Speech I
Mrs. Theresa Maher
Fall 2012/Spring 2013

636-851-4989 (I am best reached via e-mail)

This course is designed for the student interested in public speaking and competitive speech. Overall, this course will include:

·  Speaking confidently and clearly in front of an audience

·  Different types of Speeches

·  Listening Strategies and Skills

·  Introduction Speeches

·  Rhetoric and rhetorical devices

·  Analysis of professional & historical speeches

·  Audience Analysis

·  Prose/Poetry Reading

·  Persuasive Speech Writing and Delivery

This class will teach the fundamentals of speech writing and public speaking and will be taught in context of what is practiced in interscholastic competition, according The National Forensics League and MSHSAA.
Student can earn extra credit for competing in one or more speech tournament. Transportation to the tournaments will be provided (unless the tournament is at Francis Howell High School) and participation on the Speech and Debate Team is encouraged.
Course Objectives

·  Develop and practice effective speaking and communication skills.

·  Use hand eye coordination and eye contact to create a demonstration.

·  Engage audiences in an oral interpretation of prose, poetry, and/or children’s literature.

·  Research meaningful social issues.

·  Construct persuasive essays in support or in negation to meaningful social issues.

Grades Major Assignments:
This course will follow the standard grading scale: Reflection Journal
90-100 A Speeches Delivered
80-89 B Speech Analysis Project
70-79 C Mid-term
60-69 D Written Persuasive Speech
59 & below
*Your final in this class is the memorized* delivery of a persuasive speech. The written copy of this speech will count as a 2nd/4th quarter grade while the delivery will count as the performance event of your final.
Class Expectations

·  ORAL PRESENTATIONS ARE A MUST! There is no mathematical way of passing this class if you refuse to debate.

·  Oral assignments are to be presented on the assigned day. If you are not prepared (i.e, not bringing you materials to class, etc.) you will not receive credit for the assignment. NO extra time will be given for oral presentation. You MUST understand that your lack of preparedness directly affects the structure of the daily class.

·  All written assignments must be turned in on time. If an assignment is late, 10 points will be deducted each day until either the assignment is turned in or until the worth of the assignment drops below 60 percent.

·  Students who talk during someone else’s speech will lose a point for each distraction.

·  Each student will present at least four times this semester. If you are not prepared you will not receive credit for the assignment. NO extra time will be given for oral presentation.

·  In addition to these grades, daily grades may be given on the basis of work, assignments, or test/quiz. At mid-semester and the end of the semester, a significant grade will be given for effective completion of your reflection journal. Points will be deducted for time off task (especially in the library), inappropriate audience behavior, or failing to satisfactorily complete a group task. The majority of your grade, however, will rely on your journal, mid-term and speeches.

An important note: For some, this class will be a breeze. For others, a nightmare. It is important to create an environment in which those afraid of public speaking can gain confidence and ability. Your role as an audience member is just as important as your job as a speaker. Furthermore, I truly believe that even my BEST natural speakers have something to learn from me; so let go of the notion that you “already know how to do this and just need an easy A” and let yourself be challenged!