WASBO/Viterbo University Graduate Credit Validation Form
State Education Convention 2017
WASBO/Viterbo University Graduate Credit Validation Form
You must complete both parts of the assignment to receive credit.
1. Attendance at the Conference - Please check the appropriate box to validate your attendance at each session of the WASB-WASDA-WASBO 96th State Education Convention. We have included the location of each session, the session track, ISSLC Standard(s) and the ASBO International Standard(s) for each session. Use the space below the session to indicate what you have learned from the session and how it will benefit your professional development or your district. You may attach additional pages if necessary. Sufficient attendance to receive one credit is required. Those attending the Tuesday session may substitute it for attendance time later in the convention.
2. Required Assignment - As a component of the credit, participants are to read “Eight Charateristics of Effective School Boards: Full Report” In 1-2 page essay form, please share your perceptions regarding the eight characteristics of effecting governance shared in the article:
a. Are they credible characteristics in practice?
b. Is there anything missing?
c. Are they attainable from your perspective?
d. What are the challenges to attaining these characteristics?
e. What is the administrations role in supporting the board in the effort to achieve effectiveness?
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Pre-convention Workshops (Pre-Registration is required) (Hyatt Regency)
q Improving School Board Effectiveness: A Balance Governance – 2 p.m. (Regency B) Leadership (S2, A1)
q Culturally Relevant Leadership: Strategies for Success for ALL Students – 2 p.m. (Regency C) Leadership (S2, A1, A6)
q Pediatric Brain Development: From Conception to Maturity – 2 p.m. (Regency D) Student Achievement (S2, A6)
q School Finance Puzzle – 2 p.m. (Regency A) School Finance (S2, S3, S4, S6, A1, A2, A6)
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
q Exhibit Show, Internet Café, Sustainable Schools Pavilion, Photo Booth– 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
Break-Out Sessions – 8:00-9:00 a.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q A Collaborative Approach to Serving Our Youngest Population (103AB) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q Effective Responses to Student Mental Health Issues (202AB) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6, A7)
q Maximizing Learning for Every Child, Every Day (102DE) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q Data Privacy Matters: What School Leaders Need to Know (201B) Student Achievement (S2, S3, A1, A6)
q Got Character? How Socio-Emotional Skills Matter for Achievement (103C) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q Passing Tax Referenda in the “New Normal” (101A) School Finance (S3, S4, A1, A2, A6)
q Create a True Professional Learning Community (PLC) (101B) Leadership (S2, A1, A3)
q Leadership Starts with Us: Effective Board & Superintendent Partnerships (102AB) Leadership (S2, A1, A6)
q Delegate/New Member Orientation (Ballroom AB) Leadership (S2, A1, A6)
q Taking Community Engagement to the Next Level (201CD) Community Engagement (S4, A1)
q Open Enrollment and the Special Needs Scholarship Statute (101CD) School Law (S6, A2)
q Strategic Development of Teacher Compensation (102C) Human Resources (S3, A3, A6)
q Sit in the Driver’s Seat of Your Next Construction Project (201A) Facilities (S3, A4)
Dedicated Exhibit Hall Sessions – 9:15-9:45 a.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q Podcasting and VideoCasting (Internet Cafe) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q Creating a Culture of Energy Efficiency (Sustainable Schools Pavilion) Facilities (S3, A1, A4)
General Session – 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
q Keynote Speaker: David Horsager, MA, CSP; State School Superintendent Tony Evers; Award Presentations; Student Music Performance: Indian Trail High School and Academy Wind Ensemble, Kenosha (Wisconsin Center Ballroom CD) Leadership (S3, A1, A6)
Break-Out Sessions – 1:30-2:30 p.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q Preparing Today’s Students for Tomorrow’s Opportunities (103AB) Student Achievement (S2, S3, A1, A6)
q WHY WISELearn? Access and Equity for all WI Learners (101CD) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Collaboration, Commitment, and Closing the Achievement Gap (103C) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q E3-HASD’s Journey to Mental Wellness (202AB) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6, A7)
q Engaging Stakeholders for Continuous Improvement (202C) Leadership (S4, A1, A6)
q The Many Benefits of eGovernance (101B) Leadership (S2, A1, A6)
q Improving Teacher Diversity Through Grow Your Own Programs (102C) Human Resources
(S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Tackling Your Top Three Healthcare Cost Drivers (201CD) Human Resources (S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Construction Contracting 101: A Basic Primer (201A) Facilities (S3, A1, A4, A6)
q Navigating and Sharing Your District’s Financial Future (101A) School Finance (S3, S4, A1, A2, A6)
q The Value of Surveying Your Community, Staff and Parents (102DE) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q Communication is Key: Before, During and After a Crisis! (201B) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q SAA Legislative Update (102AB) School Law (S6, A1)
Dedicated Exhibit Hall Sessions – 2:45-3:15 p.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q Growing Your Professional Learning Network (Internet Cafe) Leadership (S2, A1, A3)
q Top Components of a Wellness Program (Sustainable Schools Pavilion) Human Resources (S3, A1, A6, A7)
Break-Out Sessions – 3:30-4:30 p.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q Going to Referendum? What We Learned the Second Time (101B) School Finance (S3, S4, A1, A2, A6)
q Financial Roles & Responsibilities of School Board Members (101A) School Finance (S2, S5, A1, A2)
q Community Engagement: 3 Steps to Leverage Social Media (102C) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q Monitoring and Managing Energy Costs (201CD) Facilities (S3, A1, A4, A6)
q Here’s the Data! Now What? (202AB) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q The Power of All of Us, All in One Place, The WDLC (101CD) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Using Collaboration to Meet Regional Economic Needs (102DE) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q We are All in This Together (201B) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q The First Autistic UW Madison Graduate-How Public Education Made His Success Story Possible (202DE) Student Achievement (S4, A1, A6)
q How Employee Onboarding and Engagement Can Help My Organization (202C) Human Resources (S3, AA1, A3, A6)
q Our Journey to Reduce Healthcare Costs & Design an Onsite Clinic (103AB) Human Resources (S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Leadership Journey: Becoming the Leaders We Read About (103C) Leadership (S3, A1, A6)
q Continuity and Succession Planning for School Administrators (201A) Leadership (S3, A1, A6)
q Access to Public Records & Personnel Files (102AB) School Law (S6, A1, A6)
q Networking Reception, 4:30-5:30 p.m. (Crystal Ballroom Hilton Milwaukee City Center) (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
Thursday, January 19, 2017
WASB Breakfast Program – 7:00-8:30 a.m. (Hilton Milwaukee City Center)
q Keynote Speaker: Dr. JoAnne Owens-Nauslar (Crystal Ballroom) (S2, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
Break-Out Sessions – 8:45-9:45 a.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q Well, What Did You Expect? (102C) Leadership (S2, A1, A6)
q Data Leadership with WISExplore (101CD) Leadership (S3, A1, A6)
q Search and Leadership Transition Services (202AB) Leadership (S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Rtl Myths and Misconceptions: Our Journey (103DE) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q Academic & Career Planning: How it Started in Mishicot! (201A) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Community, Fab Labs and Kaizen: Rethinking Tech Ed in Ripon (101B) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Removing Educational Barriers: Leveraging Video Technology (202DE) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Youth Mental Health Training Needs and Solutions (202C) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q The Art of Advocacy from a School Board Perspective (201CD) School Law (S4, A1, A6)
q New Law Update (102DE) School Law (S6, A1)
q A Salary Model for Model Teachers (203C) Human Resources (S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Educator Effectiveness: Increasing Impact (201B) Human Resources (S2, A1, A3, A6)
q Economic Update (103C) School Finance (S3, A1, A2, A6)
q Revenue Limits (101A) School Finance (S3, A1, A2, A6)
q Beyond Branding. Living Your Mission and Vision Every Day (102AB) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q B3 and Beyond: Three Steps to Save Dollars (203AB) Facilities (S3, A1, A4, A6)
q The New and Evolving Threats to Cyber Security (103AB) Facilities (S3, A1, A4, A6)
q Education Tour – 8:45-11:45 a.m. (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
q Exhibit Show, Internet Café, Photo Booth –9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
Dedicated Exhibit Hall Session – 10:00-10:30 a.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q Twitter for School Leaders (Internet Cafe) Community Engagement (S2, A1, A6)
Break-Out Sessions – 10:45-11:45 a.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q Positive and Productive Engagement Through Parent Leadership (203AB) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q I Saw it on Facebook (102AB) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q Universal Design for Learning (UDL): Policy Recommendations (1031C) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q A Unique Program for Students Aged 18-21 Years Old with Special Needs (201A) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Personalized Learning: Ideas+Research+Application=Results (203C) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Collaborative Leadership for Future Ready Digital Schools (101CD) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q Excellence Gaps in Education (202AB) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q Utilizing Coordinated School Health Policy Strategies to Promote Student Achievement and Success in School (101B) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6, A7)
q Compensation Framework Focused on Effective Teaching (102DE) Human Resources (S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Recruiting and Retaining a New Generation of Teachers (202DE) Human Resources (S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Law Enforcement in Schools and Education Under Arrest (201CD) School Law (S6, A1, A6,)
q Long-term Capital Maintenance Planning (103AB) Facilities (S3, A1, A4, A6)
q Know the Risk: What to Consider When Transporting Students (103DE) Facilities (S3, A1, A7)
q Impact of Vouchers and Charters on Wisconsin Public Schools (202C) School Finance (S3, S6, A1, A2, A6)
q Equalization Aid (101A) School Finance (S3, A1, A2, A6)
q Strategic Planning: Strategies for Plan Deployment and Monitoring (201B) Leadership (S3, A1, A2, A6)
q Effective Governance Processes: Facilitating a Positive and Productive Board Meeting (102C) Leadership (S2, A1, A6)
WASBO Luncheon
q WASBO Luncheon (Hilton Milwaukee City Center, Empire Ballroom) 12:00 – 1:15 p.m.
(S2, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
Break-Out Sessions – 1:45-2:45 p.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q High Expectations and Opportunities (103DE) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q System Alignment for Continuous Improvement (103DE) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Go Go Gadgets (102AB) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q 50 Million Strong: It Starts with Us (203C) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q Tools & Strategies for Effective Evaluation in Science/STEM (201CD) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6)
q Narrowing and Closing the Achievement Gap Must Begin with Addressing the Social and Emotional Gap (203AB) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Trending: Matching/Vesting to Improve Recruitment and Retention (202AB) Human Resources (S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Let’s Go Southern Door! How Healthcare and School Partnerships Can Engage Students, Staff, and Community in Health and Wellness (201B) Human Resources (S3, S4, A1, A6, A7)
q Hot Topics in Instructional Leadership (102DE) Leadership (S2, A1, A6)
q Board Governance – Roundtable Discussions (102C) Leadership (S2, A1, A6)
q Focus on Wisconsin Schools: How to Fund Energy Efficiency (201A) Facilities (S3, A1, A2, A4, A6)
q How are Wisconsin School Districts Preparing for Unwanted Threats? (202C) Facilities (S3, A1, A4, A7)
q Transgender Students: School Districts’ Legal Obligations (103AB) School Law (S6, A1)
q Building Community Support for Facilities Starts with Us (101CD) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A4, A6)
q Open Session on School Law Issues (101B) School Law (S6, A1)
q Using Future Search to Engage Your Community (103C) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q Cash Reserve (Fund Balance) and Long-Term Fiscal Health (101A) School Finance (S3, A1, A2, A6)
q Wisconsin School Funding – Contributing to Educational Opportunity Roadblocks? (203DE) School Finance (S3, S6, A1, A2, A6)
General Session – 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
q Liz Murray, Keynote Speaker; School Board Service Awards; WASB President Stu Olson; Student Music Performance by the Bay Port High School Wind Ensemble, Howard-Suamico (Wisconsin Center Ballroom CD) Student Leadership (S2, A)
Friday, January 20, 2017
Break-Out Sessions – 8:00-9:00 a.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q Creative Curriculum Curation: Leveraging our Learning (103DE) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Helping Students SOAR: A Personalized Approach to RTI (103AB) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Teacher Development Institute – Rethinking Staff Development (102C) Human Resources (S2, A1, A3, A6)
q Community-Based Servant Leadership (102DE) Leadership (S2, A1, A3, A6)
q Implementing the BUSINESS of Education (101B) Leadership (S3, A1, A6)
q Your Marketing Pitch: How to Knock it Out of the Park (101A) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q Business-Education Partnerships for Community Growth (101CD) Community Engagement (S4, A1, A6)
q Legislative Update (102AB) School Law (S6, A1)
Break-Out Sessions – 9:15-10:15 a.m. (Wisconsin Center)
q MarketSpaces, Fab Labs, Innovation and Project-Based Learning (101B) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Get Real! Implementing Personalized Learning (101A) Student Achievement (S2, A1, A6,)
q Creating a School, the Visioning, Challenges, Celebrations! (103AB) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q The Gaps that Affect African-American Students Throughout a Lifetime: Achievement, Graduation, Opportunity and Wealth (102AB) Student Achievement (S3, A1, A6)
q Is Free Speech Free in 2017? From Tinker to the Internet (101CD) School Law (S6, A1, A6)
q Assessment of Facilities (103DE) Facilities (S3, A1, A4, A6)
q Employee Engagement: The ONE Thing That can Improve EVERYTHING in Your School (102C) Human Resources (S3, A1, A3, A6)
q Board/Superintendent Relations and the Importance of the Superintendent Evaluation (102DE) Leadership (S2, A1, A3, A6)
General Session – 10:30 -12:00 p.m.
q Fred Lajvardi, Keynote Speaker; Student Music Performance by Fort Atkinson High School Jazz Ensemble; (Wisconsin Center Ballroom AB) Leadership (S2, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7)
Required Reading - As a component of the credit, participants are to read “Eight Charateristics of Effective School Boards: Full Report” found at: http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/Main-Menu/Public-education/Eight-characteristics-of-effective-school-boards/Eight-characteristics-of-effective-school-boards.html. In 1-2 page essay form, please share your perceptions regarding the eight characteristics of effecting governance shared in the article: