October 11, 2011 / Dye Lab – Steve Harris, Hour

Dye Lab Questions

1.  Given a 20% stock “X” solution and nano-water, how much stock “X” solution and nano-water would you need to make a 100mls of 5%?
M1*V1=M2*V2 20%V1=5%*100ml V1=25ml of X and 75 ml of N-H20

2.  Given a .5% stock “Y” solution and glycerol, how much stock “Y” solution and glycerol would you need to make a 200 ulmls of .05%?
.5%*V1=.05%*200 V1=20 ulml of Y andn 180 ulml of glycerol

3.  Describe the relationship between charge of a molecule and the direction of migration in an agrose gel.
A molecule always travels to the opposite charged side of what its charge is. For example, a negatively charged molecule will migrate towards the red positively charged side of the agrose gel. However, if the gel is denatured then all molecules travel towards the positive red side.

4.  Describe the relationship between molecular size of a molecule and the distance of migration in an agrose gel.
The molecular size of a molecule and the distance of migration in an agrose gel are inversely proportional. This means that the larger the molecule is the less distance it will travel.

5.  In order, what would be your top three agarose and concentration options if you were conducting an experiment on DNA 3.0Kbp-5.0Kbp?

LE Agarose 1 X TBE 1.00% Buffer

LE Agarose 1 X TAE 1.20% Buffer

LE Agarose 1 X TBE 0.85% Buffer

6.  In order, what would be your top three agarose and concentration options if you were conducting an experiment on DNA 100bp-150bp?
MetaPhor Agarose 1 X TBE Buffer 3.0% Buffer

MetaPhor Agarose 1 X TAE Buffer 4.0% Buffer
MetaPhor Agarose 1 X TBE Buffer 2.0% Buffer

7.  In a 1.25%, 1xTBE, LE agarose gel, Bromophenol Blue and Xylene Cyananol travel equal to DNA of what size in bp?
Bromophenol Blue travels equal to DNA of 260 bp and Xylene Cyananol travels equal to DNA of 2,500 bp.

8.  What are the 3 dyes used to make up the unknown sample and what are the three dyes used in 6x loading dye?
The 3 dyes are crystal violet, xylene cyanole, and Bromophenol Blue and the 6x loading dye is Bromophenol blue, orange G and 6x loading dye.