The Raiders’ Call
BUS ZONE 8 / 92 Churchill Street, Chatham, ON N7L 3T5
Phone: 519-354-6100 / Principal: Mrs. D. Zondag
Secretary: Mrs. D. Goodall /
principal’s message
Welcome back! Hopefully everyone has enjoyed a fun and relaxing summer break. Welcome to the new students and families who have joined the Raiders Family. It is wonderful to see so many smiling faces in our halls again! We are excited to be back and look forward to another year of supporting your child(ren) in becoming a life-long learner. We believe that in today’s world the most important thing for children is understanding that learning is not something that ends at the bell. As a team we believe that we can prepare children for an ever changing and fast-paced world. We look forward to working with each child and family to ensure an excellent education for Every Student Every Day.
staff assignments
Mrs. Brady/Mrs.Ray –FDK
Mrs. Mariconda/ Miss Sheehan-SK/1
Mrs. Kennedy-1/2
Ms. Hackett-2/3
Mrs. Haskell-3/4
Mrs. Broadwood-5/6
Mrs. Brecevic-6/7
Mrs. Hunter-7/8
Mrs. Jackson-Learning Resource
Mme Evans-Core French/Rotary
Mr. Hills-Rotary
Miss Clayton -Educational Assistant
Mr. Tanner-Daytime Custodian
Mrs. Goodall-Secretary
Mrs. Zondag-Principal
school hours
8:50 Yard Supervision
9:05 School Begins
11:05-11:25 Nutrition Break
11:25-11:45 Outdoor Recess
1:25-1:45 Nutrition Break
1:45-2:05 Outdoor Recess
3:25 Dismissal
Safe school Arrival
For the safety of all, students must not arrive at school before 8:50 a.m. when yard supervision begins. Please remind your children to obey the safety patrollers when crossing the crosswalk in front of the school.
Student Absences and School Visitors
Regular school attendance is extremely important to the success of all students! As hard as it can be some days, starting the school day on time is important. Our Safe School Policy requires that parents or guardians notify the school at 519-354-6100 if students will be absent or late. We have an answering machine that will take this information before or after school hours.
It is essential for safety reasons that we are aware if your child is not at school. If we have not heard from you, a telephone call will be made by the school secretary for follow-up on the absenteeism. Late students need to report to the office before going to class and will be given a late slip by the school secretary. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation!
Nutrition Breaks— All students are expected to stay at school during the First Nutrition Break. Students who wish to leave the school grounds during second break will require written permission either in a note to the teacher or in the child’s planner each day they plan to leave.
Our school doors are locked throughout the day, and our front entry has a camera and bell to notify us of guests. To maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for our students and greater school community, all visitors and parents must sign in at the office upon entering the school. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
student planners
Students in Grades 1/2-6 are required to purchase a planner at a reduced cost of $2 as this tool assists with communication and homework reminders. Please send the money to school as soon as possible. Kindly review the planner with your child. It contains important information such as rules about student behaviour, roles and responsibilities, cell phones, medication, dress code, and other general information about school. A replacement cost will be $5.
During the first of every month John N. Given produces a newsletter to communicate to parents about current events. In supporting the LKDSB’s initiative regarding the reduction of paper consumption and being financially efficient, this will be the only monthly edition of The Raiders’ Call that is printed and sent home. All newsletters will be available or at the office upon request.
If your child requires prescription medication administered during school hours, please see the office for an authorization form which must be completed by the parent/guardian and physician and forwarded to the Principal each school year and whenever the physician directs a modification of the prescribed medication. We cannot administer any medication without this completed form.
If your child is required to carry their medication with them (Epi-pen/inhaler), please contact the office to ensure that their medical plan is up-to-date and accurate.
Allergy alert
Please be advised that we have several students with life-threatening allergies to certain foods and scents. We ask that the following products not be sent to school:
Peanuts and all nuts-foods containing nuts
Soya Peanut Butter
Scented products (Axe cologne, perfume)
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance
The Lambton Kent District School Board does not insure students. For your convenience, the Board has made
arrangements for families to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the Kids Plus™ Accident
Insurance program, underwritten by Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services Inc.
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance provides protection against unexpected costs arising from accidental injuries. The program is especially valuable for families who:
do not have medical or dental plans,
have limited plans, as it may help supplement health and dental benefits, or
have active children who enjoy sports and outdoor activities.
Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance has a selection of plans to suit most budgets. Benefits include coverage for:
The full school year (September to September), 24 hours a day, while at home and school;
Expenses that are often limited or not covered by private or group insurance plans, or Provincial Health
Insurance Plans, such as ambulance, physiotherapy, private tutoring, counselling, and much more;
Injury‐related dental treatment (including future dental treatment up to age 26);
Out‐of‐province or country emergency medical expenses.
If your address changes during the school year, your Kids Plus™ Accident Insurance plan is transferable from school to school, anywhere in Canada. Insurance premiums for children are $14.50 or $33.50 per year, depending on the plan selected. A discount is available for families with 3 or more children. Adults age 20 to 64 can also be insured for $32.00 per year.
For more information or to apply online, please visit, email: or speak with a Kids Plus™ Client Service Administrator at 1‐800‐556‐7411.
Provincial government changes to drinking water regulations for schools
The Ontario government has made amendments to Ontario Regulation 243, which came into effect for schools in 2007 and is intended to reduce children's exposure to lead in drinking water. Effective July 1, 2017, amendments to the regulation make it necessary for samples to be collected and tested for lead content at every drinking water fountain and every tap that is used in the preparation of food or drink or to provide drinking water for consumption by children under 18 years of age by 2020 in elementary schools and 2022 in secondary schools. Prior to July 1, the regulation required school boards to sample and test water for lead annually at only one location in the building.
During the summer, the LKDSB installed new signage and developed plans to complete the flushing and testing protocols in keeping with the ministry’s timelines. As well, the LKDSB plans to install bottle filling stations in all our schools. Our goal is to install at least one bottle filling station in all schools by August 2018. As always, the health and safety of our students, staff and visitors to our buildings are our number one priority.
For more information, please read a letter from Director Jim Costello:
snack program
Students will have the opportunity to try 2 nutritious snacks daily during the first instructional block. Volunteers will be needed to assist with the delivery of this worthwhile program beginning mid-September.
food sales
During both Nutrition Breaks, milk (white and chocolate) and flavoured popcorn are available for purchase at $1 each. Sales begin the week of Sept. 11.
School/Parent council
We would like to invite all interested parents to our first meeting on Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. This includes anyone interested in fund-raising or fun-raising events. Please feel free to check it out and support our kids with your attendance. Parent involvement is key in creating a successful school community.
School Council nomination forms for Chair, Co-chair, and Secretary will be available in the school office. Please bring these completed forms, which include two names of nominators, to the Principal before our first meeting. A quorum will need to be present before any voting takes place. Please call Mrs. Zondag if you have questions.
open house
Tuesday, September 19 from 5-6:30 p.m.
Families are encouraged to come to our Open House to meet the teachers and staff, visit your child’s classroom and tour the school and Scholastic Bookfair.
freedom of information regarding consent for imaging or audio recording of student
During the school year, students are involved in a variety of school-related activities consistent with the purpose of educating in accordance with the Education Act.
Examples may include but are not limited to:
School Yearbook
School Plays
Field Days/Athletic Functions
Science Fairs
Annual Report of the Director
School/Board Curriculum Presentations
School and Class Photographs
Education Week events
School/Board memorabilia
In addition, public media organizations, upon notification, may be present to cover these events by photographing, audiotaping, or videotaping students involved in the above-mentioned routine in-school activities.
If you wish your child to be excluded from photographing, audiotaping, or videotaping as a part of activities such as outlined above, please notify the Principal of the school in writing as soon as possible. Otherwise the school will assume your consent.
A Special Event Student Release Form is required for the imaging or audio recording of specific programs or activities of the School or Board which are not considered part of routine activities and which may be shared outside of the jurisdiction of the School or Board.
Release forms will be sent home for students participating in these types of out of school/special Board-sponsored activities, or special projects, as they occur.
A signed release is also required for images or audio recordings to be included on School/Board websites. Consent will be obtained each year on student profile sheets.
These procedures are designed to ensure the privacy of students in the school and for students within the jurisdiction of the Lambton Kent District School Board. This is also in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
A form titled “Appendix B-Notification and Permission for the use of Student Personal Information” is being sent home with this newsletter that requires your attention.
Please read it carefully and return the completed form to the office as soon as possible.
For many parents and guardians, their children’s school day is often shorter than their work day, so the YMCA Before & After School Programs make sure your children are well looked after when they are not in school. We offer early morning care as well as after-school care in a safe and fun environment.
We offer care from the ages of 4 to 12 from 6:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis, so get on the wait list today.
Phone: 519-351-1931
dates to remember
Food Sales (milk/popcorn) / Begins Sept. 11School/Parent Council
6:30 p.m. / Sept. 12
Open House/
Scholastic Book fair / Sept. 19
Picture Day / Sept. 26
PD Day / Sept. 29
Pizza orders available / Oct. 5
Thanksgiving Day
(Holiday) / Oct. 9
PD Day / Oct. 27
Lifetouch Retakes / Oct. 30
Black & Orange Day / Oct. 31