of the 13th meeting of COOMET Technical Committee
TC 4 “Information and Training”
The 13th meeting of TC 4 “Information and Training” was held on 18–19 May 2016 in Braunschweig, Germany.
13 persons from 9 countries, Chairpersons of Subcommittees and Members of TC 4 as well as their representatives participated in the meeting:
Representatives of national metrology organisations of COOMET member-countries /Country / Name / Status in COOMET, NMI /
Belarus / 1. Lidia ASTAFIJEVA / Member of TC 4, SC 4.1, BelGIM
Bosnia and Herzegovina / 2. Zijad DZEMIC / COOMET Committee Member, Member of TC 4, IMBIH
GERMANY / 3. Moritz ACKERMANN / Representative of TC 4, PTB
GEORGIA / 4. Natalia SIDAMONIDZE / Representative of TC 4 Member, GEOSTM
5. Karligash SATTIBAYEVA
/ Member of TC 4, SC 4.3,RSE “KazInMetr”
MOLDOVA / 6. Constantin BORDIANU / Member of TC 4, SC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,
RUSSIA / 7. Sergey Komissarov / Deputy Chairperson of TC 4, Head of COOMET Secretariat, VNIIMS
8. Ekaterina KOZMINA / Member of TC 4, VNIIMS
TAJIKISTAN / 9. Said MAVLONOV / Member of TC 4, SC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3,
Ukraine / 10. Pavel Neyezhmakov / COOMET Vice-President,
Chairperson of TC 4,
NSC “Institute of Metrology”
11. Yuliya Bunyayeva / Secretary of TC 4, Member of SC 4.1, 4.3, National COOMET Secretariat in Ukraine, NSC “Institute of Metrology”
12. Еlena RAMAZANOVA-STOPKINA / Member of SC 4.3, Director of International School of Technical Legislation and Quality Management
13. Volodymyr VELYCHKO” / General Director of
SE “Kharkivstandartmetrologiya
The following Agenda was approved:
1 Approval of the Minutes of the 12th TC 4 meeting
2 Report on the activity of TC 4 in 2015–2016
3 Information on the results of the 20th meeting of COOMET President’s Council and the 26th meeting of COOMET Committee
4 Realisation of the TC 4 Work Program for 2015–2017
5 Exchange of experiences on the practice of training and raising proficiency level of the specialists-metrologists in COOMET member-countries. Presentations of COOMET member-countries
6 Implementation of COOMET projects
6.1 Training of specialists of measurement, calibration and testing laboratories. Module approach in training the specialists of measurement, calibration and testing laboratories: prospects of development and implementation of new training modules and broadening of cooperation between COOMET member-countries
6.2 Development and administration of the database of COOMET RM. Organisation of access to the database “COOMET Reference Materials”
6.3 The development of competencies and qualifications within COOMET for specialists and metrologists of measurement, calibration and testing laboratories on the basis of modular approach
6.4 Training on the basis of modular approach for specialists-metrologists of medical clinical laboratories
7 On activities of Subcommittees in TC 4. Reports of SC Chairpersons
7.1 SC 4.1 “Support in Developing the Basic Metrological Infrastructure of COOMET Member-Countries”
7.2 SC 4.2 “COOMET Informational Resources”
7.3 SC 4.3 “Raising Proficiency Level and Work with Young Metrologists”
8 On the new PTB-COOMET Project
9 On holding VII International Competition “Best Young Metrologist of COOMET”
10 On holding a training seminar for technical editors of COOMET portal
11 Miscellaneous
12 Date and venue of the next meeting
13 Approval and adoption of resolutions
Chairperson of TC 4 “Information and Training” P. Neyezhmakov (NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Ukraine) opened the meeting and welcomed the participants.
The Head of Department Q5 “Technical Cooperation” M.Stoldt (PTB, Germany) wished participants of the meeting a successful and fruitful work.
1 Approval of the Minutes of the 11th meeting of TC 4
TC 4 Secretary Yu. Bunyayeva (NSC “Institute of Metrology”, Ukraine) informed the participants of the meeting that the Minutes of the 12th meeting of TC 4 were approved by the Members of TC 4 and participants of the previous meeting via electronic voting.
Decisions and actions:
to approve the Minutes of the 12th TC 4 Meeting.
2 Report on the activity of TC 4 in 2015–2016
TC 4 Chairperson P. Neyezhmakov informed on the main areas of the TC activity. In the reporting period the activity within the TC was performed based on the TC 4 Work Program for 2015–2017 in three subcommittees:
· SC 4.1 “Support in Developing the Basic Metrological Infrastructure of COOMET Member-Countries”;
· SC 4.2 “COOMET Informational Resources”;
· SC 4.3 “Raising Proficiency Level and Work with Young Metrologists”.
3 Information on the results of the 20th Meeting of COOMET President’s Council and the 26th meeting of COOMET Committee
TC 4 Chairperson P. Neyezhmakov informed the participants of the meeting on the results of the 20th COOMET President’s Council meeting and the 26th COOMET Committee meeting.
Decisions and actions:
to ask TC 4 Chairperson P. Neyezhmakov to bring to the 21th meeting of COOMET President’s Council a proposal to recommend Chairpersons of COOMET Technical Committees to combine their TC meetings with training seminars on corresponding activities of their TC.
4 Realisation of the TC 4 Work Program for 2015–2017
TC 4 Chairperson P. Neyezhmakov informed the participants of the meeting on the results of realisation of the TC 4 Work Program for 2015–2017.
TC 4 Member from Belarus L.Astafijeva (BelGIM, Belarus) proposed a new direction of activity within SC 4.1 concerning the analysis of national training systems for NMIs and metrologists of COOMET member-countries.
TC 4 Member from Kazakhstan K. Sattibayeva (RSE “KazInMetr”, Kazakhstan) proposed to hold within SC 4.1 the analysis of proficiency level requirements to the specialists metrologists of COOMET member-countries.
Deputy Chairperson of TC 4, Head of COOMET Secretariat S.Komissarov (VNIIMS, Russia) proposed to prepare within SC 4.2 a common form for presenting the information from member-countries and COOMET TCs on informational resources.
The participants of the meeting exchanged views on suggested proposals and agreed on the relevance of these directions of activity for COOMET. It was decided to update the Work Program of TC 4 for 2015-2017 taking into account fulfilled items and offered directions.
Decisions and actions:
to adopt the report on realisation of the TC 4 Work Program for 2015–2017;
to charge TC 4 Secretariat to update the TC 4 Work Program for 2015-2017 taking into account the suggested proposals and to distribute it among TC 4 members by
15 June 2016.
5 Exchange of experiences on the practice of training and raising proficiency level of the specialists-metrologists in COOMET member-countries. Presentations of COOMET member-countries
Participants of the meeting exchanged information on the progress on practice of training and raising proficiency level of the specialists-metrologists in COOMET member-countries.
Among the participants of the meeting a lively discussion took place, and they exchanged opinions about the practice of training in their countries and opportunity of using the experience of other RMOs in the practice of training and raising proficiency level in holding training seminars within COOMET.
C.Kroner (PTB, Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany) presented information on Braunschweig International Graduate School of Metrology, its directions of activity and cooperation with PTB.
6 Implementation of COOMET projects
6.1 Training of specialists of measurement, calibration and testing laboratories. Modular approach in training the specialists of measurement, calibration and testing laboratories: prospective of development and implementation of new training modules and broadening of cooperation between COOMET member-countries (СООМЕТ 518/UZ-а/11)
6.3 The development of competencies and qualifications within COOMET for specialists and metrologists of measurement, calibration and testing laboratories on the basis of the modular approach (СООМЕТ 553/UZ-а/12)
6.4 Training on the basis of modular approach for specialists-metrologists of medical clinical laboratories (СООМЕТ 656/UА-a/15)
TC 4 Member from Belarus L. Astafijeva noted that on the Project 518/UZ-а/11 the following decisions 7.2 of the 12th meeting of TC 4 had not been implemented:
to ask Coordinator of the Project 518/UZ-а/11 E.Ramazanova-Stopkina (ISTL, Ukraine) to send the training programs of specialists of measurement, calibration and testing laboratories using modular approach to TC 4 Secretariat by 1 March 2016;
to charge TC 4 Secretariat to post the training programs on the web-page of TC 4 of COOMET portal by 1 March 2016,
and proposed to postpone the hearing of the results of work on the Project until the implementation of decisions of the last meeting of TC 4.
A lively discussion on this problem took place among the participants of the meeting. The representatives from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Ukraine spoke for the postponing the hearing of the results of work on the Project 518/UZ-а/11 for the next TC 4 meeting after the implementation of decisions 7.2 of the 12th meeting of TC 4. The representatives from Georgia and Moldova spoke for the discussion of the Project at the current meeting.
As the Projects 518/UZ-A/11, 553/UZ-A/ 12, 656/UA-a/15 are related to each other and it is difficult to evaluate the results of work on the Projects without familiarization with the training programs, the decisions on all three topics were combined.
Taking into account the results of the discussion, it was decided to hear the results on the Projects 518/UZ-A/11, 553/UZ-A/ 12, 656/UA-a/15 at the next TC 4 meeting after the implementation of decisions of the 12th and the 13th TC 4 meeting.
Decisions and actions:
to ask Coordinator of the Projects 518/UZ-а/11, 553/UZ-A/12, 656/UA-a/15 E.Ramazanova-Stopkina (ISTL, Ukraine) to prepare an explanatory note on the relevance of given projects for COOMET;
to ask E.Ramazanova-Stopkina to send the explanatory note and the training programs for specialists of calibration laboratories using modular approach to TC 4 Secretariat by 1 July 2016;
to charge TC 4 Secretariat to send the explanatory note among TC 4 members and to post training programs at TC 4 page of COOMET portal by 1 August 2016;
to hear the results of the implementation of decisions 7.2 of the 12th and 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 of 13th TC 4 meeting at the 14th TC 4 meeting.
6.2 Development and administration of the database of COOMET RM (СООМЕТ 543/AM-а/11)
Due to the absence of Coordinators of the Project 543/AM-a/11, the results of work within the Project were not heard.
7 On activities of Subcommittees of TC 4. Reports of SC Chairpersons
7.1 SC 4.1 “Support in Developing the Basic Metrological Infrastructure of COOMET Member Countries”
7.2 SC 4.2 “COOMET Informational Resources”
7.3 SC 4.3 “Raising Proficiency Level and Work with Young Metrologists”
The results of the activities of Subcommittees SC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 were presented in the report of TC 4 Chairperson P. Neyezhmakov.
In connection with the change of TC 4 Member from Russia, a candidacy for the position of SC 4.3 Chairperson was considered at the meeting. The candidacy of SC 4.3 Deputy Chairperson V. Lobko (BelGIM, Belarus) was offered for this position.
It was decided to agree on the candidacy of SC 4.3 Chairperson in working order by the electronic voting and to present the results at the 21st meeting of COOMET Presidential Council for the further approval at the 27th COOMET Committee meeting.
Decisions and actions:
to approve the activities of SC 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 for the past period;
to charge TC 4 Secretariat to hold an electronic voting on the candidacy of SC 4.3 Chairperson;
to charge TC 4 Secretariat to put the item on approval of the candidacy of SC 4.3 Chairperson on the 27th meeting of COOMET Committee.
8 On the new PTB-COOMET Project
The Representative of TC 4 Member from Germany M. Ackermann (PTB, Germany) informed the participants of the meeting that the new Project PTB-COOMET “Development of a sustainable regional cooperation between member states of the RMO COOMET” is being at approval stage in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.
9 On holding VII International Competition “The Best Young Metrologist of COOMET”
TC 4 Chairperson P. Neyezhmakov informed the participants of the meeting that TC 4 Secretariat received the letters from COOMET Committee Member from Kazakhstan V.Mikhalchenko and COOMET Committee Member from Belarus V.Gurevich on the possibility of holding the VII International Competition “The Best Young Metrologist of COOMET” on the basis of their NMIs in 2017.
At the meeting it was decided to hold the VII International Competition “The Best Young Metrologist of COOMET” on 17-18 May 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan.
T.Dziomba (PTB, Germany) informed the participants of the meeting on the competition of young metrologists, which is held in PTB, and offered TC 4 Members the assistance in organizing and holding the next COOMET competition.
Decisions and actions:
to hold the VII International Competition “The Best Young Metrologist of COOMET” on 17-18 May 2017 in Astana, Kazakhstan.
10 On holding a training seminar for technical editors of COOMET portal
Deputy Chairperson of TC 4, Head of COOMET Secretariat S.Komissarov described the problem of presenting the information at the pages of countries and TCs on COOMET portal. Due to the fact that the technical editors from countries and TCs are constantly changing, there is a need for holding a regular training seminar for new COOMET technical editors.
The participants agreed on the importance of holding the seminar, as well as on the development of a common form of presenting the information on COOMET portal.
Decisions and actions:
to ask Deputy Chairperson of TC 4, Head of COOMET Secretariat S.Komissarov to open the Project on the development of a common form of presenting the information at the pages of countries and TCs on COOMET portal;
to ask Member of TC 4 from Germany, Project Coordinator A.Koegler (PTB, Germany) to consider the possibility of holding a training seminar for technical editors of COOMET portal on the basis of PTB.
11 Miscellaneous
The participants of the meeting discussed several current and organizational items of TC 4.
12 Date and venue of the next meeting
TC 4 Chairperson P. Neyezhmakov informed the participants of the meeting that TC 4 Secretariat received a letter from General Manager of the Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina Z.Dzemic with an invitation to hold a meeting of TC 4 in Sarajevo.
TC 4 Member from Bosnia and Herzegovina Z. Dzemic (IMBIH, Bosnia and Herzegovina) confirmed the possibility of holding the 14th meeting of TC 4 in 2017 in Sarajevo.