Shared Governance Planning Subcommittee
August 20, 2007
12:30-2:00 PM
Members Present: Arax Cohen, Dana Cohen, Maryanne DesVignes, Mickey Hong, Daryl Kinney, Joyce Moore, Maria Reisch, Rebecca Tilberg, Dan Wanner.
Absent: Ryan Hall Allen, Jackie Ireland, SteveMyra Siegel, Maradian,
Minutes: Minutes of July 16, 2007 were approved.
Standard 7 Final Revisions: The committee review and revised final presentation and recommendations for Priority 7.
(See Attached)
Priority 7. Increase the resources available to the college through state and district allocation processes and through extramural development efforts.
Priority 8 Reports:
Priority 8. Collect and uses data systematically to make informed decisions that lead to continuous organizational improvement
W. Marmolejo. Priority 8.1 Design and Implement a system that links assessment results, pre-requisite checking, and placement. W. Marmolejo reported that the College agreed to enforce pre-requisites in March 2005. Plans are in place to turn on and enforce prerequisites in December 2007. Several departments have already turned on pre-requisites including English/ESL and Family and Consumer Studies. M. Reisch, Chair of the Curriculum Committee informed the Planning Committee members that if pre-requisites are written into a course outline then by Title V regulations, those pre-requisites must be enforced. If departments do not wish to enforce pre-requisites, then the course outlines must be changed and the pre-requisites removed. W. Marmolejo reported that students might get assessments results on line. Plans are to improve assessment through software (WritePlacer) that reads and assess the essay portion of the placement exam. The Curriculum Committee Pre-requisite Subcommittee has met several times and is establishing a process of ensuring that pre-requisites are active in Protocol.
M. DesVignes. Priority 8.2 Improve and extend the program review process college-wide to provide the means for department-based improvement and to inform the budget process. M. DesVignes reported that since 2002 the college’s academic programs and student service programs have completed one 6-yr program review cycle, 2 biennial program review cycles, and 6 annual-unit plan cycles. Administrative Services and the President’s Office have not participated in this process; however, in order to have college-wide participation, these areas should be encouraged to complete program review. She also indicated that under Rebecca Tillberg's leadership, the new on-line program review model will be used for the Spring, 2008 6-year program review. She explained that the program review process is directly linked to the budget allocation process with the Budget Allocation Subcommittee of EPC prioritizing annual unit plan budget requests from all department (and Student Services when counselors are being requested); the VP of Academic Affairs presents that prioritized list to Shared Governance Budget Committee
D. Kinney.Priority 8.3 Research the issue of student achievement and implement a pilot project for assessing learning in specific disciplines. D. Kinney, Student Learning Coordinator, reported that to date, almost half of the courses offered at LACC have identified at least one Student Learning Outcome (SLO) through the curricular process. To date, no departments have assessed outcomes collaboratively as is required. However, last year, LACC conducted a pilot program to assess outcomes; the program was composed of the following disciplines: Child Development, Political Science, Chicano Studies, Music, Geophysical Sciences, Photography, and Learning Skills. The group has been trained in eLumen, the software that will be used for assessment. Our Research Office has entered our student information into eLumen, and we can now begin to work with the assessment data that was gathered in the pilot program. Plans are to expand the pilot program in 2007-2008 to five additional programs.
Revision of Master Plan:
The committee members will begin the process of preparing for a fall retreat to revise the Strategic Master Plan in August.
The meeting adjourned at 2:00 PM. The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 24 at 12:30 PM in the President’s Conference Room.