Diversity & Inclusion Playbook
Name of Your Organization
Materials Created by Loretta L.C. Brady, Ph.D., APA-CP © 2016
This playbook may be adapted for internal organization use with citation. No warranties or guarantees are implied with this document. No liability is assumed in providing this to you today.
“Diversity Workforce Coalition” Sponsored GSHRA Presentation
April 26-27th, 2016
VT State HR Council Sponsored Presentation September 9th, 2016
- How did we get here? My story Clinical practice, Football, and Change
- Why Start with a Playbook?
- First Steps
- 6 Key Plays and One Tip
- Play 1: Leadership & Leverage
- Play 2: Know & Show
- Play 3: Educate & Motivate
- Play 4: Collaborate & Connect
- Play 5: Policies & Programs
- Play 6: Metrics & Message
BDS Insight Tip: Talk about why you or leadership has chosen to develop a playbook to help your colleagues/leadership team understand more about you are bringing to these efforts. What are key factors, aims, and assets of your organization? How did your organization come to D & I efforts? What past efforts have there been?
Equity Informed Inclusion: Combining Trauma Informed Service Design and Resilience Promotion Research to issues of Justice and Inclusion
Principle / Example / GoalsAwareness / Cohort Models of Cultural Competence Development; self development plans based on assessment (Bias, Privilege, Empathy). / Cultural introspection, self knowledge, historical knowledge, assimilation experiences, current landscape, cultural literacy and competence development
Safety / SW-PBIS implementation, Double Check / accountability, disparate impact awareness, restorative justice promotion
Trust / Google, Apple, and Twitter sharing internal D&I data. / intentional development across the organization, follow through, veracity, transparency
Collaboration / Etsy and Hacker School, Advanced Manufacturing Center / Collaboration within industry and across organizations Any Collective Impact efforts should include D&I for every committee, support participation within ethnic, racial or cultural community groups to represent the company.
Choice / Harvard Pilgrim / establish importance of benchmarks and progress but allow variation in goals and priorities. When needing to direct, provide data and build consensus
Empowerment / US State Department / Provide options for affinity and interest group collaboration and allow decision makers to make use of resources within the organization.
Play 1 Leadership & Leverage
■Identify key owners, coaches, and players for D & I efforts.
■Develop a statement that aligns current org mission with D & I effectiveness.
■Outline external stakeholders impacting and impacted by D & I effectiveness.
■Establish roles that cross departments and create a dashboard for D&I throughout operations.
BDS Insight Tip: “Keep key guidance visible and near. I love this approach: We first lay out a framework for how effective social movements change organizations. This framework includes four parts: reading the opportunity structure to recognize when the time is right for an innovation; mapping the social terrain to locate allies and supporters; mobilizing allies into a team; and framing the case effectively as a business proposition. “ Dr. Jerry Davis, Ross School of Business, Michigan State University
Find an image online that resembles the setting of this effort.
The Owners, Coaches, Players, Fans and Opponents
BDS Insight Tip:Who are the main players (decision makers, stakeholders, drivers)? Do they have any champions, coaches, or helpers? Is there someone who challenges, supports, or informs the main player(s) around issues of D & I?
Play 2 Know & Show
●Identify assessment tools and methods to document current organizational diversity and environment.
●Highlight historic and current successes and opportunities in D&I.
●Incorporate D&I messaging throughout service lines and roles.
●Identify knowledge and skill gaps throughout organization impacting D&I efforts and effectiveness.
BDS Insight Tip:Think about the most important sources of information you have or need to develop to understand your organization’s full story of D&I efforts and experiences.
Play 3 Educate & Motivate
■Identify and promote training resources for departments and individual professional development
■Share industry, company and community info about need for and impact of D&I effectiveness.
■Recognize internal successes around D&I as effectively as other major organizational goals.
Play 4: Collaborate & Connect
●Identify industry models of effective D & I efforts.
●Identify local and regional resources to support internal needs
●Establish partnerships that will move mutual goals forward with internal and external stakeholders
●Link to national or international efforts in areas that capture current talent interests.
Play 5: Policies & Programs
●Outline and support strategies to improve D & I in all Recruitment, Hiring, Promotion, and Retention programs.
●Develop recognition processes to encourage and reward effective D & I efforts
●Require responsiveness when harassment, bias, or marginalization occurs.
●Encourage or Link employees to Affinity group opportunities
Develop and Promote Cross Functional Leadership for D & I
Play 6: Metrics & Message
■Articulate central goals and indices of achievement (draft)
■Establish metrics for operations dashboard
■Identify key plays that will move D&I efforts forward in your organization.
■Strategize on immediate opportunities to listen, learn, and lead as relates to D&I efforts.
Playbook Section / Source / Link / CommentPlay 1 Leadership & Leverage
Play 2 Know & Show (Assessment) / Minority Corporate Counsel Association / / Resources for pathways, mentors, and policies including data collection approaches.
Play 4 Collaborate & Connect / National Employee Organizations / / Listed on page 21 of the 2011 Diversity Roadmap generated by the USDA.
Play 3 Educate & Motivate
(training, support, recognition) / Diversity Workforce Coalition
Human Resource University /
/ Non-profit located in NH dedicated to providing relevant workforce development training on inclusion and diversity. Bring national and regional trainers to NH for while region training sessions. Membership organization.
Federal Government hosted resources to improve HR practices throughout the US. Lists free and low cost online training programs for a variety of skills including diversity and inclusion related skill sets.
Play 5 Programs & Policies / EEOC
CIA Position & Plan /
/ Lists policies and regulations related to protected categories of priority areas of PMA.
Final page of the CIA plan outlines multitiered approach to improving D&I throughout the agency.
Play 6 Metrics & Message
BDS Insight Tip:
Keep in touch! Feel free to email me below to highlight lessons learned or recommended revisions for the next playbook! I’d also love to hear your experience using this material in your organization so drop me a line!
Loretta L.C. Brady, Ph.D., APA-CP
President, BDS Insight; Professor, Saint Anselm College