FCACC - Bill Tracking Report
Week Three – January 26, 2018
Sorted by Bill Number
SB 8 / Controlled Substances / Benacquisto
Controlled Substances; Prohibiting managed care plans and their fiscal agents or intermediaries from imposing certain requirements or conditions on recipients as a prerequisite to receiving medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services to treat substance abuse disorders; authorizing certain boards to require practitioners to complete a specified board-approved continuing education course to obtain authorization to prescribe controlled substances as part of biennial license renewal; authorizing disciplinary action against practitioners for violating specified provisions relating to controlled substances; prohibiting the dispensing of certain controlled substances in an amount that exceeds a 3-day supply or a medically necessary 7-day supply if certain criteria are met, etc. APPROPRIATION: $53,555,360.00 Effective Date: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, this act shall take effect July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Rules
10/23/2017 / SENATE Filed
10/25/2017 / SENATE Referred to Health Policy; Appropriations; Rules
1/5/2018 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Health Policy, 01/10/18, 9:00 am, 412 K
1/10/2018 / SENATE Discussed/Workshopped by Health Policy
1/11/2018 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Health Policy, 01/16/18, 4:00 pm, 412 K
1/16/2018 / SENATE Favorable with CS by Health Policy; 8 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/18/2018 / SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
1/19/2018 / SENATE Now in Appropriations
1/19/2018 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Appropriations, 01/24/18, 2:00 pm, 412 K
1/24/2018 / SENATE Favorable by Appropriations; 19 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/25/2018 / SENATE Now in Rules
HB 21 / Controlled Substances / Boyd
Controlled Substances: Requires practitioners to complete specified board-approved continuing education course to prescribe controlled substances; defines "acute pain"; provides for adoption of standards of practice for treatment of acute pain; limits prescribing of opioids for acute pain in certain circumstances; requires pain management clinic owners to register approved exemptions with DOH; provides requirements for pharmacists & practitioners for dispensing of controlled substances to persons not known to them; conforms state controlled substances schedule to federal controlled substances schedule; revises & provides definitions; revises requirements for prescription drug monitoring program. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health & Human Services Committee
10/13/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/26/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/26/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Quality Subcommittee
1/8/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Quality Subcommittee, 01/10/18, 4:00 pm, 306 H
1/11/2018 / HOUSE Favorable with CS by Health Quality Subcommittee on 1/10/18; 15 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/11/2018 / HOUSE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
1/16/2018 / HOUSE Now in Appropriations Committee
1/18/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Appropriations Committee, 01/22/18, 3:00 pm, 212 K
1/22/2018 / HOUSE Favorable by Appropriations Committee; 19 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/22/2018 / HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Committee
1/25/2018 / Bill to be Discussed During the Office of EDR's Criminal Justice Impact Conference, 01/29/18, 3:00 pm, 117 K (No Votes Will Be Taken)
HB 23 / Recovery Care Services / Renner
Recovery Care Services: Includes recovery care centers as facilities licensed under ch. 395, F.S.; authorizes AHCA to establish separate standards for recovery care centers; provides applicability of Florida Building Code; provides applicability of licensure requirements. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
10/18/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/26/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Committee
10/26/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Committee
11/7/2017 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health & Human Services Committee, 11/14/17, 9:00 am, 17 H
11/14/2017 / HOUSE Favorable by Health & Human Services Committee; 14 Yeas, 3 Nays
11/15/2017 / HOUSE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
1/8/2018 / HOUSE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 01/11/18
1/11/2018 / HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendments Failed (291793, 190437); Placed on Third Reading, 01/12/18
1/12/2018 / HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 79 Yeas / 23 Nays)
1/24/2018 / SENATE In Messages
HB 37 / Direct Primary Care Agreements / Burgess
Direct Primary Care Agreements: Specifies that direct primary care agreement does not constitute insurance & provides requirements for such agreement. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
8/23/2017 / HOUSE Filed
8/30/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health & Human Services Committee
8/30/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Committee
11/7/2017 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health & Human Services Committee, 11/14/17, 9:00 am, 17 H
11/14/2017 / HOUSE Favorable by Health & Human Services Committee; 19 Yeas, 0 Nays
11/15/2017 / HOUSE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
1/18/2018 / HOUSE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 01/24/18
1/24/2018 / HOUSE Read Second Time; Amendments Failed (304663, 102461); Placed on Third Reading, 01/25/18
1/25/2018 / HOUSE Read Third Time; Passed (Vote: 97 Yeas / 10 Nays)
SB 74 / Health Providers / Bracy
Health Providers; Requiring that the report to the Department of Health of allegations of sexual misconduct by a licensed health care practitioner be made within a specified timeframe; increasing penalties for violations, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
8/9/2017 / SENATE Filed
8/28/2017 / SENATE Referred to Health Policy; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations
11/28/2017 / SENATE Withdrawn from Health Policy; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations
11/28/2017 / SENATE Withdrawn prior to introduction
HB 81 / Health Care Certification / Gonzalez
Health Care Certification: Prohibits Boards of Medicine & Osteopathic Medicine, & DOH, health care facilities, & insurers from requiring certain certifications as conditions of licensure, reimbursement, or admitting privileges. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health Quality Subcommittee
8/23/2017 / HOUSE Filed
8/30/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
8/30/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Quality Subcommittee
SB 98 / Health Insurer Authorization / Steube
Health Insurer Authorization; Prohibiting prior authorization forms from requiring certain information; requiring health insurers and pharmacy benefits managers on behalf of health insurers to provide certain information relating to prior authorization by specified means; requiring health insurers to publish on their websites and provide to insureds in writing a procedure for insureds and health care providers to request protocol exceptions, etc. Effective Date: 1/1/2019
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
8/9/2017 / SENATE Filed
8/28/2017 / SENATE Referred to Banking and Insurance; Judiciary; Rules
10/30/2017 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 11/07/17, 10:00 am, 110 S
11/7/2017 / SENATE Favorable by Banking and Insurance; 10 Yeas, 0 Nays
11/7/2017 / SENATE Now in Judiciary
11/27/2017 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Judiciary, 12/05/17, 2:00 pm, 110 S
12/5/2017 / SENATE Favorable with CS by Judiciary; 10 Yeas, 0 Nays
12/6/2017 / SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
12/13/2017 / SENATE Now in Rules
1/8/2018 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Rules, 01/11/18, 9:00 am, 110 S
1/11/2018 / SENATE Favorable with CS by Rules; 11 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/11/2018 / SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C2) Filed
1/16/2018 / SENATE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
1/22/2018 / SENATE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 01/24/18
1/24/2018 / SENATE Read Second Time; Amendment Adopted (450052); Ordered Engrossed; Placed on Third Reading, 01/31/18
1/24/2018 / SENATE Engrossed Text (E1) Filed
HB 119 / Adult Cardiovascular Services / Pigman
Adult Cardiovascular Services: Establishes criteria that must be included by AHCA in rules relating to licensure of certain hospitals performing percutaneous coronary intervention procedures. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
8/31/2017 / HOUSE Filed
9/6/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
9/6/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Innovation Subcommittee
11/29/2017 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Innovation Subcommittee, 12/06/17, 1:30 pm, 306 H
12/6/2017 / HOUSE Favorable by Health Innovation Subcommittee; 12 Yeas, 0 Nays
12/7/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee
1/5/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee, 01/09/18, 1:00 pm, 404 H
1/9/2018 / HOUSE Favorable by Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; 12 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/10/2018 / HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Committee
1/16/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health & Human Services Committee, 01/18/18, 08:00 am, 17 H
1/18/2018 / HOUSE Favorable by Health & Human Services Committee; 19 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/18/2018 / HOUSE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
1/25/2018 / HOUSE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 01/31/18
SB 144 / Adult Cardiovascular Services / Grimsley
Adult Cardiovascular Services; Establishing criteria that must be included by the Agency for Health Care Administration in rules relating to the licensure of certain hospitals performing percutaneous coronary intervention procedures, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Current Committee of Reference: Appropriations
8/15/2017 / SENATE Filed
8/28/2017 / SENATE Referred to Health Policy; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations; Rules
10/30/2017 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Health Policy, 11/07/17, 10:00 am, 412 K
11/7/2017 / SENATE Favorable by Health Policy; 7 Yeas, 0 Nays
11/7/2017 / SENATE Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
11/27/2017 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, 12/07/17, 12:30 pm, 401 S
12/7/2017 / SENATE Favorable by Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; 7 Yeas, 0 Nays
12/8/2017 / SENATE Now in Appropriations
SB 162 / Payment of Health Care Claims / Steube
Payment of Health Care Claims; Prohibiting a health insurer or a health maintenance organization from retroactively denying a claim under specified circumstances, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Current Committee of Reference: Rules
8/16/2017 / SENATE Filed
8/28/2017 / SENATE Referred to Banking and Insurance; Health Policy; Rules
11/27/2017 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 12/05/17, 10:00 am, 110 S
12/5/2017 / SENATE Favorable by Banking and Insurance; 10 Yeas, 0 Nays
12/5/2017 / SENATE Now in Health Policy
1/18/2018 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Health Policy, 01/23/18, 3:30 pm, 412 K
1/23/2018 / SENATE Favorable by Health Policy; 8 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/24/2018 / SENATE Now in Rules
HB 183 / Electronic Health Records / Russell
Electronic Health Records: Requires contracted vendor to release electronic health care records to another vendor selected by health care provider within specified timeframe; provides for assessment of liquidated damages. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
9/25/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/3/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/3/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Innovation Subcommittee
12/6/2017 / HOUSE Withdrawn prior to introduction
HB 199 / Step Therapy Protocols / Harrison
Step Therapy Protocols: Defines "step therapy"; prohibits health insurers & HMOs from requiring insureds or subscribers to repeat step therapy protocols; provides that certain health insurers & HMOs may impose specified requirement for continued coverage; provides that such entities are not required to take specified actions. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Insurance & Banking Subcommittee
9/27/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/3/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Insurance & Banking Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/3/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Innovation Subcommittee
1/12/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Innovation Subcommittee, 01/17/18, 12:30 pm, 306 H
1/17/2018 / HOUSE Favorable with CS by Health Innovation Subcommittee; 14 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/18/2018 / HOUSE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
1/19/2018 / HOUSE Now in Insurance & Banking Subcommittee
HB 217 / Payment of Health Care Claims / Hager
Payment of Health Care Claims: Prohibit health insurers & health maintenance organizations from retroactively denying claim.Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health Innovation Subcommittee
10/3/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/12/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Appropriations Committee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/12/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Innovation Subcommittee
HB 229 / Consumer Protection from Nonmedical Changes to Prescription Drug Formularies / Massullo, Jr.
Consumer Protection from Nonmedical Changes to Prescription Drug Formularies: Limits changes to health insurance policies’ prescription drug formulary during policy year; requires small employer carriers to limit changes to prescription drug formularies. Effective Date: January 1, 2019
Current Committee of Reference: Health Innovation Subcommittee
10/3/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/12/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Insurance & Banking Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/12/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Innovation Subcommittee
SB 250 / Ambulatory Surgical Centers and Mobile Surgical Facilities / Steube
Ambulatory Surgical Centers and Mobile Surgical Facilities; Revising the definition of the terms “ambulatory surgical center” and “mobile surgical facility”; requiring the Agency for Health Care Administration, in consultation with the Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine to adopt rules that establish requirements for practitioners and facilities related to the delivery of surgical care to children in ambulatory surgical centers, in accordance with specified standards, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Current Committee of Reference: Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
9/5/2017 / SENATE Filed
9/22/2017 / SENATE Referred to Health Policy; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations
11/27/2017 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Health Policy, 12/05/17, 10:00 am, 412 K
12/5/2017 / SENATE Favorable with CS by Health Policy; 7 Yeas, 0 Nays
12/6/2017 / SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
12/13/2017 / SENATE Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
SB 280 / Telehealth / Bean
Telehealth; Establishing the standard of care for telehealth providers; providing that telehealth providers, under certain circumstances, are not required to research a patient’s history or conduct physical examinations before providing services through telehealth; providing recordkeeping requirements for telehealth providers, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health Policy
9/14/2017 / SENATE Filed
9/29/2017 / SENATE Referred to Banking and Insurance; Health Policy; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations
1/11/2018 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Banking and Insurance, 01/16/18, 4:00 pm, 110 S
1/16/2018 / SENATE Favorable with CS by Banking and Insurance; 11 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/18/2018 / SENATE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
1/19/2018 / SENATE Now in Health Policy
1/25/2018 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Health Policy, 01/30/18, 10:00 am, 412 K
HB 283 / Cardiac Programs / Raschein
Cardiac Programs: Grants exception from volume requirements for diagnostic cardiac catheterization procedures & ischemic heart disease diagnoses for certain hospitals providing adult cardiovascular services. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
10/10/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/18/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/18/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Innovation Subcommittee
11/29/2017 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Innovation Subcommittee, 12/06/17, 1:30 pm, 306 H
12/6/2017 / HOUSE Favorable by Health Innovation Subcommittee; 11 Yeas, 0 Nays
12/7/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee
1/5/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee, 01/09/18, 1:00 pm, 404 H
1/9/2018 / HOUSE Favorable by Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; 11 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/10/2018 / HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Committee
1/16/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health & Human Services Committee, 01/18/18, 08:00 am, 17 H
1/18/2018 / HOUSE Favorable by Health & Human Services Committee; 18 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/18/2018 / HOUSE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
1/25/2018 / HOUSE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 01/31/18
HB 285 / Emergency Medical Services / Pigman
Emergency Medical Services: Exempts certain governmental entities from requirement to obtain certificate of public convenience & necessity to provide advanced life support nontransport services under specified conditions. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health Quality Subcommittee
10/10/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/18/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Local, Federal & Veterans Affairs Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/18/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Quality Subcommittee
HB 313 / Access to Health Care Practitioner Services / Grant (M)
Access to Health Care Practitioner Services: Exempts physicians & osteopathic physicians who provide certain number of hours of pro bono services from continuing education requirements; revises eligibility criteria for restricted license; establishes registration program for volunteer retired physicians & osteopathic physicians; authorizes Board of Medicine & Board of Osteopathic Medicine to deny, revoke, or impose restrictions or conditions on registration for certain violations; revises licensure criteria applicable to Canadian applicants. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: No Current Committee
10/12/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/18/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/18/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Quality Subcommittee
11/29/2017 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Quality Subcommittee, 12/06/17, 8:30 am, 306 H
12/6/2017 / HOUSE Favorable with CS by Health Quality Subcommittee; 11 Yeas, 0 Nays
12/8/2017 / HOUSE Committee Substitute Text (C1) Filed
12/11/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee
1/5/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee, 01/09/18, 1:00 pm, 404 H
1/9/2018 / HOUSE Favorable by Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; 13 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/10/2018 / HOUSE Now in Health & Human Services Committee
1/16/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health & Human Services Committee, 01/18/18, 08:00 am, 17 H
1/18/2018 / HOUSE Favorable by Health & Human Services Committee; 18 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/18/2018 / HOUSE Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading
1/25/2018 / HOUSE Placed on Special Order Calendar, 01/31/18
HB 327 / Emergency Power for Health Care Facilities / Richardson
Emergency Power for Health Care Facilities: Requires nursing homes & ALFs to have operational emergency power source & sufficient fuel supply. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health Innovation Subcommittee
10/13/2017 / HOUSE Filed
10/26/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
10/26/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Innovation Subcommittee
SB 360 / Consumer Protection from Nonmedical Changes to Prescription Drug Formularies / Mayfield
Consumer Protection from Nonmedical Changes to Prescription Drug Formularies; Prohibiting specified changes to certain insurance policy prescription drug formularies, except under certain circumstances; requiring small employer carriers to limit specified changes to prescription drug formularies under certain health benefit plans; prohibiting certain health maintenance organizations from making specified changes to health maintenance contract prescription drug formularies, except under certain circumstances, etc. Effective Date: 1/1/2019
Current Committee of Reference: Health Policy
9/27/2017 / SENATE Filed
10/16/2017 / SENATE Referred to Health Policy; Banking and Insurance; Appropriations; Rules
SB 408 / Licensure of Cardiovascular Programs / Flores
Licensure of Cardiovascular Programs; Establishing additional criteria that must be included by the Agency for Health Care Administration in rules relating to adult cardiovascular services at hospitals seeking licensure for a Level I program, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Current Committee of Reference: Appropriations
10/3/2017 / SENATE Filed
10/25/2017 / SENATE Referred to Health Policy; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations
11/27/2017 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Health Policy, 12/05/17, 10:00 am, 412 K
12/5/2017 / SENATE Favorable by Health Policy; 8 Yeas, 0 Nays
12/5/2017 / SENATE Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services
1/5/2018 / SENATE On Committee agenda - Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, 01/10/18, 4:00 pm, 401 S
1/10/2018 / SENATE Favorable by Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; 6 Yeas, 0 Nays
1/11/2018 / SENATE Now in Appropriations
HB 425 / Physician Fee Sharing / Plasencia
Physician Fee Sharing: Revises exemption relating to grounds for disciplinary action by Boards of Medicine & Osteopathic Medicine & DOH to authorize specified forms of payment to physician or osteopathic physician. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health Quality Subcommittee
10/25/2017 / HOUSE Filed
11/1/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Quality Subcommittee; Insurance & Banking Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
11/1/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Quality Subcommittee
1/25/2018 / HOUSE On Committee agenda - Health Quality Subcommittee, 01/29/18, 3:00 pm, 306 H
HB 437 / Building Standards for Health Care Facilities / Lee Jr. (L)
Building Standards for Health Care Facilities: Provides that Florida Building Code must require public & private health care facilities to have operational emergency power source. Effective Date: July 1, 2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health Innovation Subcommittee
10/25/2017 / HOUSE Filed
11/1/2017 / HOUSE Referred to Health Innovation Subcommittee; Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee; Health & Human Services Committee
11/1/2017 / HOUSE Now in Health Innovation Subcommittee
SB 458 / Controlled Substance Prescribing / Bean
Controlled Substance Prescribing; Limiting an initial prescription for a controlled substance that is an opioid to a 7-day supply; providing exceptions to supply limits for certain patients; requiring a health care practitioner who is authorized to prescribe controlled substances to complete a continuing education course as a condition of initial licensure and biennial licensure renewal, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2018
Current Committee of Reference: Health Policy
10/9/2017 / SENATE Filed
10/25/2017 / SENATE Referred to Health Policy; Appropriations; Rules
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