Certification and Credentials of a Voting Delegate

Certification and Credentials of a Voting Delegate

Certification and Credentials of A Voting Delegate

CouncilRegional International

Who Should Complete the Form: / The local association president should complete this form.
Mailing Instructions: / Email a copy of this form to:
  • Council Meetings: Council Credentials Chairman
  • Regional Conference: Regional Credentials Chairman
  • International Convention:2016International Credentials Chairman –
    Terri Brennan

Names of the credentials chairmen will be provided in July for council meetings, in December for regional conferences, and in March for the Intl convention. Delegates may email or fax forms to the appropriate person 3 weeks prior to the meeting date or delegates may also register on site.
The delegate must bring a photo ID to the conference for certification.
Part I This form is to certify the following as delegates:
Name of Association
Council / Region
Delegate Name
Daytime Phone / Email
Alternate #1 Name
Daytime Phone / Email
Alternate #2 Name
Daytime Phone / Email
Current Year Local Association Officer / Date

Part II The above member has been certified as a voting delegate.

Credential Chairman / Date
For Credentials Committee Use / Initials
D ______
A ______


Each association and the members-at-large (MAL) are entitled to one vote (one delegate) at a council meeting, regional conference, or international convention (hereafter referred to as “meeting”). Each association or MAL group should designate one, (or more), alternate(s) to take the place of the delegate should it become necessary. Alternates will be certified and seated in order of their designation on the official credentials form. Delegate and Alternate(s) must attend all sessions at the meeting.


Each association president is responsible for completing the credentials form. They should indicate the name(s) of the delegate and the alternate(s) to be certified at the meeting. Completed forms should be handled according to the instructions on the form.

Members-at-large will meet with the Credentials Chairman prior to the first business session of the meeting to elect their delegate and alternate and complete their credentials form at that time.

Well before arriving at the meeting, you should become familiar with all information provided on the issues and proposed changes that have been proposed for discussion and vote. Some associations exercise their right to send their delegate and alternate(s) instructed on how to vote on some of the issues. However, if the delegate is sent instructed by their association, it should be with the proviso that they can change their vote if new and different information presents itself at the meeting. If, however, there is no proviso, the delegate/alternate is obligated to vote as their association instructed. If an amendment is changed in any way on the floor, the instructed delegate/alternate should then vote according to their judgment on the changed amendment.

If you plan to make a motion on an issue not addressed through regional conference voting, the motion must be reviewed in advance by the Parliamentarian and submitted in triplicate. A copy of the motion is to be sent to the podium immediately after it is presented. It must be signed by the presenter and the member who seconds the motion.


Although it is not a requirement, it is preferred that the delegate and alternate(s) check in at the same time. The check-in process is a must and they cannot vote until they are certified and receive their delegate/alternate ribbon at the credentials desk.

Arrive at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the meeting in order to find your assigned seat and to allow the Credentials Committee to take a roll call. ONLY DELEGATES HAVE ASSIGNED SEATING BY REGION (no assigned seating by State) – ALTERNATES DO NOT SIT WITH YOUR DELEGATE! If a delegate must leave during the meeting, you must notify the credentials table at the front of the room. The designated alternate may take the delegate’s place but MUST check in at the credentials table before going to the reserved seating.

When speaking on an issue, remember to go to the appropriate microphone; wait to be recognized; address the presiding office as “Madam President;” state your name and association. Talk clearly and loudly so that your remarks will not have to be repeated. As stated in the convention standing rules, a delegate may not speak more than twice on the same motion or longer than three (3) minutes per speech, without permission from the general assembly.

In summary, the responsibility of serving as a delegate or alternate is not to be taken lightly. Your vote should reflect the wishes of your association or MAL group. Careful thought and consideration should be given to any vote cast. The association is counting on its delegates’ judgment.

Certification and Credentials of Voting Delegate

Revised 1/15/2016