Pack 4
Langtree School provides a computer network with Internet and email access for students. The Internet offers access to a vast amount of information for use in studies but there are dangers and this policy details rules for the safe and legal use of the ICT resources in the school. The computer network is provided for the benefit of all students, and students are encouraged to use and enjoy these resources, and to help to ensure they remain available to all.
Students are responsible for good behavior both when using the ICT resources and when using the Internet just as they are in other aspects of school life. It is important to remember that access to the computer network, Internet and email is a privilege, not a right. Inappropriate use will result in that privilege being withdrawn.
Damaging, disabling or otherwise impairing the operation of computers and other ICT equipment will be considered as an act of vandalism
The school computers, Internet connection and email system are for educational use only
Eating and drinking in ICT suites or near any computer equipment is strictly forbidden. This is necessary to protect the computers from accidental spillages which could cause serious damage and create the danger of electric shock.
Students should not use head or ear phones in a lesson, without the express permission of a member of teaching staff. Head/ear phones should only be used when they are required for educational purposes and not for listening to music.
IPods, mp3 players and mobile phones should not be used within the ICT rooms; this includes charging them via USB.
Students are given their own usernames and password to access the school network which includes wireless network.
Sharing of passwords with anyone else is strictly forbidden
Students should never use any user area apart from their own. Logging in using someone else’s username and password is not permitted
The storing of pornographic, racist or other offensive material on the network is strictly forbidden
Playing games on school computers is not permitted as this is a waste of school resources and is against the school’s policy for the use of ICT equipment
Students are responsible for the security of their own user area, and will be held fully accountable for any abuse of, or originating from, their account
Students should always respect the security on the school computer networks
Activity that threatens the integrity of the school ICT systems, or activity that attacks or corrupts other systems is strictly forbidden
Deliberate meddling with viruses and hacking are serious criminal offences and will be dealt with very seriously indeed and may well result in exclusion from school
Students must never reveal their school name, home address, telephone number or provide a picture to people that they meet on the Internet unless specifically authorised to do so by a teacher as part of a planned lesson
Other computer users should be respected and should not be harassed, harmed, offended or insulted in any way
Student user storage areas, files, Internet and email usage may be checked to ensure that students are using the school ICT facilities responsibly.
The school provides a filtered Internet connection for student use.
Any attempt to bypass the school Internet filtering system can result in punishment up to and including temporary or permanent exclusion. This includes the use of proxy sites.
Internet access in the school is for educational use only.
Use of the Internet to access, download, send, print display or otherwise transmit inappropriate, obscene, racist, violent, fanatical, offensive or any illegal material is strictly forbidden.
Students are not permitted to download and/or play games on school computers.
Use for financial gain, gambling, political purposes or advertising is not permitted
The use of chat rooms and instant messaging is forbidden unless specifically authorised by a teacher for educational use as part of a planned lesson
The use of social networking sites such as “Bebo” and “Facebook” is strictly forbidden. These sites are filtered by the school because they have no educational value and there are serious child safety issues associated with their use.
The use of “YouTube” is restricted. Students should only access “YouTube” when directed to it by a teacher. Attempts to access any inappropriate content will be treated very seriously.
Copyright laws must be respected at all times. Respect the work and ownership rights of people outside the school, as well as other students or staff.
The download or storage of media files of any kind is not permitted unless specifically authorised by a teacher
Students must tell a member of staff immediately if they find materials which violate the ICT rules.
All students will be provided with their own email account for educational use only
Students are responsible for the content of all email sent and received by them
The sending of offensive, profane or abusive email or other messages is forbidden
If students receive any offensive or inappropriate emails they should report it to a teacher or the ICT Office immediately
Use of school email accounts for bullying or harassment will not be tolerated as this is against school rules
Email attachments should only be opened if they come from a known and trusted source
The sending of email attachments containing any program, file or shortcut that damages or shuts down a computer, damages or alters the operating system or alters, deletes or otherwise modifies user files is strictly forbidden
The use of email to disrupt, slow down or damage the school mail server or network system is not permitted.
For the purpose of disciplinary sanctions for breaches of the ICT Acceptable Use Policy, offences are split into two categories, minor and serious. It should be noted that the list of offences shown below is not comprehensive. Any inappropriate activity not listed here will be punishable based on the severity of the offence.
Inappropriate material or behavior
- Any web site and/or content not suited to a task issued by a teacher as part of a lesson
- Searching for or accessing age-inappropriate content (e.g. searching for “bikini babes” etc.)
Obscene material
- pornography
- violence and hate sites
- racial hatred sites
Illegal material
Any content that is defined as illegal such as:
- child pornography
- bomb-making sites
- illegal drugs sites
- Playing games on school computers
- Abuse of Internet privileges
- Accessing inappropriate or obscene material on the Internet
- Storing inappropriate or obscene material on the network
- Using another student’s user area
- Abuse of email privileges
- Hacking and unauthorised access of the network.
- Virus creation and/or propagation
- Sending malicious email attachments