TheOntario Science Centre– Volunteer with us!
We are looking for enthusiastic youth volunteers with an interest in science and technology to contribute to our Summer Day Camp Program. If you are between 15 and 17 yearsof age and you enjoy working with children, volunteering at the Ontario Science Centre’s Summer Day Camp could be a very rewarding and enriching experience for you!
Join our Recreational Programs Team
The Recreational and Family Learning Experiences Unit at the Ontario Science Centre offers exciting programs to inspire a lifelong journey of curiosity and discoveryfor participants of all ages and abilities with a variety of hands-on science workshops, demonstrations, and activities.
As a Recreational Programs Volunteer at the Ontario Science Centre Summer Day Camp you will:
- Interact with various groups of campers 4 to 14 years of age and assist with their supervision
- Guide the campers’ exploration of the exhibit halls throughout the Centre
- Assist in the delivery of science programs and recreational activities in both indoor and outdoor settings
- Learn and develop interpersonal, communication and leadership skills
YouthVolunteersmust bebetween 15and 17years of age and be available:
- Group Interviews – evening of Wednesday, May 24th
- Mandatory training (successful candidates only)–evenings of June 1st and 8th
- Monday through Friday, from 8:15 to 4:30, for a minimum of three consecutive weeks of camp; available blocks include: July 4th to 21st, July 24thto August 11th, or August 14thto September 1st, 2017
Applications will be accepted via email, fax or by regular mail only. Note:Applications that are dropped off at the Science Centrewill not be accepted!
All applications must be received by Monday, May 8th @ 5:00 p.m.
*All applicants will receive a confirmation e-mail to acknowledge receipt of their application.
Mail:OntarioScience Centre
Attn: Shauna Cook
770 Don MillsRd.
Toronto, ON
M3C 1T3
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Ontario Science Centre!
Application Form:RecreationalProgramsVolunteer2017
(Please type to complete this form)
LastName FirstName
Home Address
House/Apt# Street Town Postal Code
E-mailAddress Are you Female Male______
Are youbetween 15and 17 yearsofage? YesNo Birthday: ______/______/______
day month year
Ihave volunteeredattheOntarioScience Centrein the past: Yes ___ No ___
Whatdoes excellent customer service mean to you?
Anadultotherthanafamilymembershouldcompletethisformby hand.
The OntarioScience Centre asks foryour assistance inprovidingareference for:
The OntarioScience Centre is lookingforenthusiasticyouth volunteers between the ages of 15 and 17 with an interest inscience and technology tocontribute toourSummerDay Camp Program.We arelookingforyouth whoworkwellwith children4to14yearsofage,who areresponsibleandreliable,and who have withstrongcommunicationandinterpersonalskills.
•Interact with various groupsof campers and assistwiththeir supervision
•Guide thecampers’ exploration of the exhibithallsthroughoutthe Centre
•Assistin thedelivery of science programsand recreational activitiesin bothindoor and outdoor settings
•Learn and developinterpersonal, communication and leadershipskills
How longhaveyouknowntheapplicantandinwhatcapacity?
Whatwouldyouconsidertobetheapplicant's strengths? How hasthisbeendemonstrated?
Pleasedescribethe levelofguidanceandsupervisionthe applicantrequires tocompletetasks.
Whatthreewordsbest describethis applicant?
GetsalongwellwithothersOutstanding VeryGoodFair PoorCommunicationskills Outstanding VeryGood Fair PoorReliableandresponsible Outstanding VeryGood Fair PoorInitiative Outstanding VeryGood Fair Poor
Politeandrespectful Outstanding VeryGood Fair Poor
Doyou haveanyreservations inrecommending theapplicantasarolemodel for younger children?
Wouldyourecommendtheapplicant asasuitablevolunteerfortheOntarioScienceCentre?
Pleaseprovideuswith anyotherinformation thatyoufeelmaybeusefulinconsidering theapplicant foravolunteerpositionattheOntario ScienceCentre.
Name of person providing reference(PleasePrint):______
Relationship to Applicant:______
TelephoneNumber: ______
Signature: Date: ______
Formscanbereturned totheyouthapplicant for submission.We will contact you to verify completion of the form. Ifyouwouldprefertoreplyconfidentially,pleasecontact:ShaunaCook, Volunteer Coordinator(416) 696-3272.
Manythanks foryourassistance inbuildingastrongvolunteerteamat the OntarioScienceCentre!