Tunnelling Company Reinforcements
Albert Bodkin was born on the Lachlan River, NSW in 1867 the son of George and Mary (nee Walsh) Bodkin. In 1916 he was a woodcutter at Lakeside Woodline, Kalgoorlie, W.A.
At the Recruiting Depot at Boulder, Western Australia on February 20, 1917 the unmarried miner applied to enlist for service abroad and passed the preliminary medical examination at Kalgoorlie, W.A. later that day. Personal particulars taken then, show he deleted a few birthdays to give his age at forty-five years and was residing at Tarunda Boarding House, Boulder Block, W.A. He stood 173cms (5ft 8ins) in height with a chest expansion of 84-90cms (33-35½ins). His eyes of blue tested to fair in the right eye and poor in the left and fitness was declared allowing the Recruiting Officer to accept his application the following day.
Attestation Forms also reveal that the miner weighed 76.3kgs (168lbs) and had a fair complexion and nearly bald with reddish hair. He required extensive dental treatment and found to have had no fits, insanity or Tuberculosis. Roman Catholic was his religious faith. Next-of-kin was given as his brother George Bodkin of Lithgow, NSW and he signed and took the “Oath of Allegiance” the same day.
Basic training commenced for Private Bodkin on February 23, 1917 with D2 Depot Battalion at Blackboy Hill camp until March 27 when he was placed for further instruction with the 8th Reinforcements to the 44th Battalion. On March 7 he was transferred to the Miners’ X Depot at Blackboy Hill training up to May 5, 1917 in the rank of Sapper.
Adjusting to the restrictions of military life wasn’t easy and was disciplined for the following on May 4:
3 / 5 / 17Absent without leave from Reveille until arrested at Darling Range Hotel
by M.P. at 11 a.m. 1 day.
Award:(1) Admonished by 2nd Lt-Col X Depot.
(2) Forfeits 1 day’s pay. C.C. 4 days.
While training with the Tunnelling Company Reinforcements from May 16 to June 26, 1917 the following was dealt with:
25 / 5 / 17Absent from Reveille till 7 a.m. 26/5/17
Award:Forfeits two days pay and fined 2/6 (25cents). 28/5/17
4 / 6 / 17Breaking camp until about 8 a.m. 1/6/17 till midnight 2/6/17
Award:Forfeits 2 days pay and fined 5/- (50cents) 4/6/17.
The recruits were relocated from Western Australia by the transport A7 HMAT Medic on June 24, 1917 and were sent to the Miners’ training camp at Seymour, Victoria and assigned to ‘C Coy’ Tunnelling Reinforcements.
7 / 7 / 17Was C.B. [confined to barracks] for 4 days by O.C. Technical Depot.
His conduct was rated as fair.
On July 13, 1917 Sapper Bodkin entered the Clearing Hospital at the Seymour Military Camp with acute Bronchitis developing a high temperature to Pneumonia symptoms and was transferred the next day to the 5th Aust General Hospital in Melbourne in Ward 12.
His medical notes state:
Heavy cold 7-8 days, ? cough, headaches and vomiting.
15/7/17 Diminished re-active base if any. Dullness, Crepitations, (Crackling sound) Sputum rusty. Seen by Col Anderson, No spinal dullness, blood pressure 130, abdominal distension.
Sapper Albert Bodkin died on July 18, 1917 at 10 p.m. in the No. 5 Aust General Hospital age given as 46 years. His sister-in-law was present at his death and she informed his brother. He was interred in the Coburg General Cemetery, Melbourne, Vic. on July 20, 1917 and accorded a Military Funeral.
The Medical Certificate of Death issued states cause of death:
The Acting Commandant of the 3rd Military District notified Base Records on July 20, 1917 of Sapper Bodkin’s death and sent all relevant information to their Office. The next day further correspondence was forwarded to the Assistant Adjutant General and on July 30 continuation of report followed. Copy was made for War Pensions.
On December 19, 1919 the circular and booklet were forwarded to his brother.
A circular requesting information was sent to George Bodkin, his brother in Lithgow, NSW in January 1920 but was returned to Base Records unclaimed. This prompted a request to furnish the address of his next-of-kin from the 5th Military District on March 17, 1920.
Base Records wrote to George Bodkin at 208 Marrickville Road, Marrickville, NSW on April 28, 1920 inquiring if his parents were still living, and if so, their present address or if there was an elder surviving brother other than him. The information was required to facilitate mementoes to the legal next-of-kin and upon receipt of his advice necessary action would be taken to forward the Memorial Plaque and Scroll accordingly.
Sapper Albert Bodkin, 6th Company Tunnelling Reinforcements did not leave Australia to serve overseas therefore was ineligible for war medals. He was entitled to receive the Memorial Plaque (597034) and the Memorial Scroll (597034) but issue was stamped ‘pending’ probably because there was no reply received from his brother.
The location of his grave is in the Roman Catholic section of the Coburg General Cemetery, Melbourne in Compartment E in grave no. 749.
© Donna Baldey 2011