September 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0999r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2009-09-21
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd / 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK / +44 1753 667099 /
IEEE 802.11 Interim Meeting – Session #117
Hilton Waikoloa, Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, USA
September 21st – 25th, 2009
IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday, 21st September 2009
8:05 802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 802.18, 802.20, 802.21, and 802.22 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. IEEE 802.11 attendance is included as Annex A.
General announcements:
• Attendance will be collected via the IMAT
• Workshop/tutorial tonight
Straw Poll of new attendees: 4
8:08 IEEE patent policy
802.15 WG chair read the IEEE-SA instructions for the WG chair and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the patcom web site.
Chair asked participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard in the appropriate WG.
802.15 WG chair read IEEE anti-trust policy
8:13 Financial report by John Barr, (15-09-0632-02)
• 11 Jul 09 balance was $228,143.72
• 18 Sep 09 balance was $228,436.25
• Additional funds in face-face $73,788
• Waikoloa
o >500 registered
o Registration Income: $316,550
o Expected surplus: $16,793
8:17 Wireless announcements: (15-09-0466-06)
Wireless Network Updates by Rick Alfvin
• Comment: 802.19 wasn’t in the attendance system
8:23 Review Interim meetings
• 17-22 January, 2010 -Hyatt Century Plaza, LA
• 16 - 21 May 2010 – Shangri-La Beijing, Beijing, PRC
• 12-17 Sep 2010, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA
8:25 Task Group Updates
• 802.11 (11-09-990-02)
TGP: vehicular WG ballot comment resolution
TGS: comment resolution
TGU: comment resolution
TGV: network management
TGAA: video transport
Study Groups:
QoS Mgmt Frame
802.15 (193 voters, 55 nearly voters)
WNG: next generation
TG3c: approved
TG4e: preliminary draft stage
TG4f: generate baseline
TG4g: generate baseline
TG6 (BAN): merging proposals
TG7 (VLC TG): looking to form baseline
802.16 (437 voters, 37 nearly)
16H – methods for coexistence in LB
16M – first draft, working on comment resolutions
802.18 (27 voters)
• Reviewing and approving IMT advanced
• Study group on white space coexistence
802.21 (34 voters)
• handovers reviewing proposals
802.22 (35 voters)
• working on 2nd draft of standard
• new PAR addressing FCC ruling on low power devices
Emergency Services Exec SG by G Thompson
• reviewing feedback from PAR review
• focus on 911 services – welcome participation from other wireless groups
8:45 Overview of Smart Grid Workshop/tutorial (11-09-930-02)
• NIST FrameWork Plan
• NIST Priority Action Plans
• P2030 summary
8:48 Joint meeting adjourned
IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 21st September 2009
Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 09:01 HST
Jon Rosdahl CSR
Adrian Stephens Intel Corporation UK Ltd
Stephen McCann Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd
There are 250 voting members of IEEE 802.11
1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-09-0928r1)
1.1. Chair: please remember that there is no recording or pictures allowed.
1.2. TGaa is not meeting this week and so we have a 4 track parallel plan with a couple of exceptions.
1.3. Chair: Any modifications
1.4. No objection to the approval of the agenda
2. Attendance
2.1. The chair then asked for those attending for the first time, 4 responded out of a total of 91 people in the room.
2.2. Attendance (together with affiliations) at this meeting is shown in Annex A.
3. July 2009 Minutes (11-09-0781r1)
3.1. Review and approve joint minutes from the San Francisco, July 2009 meeting.
3.2. Any objection to approving the July 2009 minutes by unanimous consent
3.3. Moved Stephen McCann, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl
3.4. Following neither discussion nor dissent these minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
4. Treasurers report (15-09-0632r2)
4.1. Quick summary of document which was presented earlier in the 802 wireless opening plenary.
5. Call for essential Patents
5.1. The vice-chair read out the current PatCom rules and then called for essential patents information.
5.2. None.
6. Policies and Procedures (11-09-1007r0)
6.2. The vice-chair presented the P&Ps. This document contains all the information and links to the appropriate PatCom rules.
6.2.1. Please review these slides for all current procedures and information together with: Patent FAQ - LoA Form -
6.3. Please note the current rule regarding Quorum on slide 9.
6.4. Since the 802 is still processing the new P&P rules, we are working under the existing P&Ps. There are no changes for this meeting. The EC is due to vote on this in November.
7. Announcements (11-09-0930r0)
7.1. IEEE 802.18 agenda
7.1.1. They are looking at an output document for IMT-A coming from 802.16 this week.
7.2. IEEE 802.19 agenda
7.2.1. working on PAR for TV Whitespace activity
7.3. IEEE 802.22 agenda
7.3.1. Working on 2 PARs this week, which may be of some interest to 802.11.
7.4. Emergency Service Executive Study Group (ES EC SG)
7.4.1. you will be given credit for attending this group
7.4.2. Geoff will return to the 802.11 mid-week plenary with a summary
7.5. Smart Grid
7.5.1. Please note the special session this evening on this topic.
7.6. TGn & TGw
7.6.1. These have now been approved and there is not a lot to mention at the moment. They are both moving into the publication stage (11w early October 2009, 11n end of October 2009)
7.6.2. Chair: I would like to recognize all the work at this stage in these two projects. I would like everyone to applaud this effort.
7.6.3. Chair: There will be a more formal award ceremony at some point.
7.7. Paul Nikolich
7.7.1. Please note that Paul’s father passed away last week and is not able to join us at this time.
7.8. PARs
7.8.1. Please look at slide #9 in 11-09-0930r1 and note these early PARs which will come up during the November 2009 meeting. Although this is early, comments would be appreciated.
7.9. Sponsor Ballot Group formation
7.9.1. Please note that we have four groups (p, u, v, and z) which are all forming sponsor ballot groups at the moment, which expire on 1st October 2009.
7.9.2. You do need to be an IEEE-SA member to join these groups.
8. Voting status, attendance, meeting network & documentation (11-09-0952r0)
8.1. Document describes how to do attendance, voting status, letter ballots.
8.1.1. 8 aspirants
8.1.2. 32 nearly
8.1.3. 15 potentials
8.1.4. 250 voters
8.1.5. 125 registered for IEEE 802.11 at this meeting
8.2. Please note the extra column in the attendance list which shows when your voting rights are due to expire.
8.3. If you wish to attend the EC ES SG (Executive Committee Emergency Services Study Group) then this will count towards IEEE 802.11 attendance this week.
9. Status of all groups (11-09-0990r0)
9.1. Chair: TGn and TGw have now completed their work. Hence these groups will be removed from future agendas. The PARs expire on 31st December 2009, so the groups will naturally disappear.
9.2. Chairs List
9.3. This slide shows the missing officers for this meeting
9.4. TGs has an open nomination, who is not here this week and will stand for election in November
9.5. There are two pro-tem chairs for TV Whitespace and QoSMAN study groups. Elections will be held on Wednesday for permanent chairs.
9.6. Guido Heirtz will help with running TGs this week, as temporary chair.
9.7. TK Tan is sick this week and so Stephen McCann will help out there.
9.8. Other Officers
9.9. Adrian Stephens will help as technical editor this week
9.10. TGs editor and secretary are also not here this week.
9.11. Group Summaries
9.12. Chair: Presented the rest of the slides quickly for all the groups.
9.13. No questions.
9.14. Letter Ballots
9.15. Please see slides for several letter ballots which have recently closed (slide xx).
9.16. Chair: Any more questions and/or updates?
9.17. None seen
9.18. Globecom
9.19. Chair: Some of us will be making a presentation in Globecom this year. Some slides are being prepared for this to be held on November 30th 2009.
10. Any Other Business
10.1. WG Photograph
10.2. A suggestion was to have a group photo, which we’ve not done for a while. So please can you assemble on the grand staircase just after the mid-week plenary on Wednesday.
10.3. Chair: Any objection to taking a group photograph on Wednesday?
10.4. None noted.
10.5. Meeting recessed at 10:00 HST
Wednesday, 23rd September 2009
IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary
Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) opened the meeting at 10:31 HST
86 people present.
11. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-09-0928r4)
11.1. Any objection to accepting the changes (typos and motions) to the agenda?
11.2. No objection, so moved and approved.
12. Call for Essential Patents
12.1. Call for essential patents
12.2. No items arose.
13. CAC
13.1. Reminder about 19.30 meeting on Thursday
14. Other Announcements
14.1. Social tonight here in the hotel this evening in the breakfast/lunch location, starting at 18:30 HST.
15. Liaisons
15.1. IEEE 802.18 : Radio Regulatory Tag (11-09-1049r0)
15.1.1. Reviewed various inputs to different groups.
15.1.2. Proposal for TG11
15.1.3. Changes to M.1801, as a result of 11n approval
15.1.4. No questions
15.2. IEEE 802.19 : Co-existence Tag (11-09-0987r1)
15.2.1. Various conference calls about 802.11 TV Whitespace Study Group PAR & 5C
15.2.2. Q: The version r4 schedule seems to have allocated slots already.
15.2.3. A: There should be a new schedule out shortly. 802.19 has now sorted this out. An email will be sent out to the 802.19 email reflector.
15.3. Table Bluetooth SIG and EC Emergency Services SG until later
15.4. Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA)
15.4.1. No WFA face-to-face meeting since the IEEE 802.11 meeting in July 2009.
15.4.2. Remember that the alliance relies on interoperability in the industry.
15.4.3. Group updates: Voice Enterprise (MMAC, 11r, 11k) Peer to peer (very interesting group). Demonstrations are now starting to appear. Huge amount of work based on 802.11 amendments is now being taken forward. 11n certification will now start addressing the approved amendment, as opposed to Draft 2.0. I thank the IEEE certification board for approving this. WFA also involved in regulatory items, as mentioned in the above report from IEEE 802.18. Also involved in SmartGrid activity and a submission has been made to NIST as a viable technology for SmartGrid. Next meeting is in Seoul in a couple of weeks time. 48% of membership is now from Asia. No questions
15.5. IETF
15.5.1. Last IETF at the end of July following the IEEE 802 meeting.
15.5.2. Liaison request to GEOPRIV. At the IETF meeting, Dorothy presented this document to that group. GEOPRIV people are now generating I-Ds which do the work outlined within the liaison.
15.5.3. MIB documents are in progress
15.5.4. EMU discussed WAPI and EAI.
15.5.5. EAP-PWD
15.5.6. Next meeting is in Hiroshima immediately before Atlanta IEEE 802.11 meeting.
15.5.7. No questions
15.6. 3GPP (11-09-1056r0)
15.6.1. There is a request to set up a 3GPP liaison officer to enable document sharing between IEEE 802.11 and 3GPP. This is so that 3GPP can review IEEE 802.11u for comments during sponsor ballot.
15.6.2. Open names for liaison officer
15.6.3. No objection to doing this now (don’t extend nominations beyond this meeting
15.6.4. Therefore appoint Stephen McCann
15.6.5. Action: through discussions with IEEE Staff, determine solutions to any concerns associated with IEEE copyrights when exchanging documents between organizations.
15.7. ETSI DoT
15.7.1. Nothing to report as liaison officer has not been available to attend the ETSI meetings.
15.7.2. Liaison is regarding ETSI department of transportation and IEEE 802.11
15.7.3. Chair: A more formal report will be forthcoming in November 2009.
15.8. Emergency Services EC Study Group
15.8.2. The attendance of this group varied between 3 to 8.
15.8.3. Plan to have a PAR & 5C for review by the EC in November
15.8.4. Q: Regarding cellular phones doing 911 calls, a lot of this was regulatory.
15.8.5. A: I hope this will be minimized as much as possible. I hope the IETF ECRIT will deal with most of the regulatory issues.
15.8.6. Q: Slide #5, says the scope will be restricted to VoIP.
15.8.7. A: Yes, but telephone calls also have capabilities for video, text services. Hopefully this will be handled by the application layer anyway.
15.8.8. Q: Slide #7 addresses three media types.
15.8.9. A: Sure, but hopefully we won’t care anyway.
15.8.10. Q: The scope is very similar to what IEEE 802.11 suggested in July, so it looks as though it will fit IEEE 802.11 very well.
15.8.11. A: Sure, but bear in mind that 802.1 bridges may have some functionality.
15.8.12. Q: You had some participation from 802.11; but could you do with more.
15.8.13. A: Yes please and we’re meeting in Waikoloa 3. Companies will need to address these issues in the future.
15.8.14. Q: Can you provide an update for the IEEE 802.11 Friday Plenary?
15.8.15. A: yes, sure.
16. Sponsor Ballot Procedure Changes (11-09-1058r0)
16.1. Vice-chair: During the RevCom approval process for 11n and 11w, there were comments received about the documents. This document addresses some of their concerns. IEEE 802.11 has to answer these concerns. Please can p, z, u, and v chairs take note.
16.2. C: We used to get “see comment above” in letter ballot comments. This needs to stop, as comments get re-ordered and moved from one file to another.