Psychology Lesson 2.07 Study Guide

2.07: Write a creative essay telling me about your "thinking style" traits from that quiz you took in module 2.01.

02.07 Consciousness: Getting Into Your Levels Of Conscious. This Is Deep, Man!

3 Levels of Consciousness


This is when you are aware of everything going on around you and within you. As you listen intently to a friend in need, you are present and aware, this is your conscious.


Your subconscious is always working below your functioning concentration. This is what gets you to and from grandma’s house when your mind is on something else.


The unconscious is working when you are sleeping and dreaming. This holds your thoughts and feelings about which you have no control or direct knowledge.

So, let’s say for example you call your teacher “mom.” Do you really think she is your mom? Or is there something else that "made" you do that.

According to Sigmund Freud, you would have had this desire (for your teacher to be your mom), but you were not aware of it until it became present by you calling your teacher "mom."

When we say something to someone and we then quickly say, “I did not mean it that way,” we can say this is a Freudian slip.

Another example of a Freudian slip would be telling your not-so-best friend about some cookies you really liked and instead of saying "I love them" you would say “I love you." Unconsciously, according to Freud, you really do love this not-so-best friend!

Freudian Slip- A verbal mistake that, according to Freud, is giving insight into your hidden desires.


Hypnosis is an altered state that can be entered into with the assistance of a hypnotist or alone, by you. With the assistance of a hypnotist, a subject chooses what they wish to explore and the hypnotist suggests changes in the feelings, perceptions, thoughts, or behaviors related to this subject. Throughout the hypnotism process, the subject is aware of what is going on.

The reason one may choose to enter a hypnotic state is to change a behavior (stop smoking, weight loss) or sometimes to recover a lost memory. A person who was a victim of a crime can sometimes remember information under hypnosis that the conscious mind cannot remember.

Meditation is the process of hypnosis on one's self. Meditation has a calming effect on the body through the mind. Meditation can be done through yoga, through silence, or through any way a person feels connected to their mind.

Hypnosis - A state that resembles sleep but that is induced by suggestion.


Drugs can also alter your consciousness. There are four main classifications of drugs: depressants, stimulants, opiates, and hallucinogens. Drugs alter a person’s state of consciousness; alter the person’s mood, behavior, thinking, and their perception.

  • Depressants are drugs in which "depress" the mind and body—-meaning they slow the body down.
  • The opposite are called stimulants as they "stimulate" the mind and body causing a person to be hyper and restless.
  • Opiates are painkillers, they numb a person.
  • Hallucinogens induce delusions or hallucinations.

Depressant / Stimulant (amphetamine or methamphetamine) / Opiate / Hallucinogen
Alcohol / Nicotine / Heroin / LSD
Xanax / Caffeine / Oxycodone / Shrooms
Ketamine “Special K" / Esctasy “rolls” / Other pain killers / 2CB
GHB / Crystal Meth / Marijuana
Cocaine “coke”


Assessment 02.07 Review – Are You Right or Left Brained?

Please complete the following and submit for grading to your instructor:

Go back to Lesson 2.01  Page 2  Paragraph 1  Last line. There you will find the Thinking style quiz.

  1. Write one or more paragraphs with a minimum of five sentences about yourself describing at least 3 specific examples of characteristics you exhibit from the thinking style quiz you took in 2.01. Be sure to use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation and submit for grading in Assignment "02.07”.
  2. Prepare yourself for the module exam by completing the reading from module 2 and answering the questions on 2.08’s Module Review. Be prepared to answer questions about the brain, glands, neurotransmitters, sensation, perception, and consciousness.
  3. Feel free to set a tutoring appointment with your instructor if you need clarification about the material covered from this module. You may also want to discuss how your study plan is working for you at this point.

02.07 Review Assessment Grading Rubric

Requirements: / Possible Points:
Essay describes 3 or more specific examples of characteristics you exhibit from the thinking style most prevalent for yourself. / 25
Essay contains five to seven complete sentences about yourself and your thinking style. / 15
Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. / 10