Referral Counseling Guidance

Counseling sessions should be carried out by network members beforethey complete the client referral form. These sessions should use some key probing questionsand thereferral directory to narrow down the range of options that is most appropriate for the client.

Counseling based on key probing questions AND on the services available in the catchment area can help ensure that the referrals take into consideration key factors and barriers that affect clients’ ability to act on referrals made. These counseling sessions will be somewhat context specific, but all should address important issues such as those listed below before a referral(s) is made:

The following questions can help to classify the household and what type of service might be most beneficial:

1)Do you have employment? If so, what kind/profession?

2)Are there other source(s) of income to the household?

3)How many peoplelive in your household?

4)Are all school aged children in your household currently attending school?

5)What is the main type of energy that your household uses for cooking?

The following questions can help to determine which specific services and/or service providers would be a good fit for the client/household:

6)What is your area of residence?

7)Do you have an interest in a particular service?

8)What relevant skills, experience and/or education do you have?

9)How far are you able to travel to access services? How frequently?

10)Are there government grants that the client is eligible for and can be linked to?

Once a service has been selected confirm the following:

11)Does the client meet eligibility criteria for certain services?

12)Is the client willing and able to commit time to participate?

  • Will time spent on an activity/service detract from other productive activities (child care, other employment, etc.) to the extent that it will have a negative impact on the household?

13)Can the client meet the physical demands of various services/activities?

14)Can the client pay fees towards receipt of a service (if fees are required)?

What possible barriers did the client state that might prevent them from acting on the referral(s) made(check all that apply)?




☐Family responsibilities

☐Low interest in available service(s)


☐Other (specify) ______