In this booklet you will find the schedule and descriptions of Psychology courses offered in the fall semester, 2015.

Appointment scheduling will begin onWednesday, March18th; appointment sheets will be posted outside each faculty member’s office. Advising and advance registration for rising senior majors (’16) will be on March23, 24 and 25. Rising junior majors (’17) on March 26, 27 and 30. Rising sophomore majors (’18) April 7, 8 and 9. ALLPsyc minors April7, 8 and 9.

Course descriptions for fall semester psychology courses are available on the Psychology web page of the Saint Mary’s Home website. Please review the descriptions PRIOR to meeting with your advisor.

Faculty members will provide advisees with their alternatePIN number to register for non-psychology elective courses on PRISM.

PSYC 156 Intro to Psychology/Culture & Systems Bettina Spencer

3 credits 2:00-3:15 TR

(Fulfills the Sophia LOI: Social Science I, and counts as a Psychology major requirement)

This course is an introduction to the study of behavior and mental processes - basically, what makes the human creature tick. Some of the questions psychologists try to answer are things like: How does a person develop? How do we learn and remember things? How do we manage to get along with one another? How does one person influence another? How do we come to know who we are? Do we act differently in groups? When do we say a person has a behavioral disorder? How are behavioral and mental problems dealt with? Are these mental problems really illnesses, and are there cures?

To answer questions like these we have to learn the language and methods of psychology - that is, the way psychologists describe things, and the way they get at answers. Using scientific methods, psychologists search for answers that are intended to withstand the tests of skeptical scientific scrutiny. You will soon realize, however, that this course raises as many questions as it answers.

PSYC 156 Intro to Psychology: Culture & Systems William Youngs

3 credits 11:00-12:15 MW

(Fulfills Sophia LOI: Social Science I and counts as a Psychology major requirement)

An introductory survey of theories, topics , and applications in psychology. Course covers a wide range of classic and contemporary topics in psychology, including research methods, brain and behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning and memory, thinking and intelligence, life span development, personality, psychological disorders and treatment, and social psychology. The 156 course is organized around systems of thought and social science concepts that identify biological, psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, and sociocultural approaches to psychological topics. Students will recognize the impact of human diversity, and learn that psychological explanations vary across populations and contexts. Lecture-discussion format. Evaluation will be by means of three in-class examinations worth 100 points each as well as the opportunity of extra credit papers.

Psyc 157 Intro to Psychology/Science for the Citizen Teresa Aubele-Futch

3 credits 10:00-10:50 MWF

(Fulfills Sophia LOI: Social Science II, and counts as a Psychology major requirement)

The purpose of this course will be to provide you with a survey of concepts, principles, and theories of psychology – the empirical study of behavior and mental processes. Topics will range among behavioral biology, sensation and perception, learning, memory, cognition, emotion, social behavior, personality, and psychopathology. You will learn about methods psychologists use to study human behavior, historical and contemporary research findings, and questions psychologists are interested in such as – who are we? Why are we the way that we are? Are we all going to turn out just like our parents, or not? How are attitudes and preconceptions formed? What is a psychological disorder, and how do we classify them? Questions like these (and more) will be discussed using the language of psychology and examined through the process of the scientific method. You will also be encouraged to think critically and skeptically not only about the course material, but about psychologically-related research, articles and claims that are seen every day in the world around us. Evaluation will be based on exams, quizzes, in-class demonstrations and worksheets, oral presentations and writing assignments. PREREQ: None

Psyc 157 Intro to Psychology/Science for the Citizen Becky Stoddart

3.0 credits 2:00-3:15 TR

(Fulfills the Sophia LOI: Social Science II and counts as a Psychology major requirement)

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to major theoretical perspectives in psychology, to their concepts and methods of studying human behavior, and to contemporary research findings. While many people believe that psychology is primarily concerned with individuals with mental disorders, you will learn that that is only one subset of the field: much of our focus in psychology is on understanding basic questions about people’s behavior and mental processes. How do we learn and remember things? How and why do people grow and develop the way that they do? How are attitudes, such as prejudice and stereotyping, formed? How much of our behavior is due to innate predispositions we inherit from our parents (nature) vs. experiences and social influences (nurture)? As a result of this class, you should have a good understanding of the basic processes that underlie human thinking and behavior, be able to scrutinize the various claims and so-called facts stated in the popular culture about people’s behavior, and understand the different scientific methods that psychologists use. In this way, you will be better equipped to participate as an informed citizen in a society that grapples daily with psychological issues. Evaluation will be based on exams, homework, mini-research projects and writing assignments.

PSYC 157 Intro to Psychology/Science for the Citizen Karen Chambers

3.0 credits 3:30-4:45 TR

(Fulfills the Sophia LOI: Social Science II, LO2: Critical Thinking Seminar, and counts as a Psychology major requirement)

Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior. As a result, the variety of topic areas studied by psychologists is immense. In this course, the major topics of study will include: sensation and perception, learning, cognitive, developmental, personality and social psychology. The two major goals of the class are (1) to understand how scientific method informs our knowledge of psychological processes and (2) to logically evaluate research and opinion concerning psychological phenomenon. Evaluation will be based on writing assignments, class participation, and exams.

PSYC 301Developmental Psychology Alissa Russell

4 credits 9:30-10:05 TR10:00-10:50 F

12:30-1:45 TR & 11:00-11:50 F

(Fulfills Psychology major requirement)

The purpose of this course is to examine human growth and development, beginning with conception and ending with adolescence. As such, we will focus on the theoretical and research-based underpinnings of human development. Specifically, we will look at the physical, cultural, social, cognitive and psychological changes that manage and influence human growth. Although we will focus primarily on children ages 0-12, we will consider processes of development from within a life-span perspective. You will have opportunities to consider your own and others’ hypotheses about development and to review research supporting or contradicting these hypotheses. Finally, because the best way to learn about child development is to spend time with children, you will also observe and interact with children at the Early Childhood Development Center. Requirements: 3 exams, 3 assessments, and a final exam

Pre-requisite: Psyc 156 or 157

PSYC 302 Psychology of Adult Development and Aging Rebecca Stoddart

3 credits 4:30-5:45 MW

(This course counts as a Psyc major elective; counts towards the Gender and Women’s Studies and Gerontology minors, and as the second developmental psyc course completing a Lifespan sequence)

Psyc 302 essentially “picks up” where Psyc 301-ends: Starting with adolescence, the course examines issues and processes that influence development throughout adulthood. We will use Erik Erikson’s theory as a basis for examining each stage of adulthood, and also use contemporary theories of adult development, e.g., Arnett, Lebouf-Vieve, etc. to supplement and critique thesetheories. One focus is on gender differences both inthe central issues facing adults throughout the lifespan, and in the social and cultural supports available to men and women as they address these issues. A second focus is issues of diversity, i.e., how identity development unfolds for adolescents who are gay/lesbian; biracial youth; for adolescents who grow up in poverty and in the margins of our culture. A third focus is on contemporary research on aging, in particular on cognitive and psychosocial skills, as well as behaviors and interventions that can improve senior adults’ optimal aging. The course is taught as a seminar; as such, students should be prepared to lead and participate in discussions of readings in each class. In addition to journal writing, students will write reflection papers, weekly quizzes, and take-home exams. Pre-requisite: Psyc 156 or 157 & 301 or permission of instructor

PSYC 323Psychology of PersonalityCatherine Pittman

3 credits 3:00-4:15 MW

(Fulfills an area “A” major requirement)

Major contemporary theories of personality, including psychoanalytic, behavioristic, and information-processing theories will be discussed. Emphasis is placed on the research investigating these theories, and the goal is for the student to evaluate each theory in terms of the empirical support associated with the theory. An additional focus of the course is to evaluate the contribution of female theorists to an understanding of human behavior. The student is evaluated in terms of her performance on three exams one case study, and two brief essays. Lecture/Discussion format. Prerequisite: Psyc 156 or 157

PSYC 324Statistics in Psychology Karen Chambers

3 credits 9:30-10:45 TR

11:00-12:15 TR

This course is designed to (1) give you the ability to read and understand the results sections of a paper in a psychological journal, (2) develop your quantitative and analytical thinking skills, (3) give you the ability to determine and perform the appropriate statistical test for many basic research situations and (4) prepare you for your advanced classes in statistics. Grades will be based on performance on exams. Prerequisite: Psyc 156 or 157

PSYC 339 & Lab Introduction to Neuroscience Lab Terri Aubele-Futch

3 credits, Lab .05 credit 9:30-10:45 TR and

(Optional) Lab 1:00-1:50 M

(Fulfills Psychology major requirement)

This course serves as an introduction to the biological basis of behavior – that is, the intersection between the nervous system and psychology. This course provides an in-depth examination of neuroanatomy (the structure of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves), neurophysiology (the structure and function of neurons), and the essentials of neurochemistry and neuropharmacology (that is, the chemical messengers of the nervous system – neurotransmitters – and the ways in which they can be manipulated or changed via administration of drugs or toxins). This course is meant to provide you with a “systems” approach to brain function and to help you understand the ways in which the nervous system produces behavior and thought, and how it allows us to interact with our environment. This means that we will explore the above concepts by looking at ways in which particular parts of the nervous system come together to form discrete functional groups, such as our sensory systems, our movement systems, and our memory systems. We will also examine the physiological basis of behavior disorders, development of the nervous system, and neuroplasticity. Weekly labs will be used for mini-experiments or to evaluate literature in neuroscience topics. Evaluation will be based on exams, quizzes, article discussions, experimental worksheets, and writing assignments. Prerequisite: PSYC 156 or 157

PSYC 349 Sensation & Perception Terri Aubele-Futch

3 credits 11:00-12:15 TR

(Fulfills a major elective)

This course serves as a deeper look into the process by which we understand and interpret the world around us – through our senses. Our sensory system allows us to translate the stimuli around us – photons of light, waves of sound, pressure in the skin – into the electrical and chemical language of the nervous system. This process is called sensation. Our nervous system then interprets this information and may alter it given rules of learning, our surroundings, even our attention and biases. This process is called perception. The twin processes of sensation and perception thus allow us to understand the world around us. This course is meant to provide you with an approach that highlights physical sensations as well as the brain functions that contribute to perception, and to help you understand the ways in which the nervous system allows us to interact with our environment.This means that we will explore the above concepts by looking at ways in which functional systems come together to form discrete functional groups, such as our visual systems and hearing systems.Evaluation will be based on exams, quizzes, writing assignments, and your assessment of a non-fiction book.

PSYC 364 Cognitive Psychology William Youngs

3 credits 3:00-4:15 MW

(Fulfills Psychology Area B major requirement)

A survey of contemporary theories and research on the acquisition, retention, and use of knowledge as well as processes involved in thinking. Topics include basic principles of cognitive neuroscience, perception, attention, memory, language, imagery, cognitive development, reasoning, problem solving, creativity, and artificial intelligence. Evaluation will be by means of three in-class examinations worth 100 points each as well as the opportunity of extra credit papers.Prerequisite: PSYC 156 or 157.

PSYC 381 Clinical Psychology Catherine Pittman

3 credits 10:00-10:50 MWF

(Fulfills an area “A” major requirement)

This course is an introduction to the methods of clinical psychology. Students will learn personal and interpersonal skills necessary to develop an effective helping relationship. Students practice interviewing strategies, communication and listening skills, and developing a supportive, non-directive relationship. Skills are demonstrated and evaluated through in-class videotaped interactions. An important aspect of this course is the expectation that students will examine their own cultural identities and improve skills for interacting with those from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Participation in community field trips is required. The student is evaluated in terms of her performance on three essay exams, reflection papers, and journaling assignments. Pre-requisite: Psyc 326 or permission of instructor

PSYC438 Stereotyping & Prejudice Bettina Spencer 12:30-1:45 TR

(Fulfills a major elective)

In this course we will examine issues of stereotyping and prejudice from a social psychological perspective. Using a mix of quantitative journal articles, novels, and films, we will identify and explore why people stereotype, how prejudices form, the effects of prejudice, how to combat stereotyping, and how members of disadvantaged groups can psychologically protect themselves against the negative effects of stigma.

Although we will think broadly about social groups in general, we will also focus on particular social groups as they pertain to ethnicity and race, gender, sexual orientation, and social class. We will specifically address the intersection of gender with other social identities, and will explore issues that are particular to women of color, lesbian, queer, and transgendered populations, and women of varying class statuses. Students should have an understanding of social psychology or have taken a course in research methods. Prerequisites: PSYC337 or permission.

PSYC 495 Senior Seminar in Psychology Catherine Pittman and Rebecca Stoddart

3 credits11:00-12:15 MW

(Satisfies a major requirement and satisfies comprehensive exam requirement for the B.A.)

Senior seminar is designed as a capstone experience and an opportunity for students to contribute to the discourse of psychology. Two sections of the course are offered, focusing on either an empirical study or a comprehensive literature review. In addition to seminar readings and discussion, students in Dr. Stoddart’s section will both develop an empirical study and write a report which demonstrates their ability to conduct and present research on a psychological topic of interest, while students in Dr. Pittman’s section will examine a topic from a psychological standpoint and write a comprehensive literature review that persuasively presents their own perspective on the topic. In other words, Dr. Stoddart will be working with students who are interested in doing an empirical research study; Dr. Pittman will be working with students who plan to write a comprehensive literature review. Successful completion of the seminar satisfies the comprehensive examination requirement for the B.A. Prerequisite: Senior psychology major status, Psyc324 + three 300-level Psyc classes (324 required for the empirical research section).

Name ______Date ______

Required Courses for a Psychology Major (35 hours)

Required Course:

___156/157 Introduction to Psychology (Fall, Spring)

___301 Developmental Psychology (4 credits; Fall, Spring) (Prerequisite: Psyc 156/157)

___324 Statistics in Psychology (Fall)(Prerequisite: Psyc 156/157, Math 104 recommended)

___325 Research Methods in Psychology (4 credits; Spring)(Prerequisite: Psyc 201)

___339 Introduction to Neuroscience(Fall)(Prerequisite: Psyc 156/157)

___495 Senior Seminar in Psychology (Fall of Senior Year)(Prerequisite: Senior Status, 324

325,and three other 300 level Psyc classes)

Group ATwo of the following courses are required:

___323 Psychology of Personality (Fall, Spring)(Prerequisite: Psyc 156 or 157)

___326 Abnormal Psychology (Fall, Spring)(Prerequisite: 301 or 323)

___381 Clinical Psychology(Fall)(Prerequisite: 326)

Group BThe following are required:

___337 Social Psychology (Fall)

___364 Cognitive Psychology (Spring)

Electives:Three additional credit hours from the above or other courses in

Psychology is required.

Advanced Writing Requirement: Three of the following types of papers are required.

___Reflection Paper___Position Paper___Case Study/Lab Report

___Research Paper___Literature Review___ Other

Sophomore year / Junior year / Senior year
Fall / 495

Name ______Date ______

Required Courses for a Psychology Minor (18 hours)

Required Course:

_____ 156/157 Introduction to Psychology(Fall, Spring)

Group A One of the following is required:

_____ 323 Psychology of Personality (Fall, Spring)(Prerequisite: Psyc 156/157)

_____ 326 Abnormal Psychology (Fall, Spring)(Prerequisite: Psyc 156/157 & 301 or 323 or

permission ofinstructor)

_____ 381 Clinical Psychology (Fall) (Prerequisite: Psyc 326 or permission of instructor)