Strategic Plan Work Stream (SPW) Meeting

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Lochar South, Crichton Hall, 10am-12pm

Action Note

Present: / Vicky Freeman
Graham Abrines
Catherine Withington
Andrew Carnon
Kate McLeod
John Paterson
Jim O’Neill
Attending / Ann Stephenson
Robyn Langton
Apologies: / Julie White
Jim Parker
Sheila Davies
1 / Welcome and Apologies: Julie White, Jim Parker
2 / Note of last meeting (14.01.15)
Note of accuracy – when noting initials against an action ensure it is clear who owns this e.g. John Paterson/Jim Parker
3 / Matters Arising:
Communications Graduate
CW advised the group that this role has been out for advert and received 14 applicants. There has been a date set for interview.
Communications Strategy
A small comms group has met to look at a Comms strategy and plan. This document will encompass work under the SP. A 1st draft will be available in the next couple of weeks and will be circulated to those in relevant work streams.
TEC fund
VF submitted summary report to Graham Abrines, Angela Paterson and Nigel Gammage.
SPG (Strategic Planning Group) Workshop 03.02.2015
Invitee list has been circulated by JP
Membership of SPG
At the last meeting it was highlighted by Julie White that the Strategic Planning Works stream should encompass the role of governance over the development of locality plans. In light of this, it was noted that the membership of the SP workstream may have to be revisited to reflect this.
Clarity was providing regarding the remit of group is as above, i.e. to provide assurance to IJB that the key milestones with regard to the development of locality plans were being met.
The group agreed that Ann Stephenson, in her role as the main strategic planning link between all of the locality plans will be included as a member of the SP workstream group. It was further agreed that this may be revisited/reconsidered once the locality managers were in post
Action: VF to ensure that the locality plan update is an standing item on the agenda
4. / Feedback on mapping session and ‘next steps’
GA presented findings to the group. It was agreed that, as a next step, this information would be shared with localities to seek further information with regard to exiting servicesin the first instance with a view to this being a tool to aid service planning in the longer term
Action: RL tosend mapping report round localities and other groups to insert any gaps.
Action: AS to identify any gaps with Joint Commissioning Team.
GA noted to the group that the financial budget for SW Integration was discussed at Social Work Committee on 24th Feb 2015 and full details can be found on the Council website. For shadow year this equates to £52m.

Action: CW to send link round workstreams for information
Action: VF to speak to Katy Lewis/Graham Stewart to see if NHS budget is available.
5. / Annandale and Eskdale Locality Plan – Progress Report
AStabled a report. Ann asked the group to note that
Although there is a lot of work going on in Annan, this work is primarily focusedon 50+ age group.
Details on community and public engagement work will need to be captured for the consultation document that is required to be published alongside the strategic plan. Elaine Lamont and her team will be collating the data from the community engagement work in A&E.
ALISS is still in the development stage
There are capacity issues for Third Sector and Independent sector organisations in order to be fully involved that will need to be addressed.
AS has developed some diagram illustrations to aid discussion with regard to Integration (emphasising that it is a tool to drive discussion not a proposed model of care). CW noted use and will be tested in Development day.
It was discussed by the group that a template should be developed for locality plans to ensure consistency of format across the region and with the Strategic Plan. It was noted that these will each look different in terms of content due to each locality having different priorities and needs.
Action: AS to include risks for next locality updates.
Action:AS to feed back to locality groups that JO could be invited to locality meetings as and when necessary as a link for SHIP
6. / Strategic Needs Assessment
AC provided overview on SNA. It is hoped that to have data on all 18 groups/areas by the beginning of April (not new data) and, in addition to this, general population areas.
It was highlighted that there had been a recent presentation on the SNA to the last meeting of the Primary & Community Care Management Board with an intention to go back to this group in April 2015 to present findings.
Co-ordinate requests – AC highlighted the need for a coherent approach to feed information
AC clarified that the health intelligence unit was collating and co-ordinating data from other sources such as the Crichton Institute and SCCCBN
Action:CW to feed information back to AC around information portal for a single point of access.
Action: AC to come back to group around linkages to the SCCBN.
7. / Risk Assessment and Highlight Report (Attached)
Budget as specified by VF and JP – Action: CW to request permission from JW to release funds for posts as detailed within these reports.
Risk Log
SP03 – This is still a risk as theDraft Integration Scheme includes some Children’s Services – Acute Children’s, School Nurses, Health Visitors. This will significantly impact on all aspect of planning
SP04 – close
SP05 – await confirmation from JW regarding budget.
SP06 – keep Action: AC to provide extra comment around mitigation
SP11 – keep on the risk register
Action: RL to add in risk around Locality Managers progress
8. / Financial Plan – Update Report
Action: VF to pick up with GS before next meeting
9. / Strategic Planning Group and ‘next Steps’
Consideration of membership needs to be addressed. VF asked for thoughts on who else should be a member of the group.
Discussion ensued around representation from housing – is JO representative from Strategic Housing or does this require representation from each housing provider? It was suggested that JO could possibly form a group as an extension of SPG and be the link between the two groups.
Action: JO to prompt discussion at forth coming meeting with JW with housing providers.
Action: John Paterson to consult with JIT regarding housing links and representation in other partnerships
Role and Remit of the JSP Group:
Processes and guidelines are required to be established by the Integration Authority.
VF has raised the question in her response to the draft Integration Scheme regarding whether or not the chair of the Joint Strategic Planning group should be a member of IJB? (in light of the wording in the legislation)
VF asked the group to note the significance of the JSP Group in the Integration Authority and also to note the significant amount of work required to establish and maintain this group over the longer term
Next meeting of JSP group to be arranged for May 2015.
10. / Any Other Business
Geoff Mark is invited to the next meeting to discuss the Market Facilitation plan.
Action: VF to bring a structure of Strategic Plan to next meeting.
Papers from groups to be circulated to Joint Strategic Planning team
Action: RL to include in distribution list.
11 / Date and time of next meeting
20th April 10am-12pm
Other Dates
13th May 2015 10am – 12pm
2nd July 2015 10am – 12pm
All meetings in Lochar South Meeting Room

Summary of Actions:

3. / VF to ensure that the locality plan update is an outstanding item on the agenda / VF
4. / RL tosend mapping report round localities and other groups to insert any gaps and use as a tool to aid decision making including SP team. / RL
4. / AS to identify any gaps with Joint Commissioning Team on mapping session. / AS
4. / CW to send link to SW Committee report to work streams for information / CW
4. / VF to speak to Katy Lewis to see if a breakdown of NHS budget is available. / VF
5. / AS to feed back to locality groups that JO could be invited to locality meetings as and when necessary as a link for SHIP / AS
5. / AS to include risks for next locality updates. / AS
6. / CW to feed information back to AC around information portal / CW
6. / AC to come back to group around Data Intelligence working with SSPN. / AC
7. / AC to provide extra comment around mitigation for Risk SP06 / AC
7. / RL to add in risk around Locality Managers progress / RL
8. / VF to pick Financial plan with GS before next meeting / VF
9. / JO to prompt discussion at meeting with JW with housing providers. / JO
9. / John Paterson to consult with Housing link in JIT / JP
10. / VF to bring a structure of Strategic Plan to next meeting. / VF
10. / RL to include Strategic Planning team in distribution list for papers. / RL