy stated the Port will pay more bills at the next commission meeting, this is due to the meetings changing from the 2nd & 4th to the 1st and 3rd Wednesday for the month of December.

Cash Balance: Jeanette stated the Port’s cash balance has earned 4.59% in interest for the CD’s which totals $125,851.87 for the year to date. She stated the state pool has earned 2.4% in October which is lower than the Port rate.

Commissioner Melroy made a motion to approve the finance report. Chair Wiseman seconded the motion. The motion was carried.


There was no old business to discuss.


Commissioner Melroy stated he will meet with Washington D.C. Congressional Representatives on Monday, December 8th to discuss including the I-5/SR 501 Interchange and Rail Overpass Projects in the federal stimulus package.

Chair Wiseman stated that federal funding of these projects will provide an estimated 13,000 jobs for the region.


Gail Alexander from the Ridgefield Kayak Rentals thanked the Port of Ridgefield for making the trail on Lake River safe for the public.

Commissioner Melroy invited the public to attend the upcoming Port of Ridgefield Waterfront meetings to view the current Comprehensive Waterfront Plans. He added the Port staff welcomes public comments.

Randy Mueller stated that at the December 17th Port meeting, there will be an important informational meeting regarding Miller’s Landing Planning.


There being no further business or public comments, Chair Wiseman adjourned the meeting of December 3, 2008 at 7:45 p.m.

The next Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 17, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Port of Ridgefield office in the downstairs conference room, located at 111 West Division Street in Ridgefield.


Bruce WisemanJoe Melroy

Respectfully submitted,

Wonder Baldwin

Administrative Assistant