Syllabus: Prealgebra, Beginning Algebra, Math Study Skills
(3-6 hour credit course)
Fall 2008
Course Number: MT 055/065A0001
Room: L-221
Class Times: MWF 11:00-11:50
Instructor: Jeannette Ward
Office Hours: S- 121 (Science Building)
Office Hours:
MWF 9:00 – 10:00
MW 1:00-2:00
In S 109 5:15-5:30
T 9:00 -12:00
Phone: Office 686-4598
Home 926-1670
Textbook and Supplies: For MT055/065: Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra
By K. Elayn Martin-Gay 2nd Edition
Access Code for MyMathLab
Access to a computer outside of class
Prerequisite: Placement into this course by Compass Exam and special permission
of instructor.
Description of the course: This section of 055/065 is an accelerated course.
Students will work independently at their own pace.
All required work including pre and post test will be
completed on the computer. Students have the
possibility of completing Prealgebra and Basic Algebra
in one semester.
Topics covered in Prealgebra are: whole numbers,
powers and square roots, fractions, decimals fractions,
percents, ratios, proportions, signed numbers, order of
operations, prime factorization, measurement, basic
formulas in geometry, and tables and graphs.
Topics covered in Algebra are: variable expressions, linear equations and inequalities, exponents, polynomials, factoring, square and cube roots,
scientific and engineering notation, elementary graphing, and measurement units and conversion.
Course Objective: Upon completion of these courses the student will be able to:
For MT 055:
- Solve problem involving addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division
of integers, fractions and decimals.
- State and perform correctly the order of
of operation.
- Calculate whole number powers.
- Calculate square roots of rational perfect square numbers.
- Determine prime factorization of whole numbers.
- Perform conversion among decimals, fractions and percents.
- Solve problems involving ratios, proportions, and percents.
- Perform conversion interchanging English and Metric systems.
- Demonstrate rounding and estimation techniques.
- Calculate area, volume and perimeter of basic plane figures and solids.
- Read and interpret tables and graphs.
For MT 065:
- Apply properties of real numbers
- Simplify and evaluate algebraic expression using order of operation.
- Use the properties of integer exponents.
- Perform operations with powers of 10, scientific and engineering notations, and units and units of measurement.
- Simplify and evaluate square and cube roots.
- Add, subtract, and multiply polynomials.
- Divide a polynomial by a monomial.
- Solve linear equations and inequalities.
- Solve problems using direct and inverse variations.
- Graph using slope and y-intercept.
- Use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the third side of a triangle.
- Translate a verbal statement into a mathematical equation and solve.
- Calculate ad solve applied problems of the perimeter, circumference, area , volume, and
surface area.
- Factor polynomials
- Solve applied problems using these competencies with real world applications.
Course Requirements: Students will be expected to attend class each day, work the
assigned homework, take all test and quizzes in a timely
manner. Attendance will be kept and those students with
more than 6 absences (2 weeks) will be given an E.
Course Outline: For MT 055: We will cover chapters 1-8
For MT 065: We will cover chapter 9-13, 15
Course Evaluation: This is a self directed course in that what you miss on the
pretest determines what your homework assignment is.
No two students in this class will have exactly all of the same
homework all of the time.
Each student will follow the following order;
- Take pretest for chapter. All pretest must be taken in class.
Pretest is timed. A maximum of 50 minutes is allowed for each test.After the 1st pretest you must inform me when you want to take a pretest. Unless I indicate so no calculators are allowed on the pretest or posttest.
- If you score 80% or above on the pretest proceed to the next chapter pretest.
- If you do not score 80% or above you will receive a computer generated study plan. When you complete that study plan you may request to post test on a chapter.
As you work on your problems work for speed andaccuracy. You may use a calculator to check you work with but do not work the problems with a calculator.
- Post test for the chapter you have been working on.
Post test must be taken in class. You must notify me if you plan to post test. They are timedthrough chapter 6 and until we get past the basic skills you may not use a calculator. You must have a 70% on the post test to proceed to the next chapter. You may have two chances on the post test before generatinga new study plan.
5. After the completion of chapter 1-8 you may take the
final exam for MT 055. Once you have passed the final
and obtained at least a 70 average you may proceed to MT
065. The process will be the same for 065.
6. Final Exams:
For MT 055: The final for MT 055 consist of a 30
question arithmetic skills testand a
35 question teacher generated exam.
In order to pass MT 055 you must pass
the 30 question Arithmetic Skills Test
with a 70% or above to pass this class.
You must have a 70% average to pass
the course. You may not go onto MT 065
with a D average.
For MT 065: For Beginning algebra you will have a.
departmental exam. This exam will count
will be accumulative and will count 100
points. . You must have a 70% average or able to
go onto the next class.
Grading Scale: Grades will be determined according to the following scale.
A= 92.0%-100%
B= 82.0%-92.0%
C= 82.0%-70.0 %
E= Below 70%
All grades will be rounded to the nearest tenth of a point.
Attendance Policy: The attendance policy for this course is a department
attendance adopted for all developmental math courses.
Attendance will be taken on a daily basis. It is your
responsibility to make sure your attendance is marked correctly. Anyone who misses more that two weeks (in this case 6 class periods) will fail this course. If you know you
are going to miss this class in advance please see me. It is possible to make up a class in the math lab if another math teacher is there.
Student Code of Conduct: Students are expected to follow the acceptable behavior
policies outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Handbook (Pages 23-26) both in the classroom and outside of the classroom. This had book can be found on
the OCTC Web site. Please make special note of the zero
tolerance policy for any threatening or terroristic threatening behavior.
Withdrawal Policy: If you have no more than 6 absences and have been trying in
in this class you will be allowed to withdraw up until the
last regular class period of the semester.
Final Exam Schedule: Monday- December 8th. 11:00-1:00 p.m.
General Education Competencies:Fall 2006
I. Communicate Effectively
1. Read and listen with comprehension.
2. Speak and write clearly using standard English.
3. Interact cooperatively with others using both verbal and non-verbal means.
4. Demonstrate information processing through basic computer skills (or calculator skills).
Method of Assessment: Written explanation of mathematical problems will be required of each student on either exams and/or homework.
II. Think Critically
1. Make connections in learning across the disciplines and draw logical conclusions.
2. Demonstrate problem solving through interpreting, analyzing, summarizing, and/or integrating a
variety of materials.
3. Use mathematics to organize, analyze, and synthesize data to solve a problem.
Method of Assessment: Exams and/or homework will consist of a significant number of application problems and/or projects.
III. Learn Independently
1. Use appropriate search strategies and resources to find, evaluate, and use information.
2. Make choices based upon awareness of ethics and differing perspectives/ideas.
3. Apply learning in academic, personal, and public situations.
4. Think creatively to develop new ideas, processes, or products.
Method of Assessment: Exams and/or homework will consist of some application problems, and the student will be expected to demonstrate traditional work ethics of responsibility, attendance, class participation, and cooperation.
IV. Examine Relationships in Diverse and Complex Environments
1.Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship of the individual to the biological and physical environment.
2.Develop an awareness of self as an individual member of a multicultural global community.
Method of Assessment: Students will be expected to demonstrate respect to the instructor and other students in the class, open-mindedness towards different approaches to problem solving, and willingness to learn from each other.
A Special Note:
Please put your cell phone on vibrate or turn it off before
entering the math lab.
Please by respectful of other students testing and working
in the math lab. If you are working with another student
it is OK to talk but please whisper.
Please clip and return by the third (3rd.) class period)
I ______(Print Name) wish to enroll in MT-055-065 at Owensboro Community and TechnicalCollege. I understand and agree to complete the above requirements for
MT 055-065
______(Signature) ______(Date)
If it becomes necessary for me to withdraw from this class I understand the
required process that is outlined in the above MT 055-065 syllabus.