Westminster Arts & Culture Symposium

20th February 2007

Delegates Attending

 Abbey Academy of Singing & Acting / Frances / Brooke
 Accent Motion TV / Leroy / Smith
Andrew Jenkins Limited / Andrew / Jenkins
Art Monthly
 Arts Council England / Richard / Edwards
 Arts Council England / Moira / Sinclair
 Asia House / Katriana / Hazell
Association of British Orchestras / Russell / Jones
 Audiences London / Anne / Torregianni
X BAFTA / Amanda / Berry
Barbara Behan Contemporary Art Gallery / Barbara / Behan
 Beauchamp Lodge / Hayley / Rose
 Braunarts / Terry / Brown
 Brent Council / Abi / Palmer
 British Film Institute / Amanda / Nevill
Business of Culture Ltd / William / Tayleur
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation / Sian / Ede
Cameron Mackintosh Ltd / Robert / Noble
Central St Martin's College of Art & Design / Jane / Rapley
 CETTIE (Cultural Exchange through Theatre in Education) / Shango / Baku
 Chelsea College of Art and Design / Linda / Drew
 Chelsea College of Art and Design / Sian / Stirling
 Chelsea College of Art and Design / Donald / Smith
Chinatown Arts Space / May / Yung (tbc)
 Chinese Information and Advice Centre / Kam Sang / Law
City Lit / Peter / Davies
 Clore Leadership Programme / Sue / Hoyle
 Cockpit Theatre / Dave / Wybrow
 Connaught Opera / Maria / Arakie
 Connaught Opera / Glen / Wilson
 Courtauld Institute of Art / Dr Deborah / Swallow
Crafts Council / Rosy / Greenlees
 Cultural Co-operation / Prakash / Daswani
Curzon Soho / Simon / Howarth
Dancing Times / Clarke / Mary
 David Glass Ensemble / Philip / Pellew
 Deafinitely Theatre / Mark / Sands
 Deafinitely Theatre / Paula / Garfield
 Demos / John / Holden
David Powell Associates / Debra /


 DreamArts / Graham / Whitlock
 Elimu Carnival Club / Ansel / Wong
 EMI Music Publishing Ltd / Austin / Wilde
English National Ballet / Craig / Hassall
 English National Opera / Catherine / Sutton
 Exhibition Road Cultural Group / Ruth / Lloyd
Evergreen Theatre / R / Stirling
 Ewing Media / Linda / Ewing
 Forbidden Theatre Company / Suki / Cheung
 FreqOUT! / Amy / Robins
 Frieze Art Fair / Camilla / Nicholls
Futurecity Consultants Ltd / Tim / Farrow
Greater London Authority, Cultural Campaigns / Mark / Prescott
Goethe-Institute London / Roland / Goll (tbc)
Great Western Studios / Simon / Kirkham (tbc)
Headlong Theatre / Henny / Finch
 House of Commons / Ed / Vaizey MP
 Independent / Shami / Senthi
Independent - media / Meisner / Nadine
X Institute of Contemporary Arts / Ekow / Eshun
Insituto Cervantes / Juan Pedro / Aparicio (tbc)
Jermyn Street Theatre / Trevor / Brown (tbc)
Kali Theatre Company / Janet / Steel
Live Music Now! / Trudy / White
London Centre for Arts and Cultural Enterprise / Suzie / Leighton
London Chinatown Chinese Association / Suzannah / Kwok (tbc)
London Libraries Development Agency / Mike / Clarke
London Print Studio / John / Phillips
 London Repertory Company / Michael / Armstrong
 London Repertory Company / Jamie Alan / Osborn
 Mall Galleries / Lindsay / Leiper
 Mall Galleries / Kate / Chahal
Max Wigram Gallery
 Mayor's Thames Festival / Kate / Forde
 Mayor's Thames Festival / Kitty / Ross
 MLA London / Caroline / Reed
 Mousetrap Foundation / Susan / Whiddington
National Portrait Gallery / Joanna / Banham
 National Portrait Gallery / Sandy / Nairne
New West End Company / Syd / Sporle
Notting Hill Carnival / Pat / Jaggs
 Open Age / Maureen / Whyberd
Open Air Theatre / William / Village
Paddington Arts / Steve / Shaw
 Paddington Arts / Eusebia / Suffren
 Paddington Development Trust / Jan / Yorston
 Photoworks Westminster / Lucy / Williams
 Photoworks Westminster / Pamela / Furness
Platform for Art / Tamsin / Dillon (tbc)
 Rainbow Chang Theatre / Rainbow / Chang
Regents Park Arts Association / Diana / Ayre
 Resister Theatre Company / Lisa / Ralph
 Resister Theatre Company / Hannah / Khalil
 Resister Theatre Company / Ishbel / Nichol
 Royal Albert Hall / David / Elliot
Royal Ballet School / Kathryn / Wade
Royal Ballet School / Jay / Jolley
 Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea / Amanda / Smethhurst
 Royal College of Art / Prof Sir Christopher / Frayling
Royal Geographical Society / Rita / Gardner
Royal Opera House / Tony / Hall
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / James / Hutchinson
Royal Shakespeare Company
 Sama Arts Network Ltd / Jay / Visvadeva
 Serpentine Gallery / Julia / Peyton Jones

 Serpentine Gallery

/ Sally / Tallant
X Shared Experience / Jon / Harris
 Society of London Theatre / Lynne / Burton
 Soho Theatre & Writers’ Centre / Zoe / Crick
 Soho Theatre & Writers’ Centre / Suzanne / Gorman
Somerset House / Gwyn / Miles
 South Westminster Renewal Partnership / Sue / Hannah
 St John's, Smith Square / Paul / Davies
St Marylebone Church of England School / Elizabeth / Phillips
 Streetwise Opera / Matthew / Peacock
Streetwise Opera / Susie / Gorgeous
 Subway Gallery / Gordon
 SW1 Gallery / Kate / Pierrepont
 Tate Britain / Stephen / Deuchar
Tate Britain / Rebecca / Sinker
X The British Council Arts Group / Leigh / Gibson
 The Crown Estate / Stephen / Roberts
The Federation of British Artists / Lewis / McNaught
 The Hellenic Centre / Evangelia / Roussou
 The National Gallery / Charles / Saumerez Smith
The National Gallery / Jonah / Albert
 The Photographers' Gallery / Lawrence / O'Hara
 The Photographers' Gallery / Brenda / Valdes
The Royal Parks / Adam / Farrar
The Thorney Island Society / June / Stubbs
 The Wallace Collection / Rosalind / Savill
UK Foundation for Dance / Tim / Tubbs (tbc)
 Union Dance / Corrine / Bougaard
Union Dance / Joyce / Gymiah
University of the Arts London / Eamonn / Maxwell
Volunteer Reading Help / Amelia / Shaw
 Westminster Adult Student Association / Maggie / Clews-Degas
 Westminster Adult Education Service / Barbara / Holm
 Westminster Arts / Daivd / Kaufman
 Westminster Arts / Beth / Cinamon
 Westminster Senior Citizens’ Forum / Ivy / Billard
 Wigmore Hall / Alex / Jackman
 Yaa Asantewaa Arts and Community Centre / Richard / Gibson
Yellow Earth Theatre / Pete / Staves (tbc)
 City of Westminster / Mary / Enright
 City of Westminster / Sharon / Cohen
 City of Westminster / Steve / Lau
 City of Westminster / Daria / Wignall
X City of Westminster / Melanie / Carter
X City of Westminster / Gurjit / Jessell
X City of Westminster / Jane / Buttigieg
 City of Westminster / Tim / Owen
 City of Westminster / Marian / Harrington
 City of Westminster / Graham / Hadley
 City of Westminster / John / Sargent
 City of Westminster / Richard / Shwe
 City of Westminster / Laura / Hannan
City of Westminster / Jackie / Clayton
City of Westminster / Andrew / Hadfield
City of Westminster / Mike / McAdam
 City of Westminster / Cllr Angela / Hooper
 City of Westminster / Cllr Alastair / Moss
 City of Westminster / Cllr Gwyneth / Hampson
 City of Westminster / Cllr Judith / Warner
 City of Westminster / Cllr Margaret / Doyle
 City of Westminster / Cllr Susie / Burbridge
 City of Westminster / Cllr Robert / Davies
 City of Westminster / Cllr Angela / Harvey
 City of Westminster / Cllr Carolyn / Keen
101 definites